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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,船舶承退租检验业务操作流程,烟台中联理货有限公司 马吉承,电话 :,13583583160,E-mail:majc_ynt,1,1.,租船合同或租船租约,(,1,) 定程租船,(,2,) 定期租船,(,3,) 光船租船,(一)船舶承退租鉴定的相关知识,2,2.,交船,(Delivery of the ship),和还船(,Redelivery of the ship,),交船就是船东把船舶和它的船员交给租方使用。,还船就是在租期届满时,租方将原船按交船时相似完好状态交给船东。,交船时要符合下列条件:,(,1,) 货就绪,各货舱均已清扫干净。,(,2,) 船上存油量和船上设备符合租约规定。,(,3,) 船舶证件齐备,有效。,(,4,) 申请有关检验机构对船舶进行检验,做出检验报告。,(,5,) 最后由船租双方签署交船证书。,换船是除上述(,3,)外,其他条件相同。,(一)船舶承退租鉴定的相关知识,3,(一)船舶承退租鉴定的相关知识,3.,转租(,Sublet,),4,(二) 船舶承退租鉴定的概念,船舶承退租鉴定,就是检验鉴定机构应船舶所有人或租船人的委托,对交船或还船以及转租时船舶外观状况和燃油存有量进行鉴定,出据相应报告的工作。,检验鉴定机构应船舶所有人或租船人的委托,对交船时船舶外观状况和燃油存有量的鉴定,是承租鉴定(或称起租鉴定),检验鉴定机构应船舶所有人或租船人的委托,对还船时船舶外观状况和燃油存有量的鉴定,是退租鉴定(或称还船鉴定),5,1.,船况鉴定(,Ships Condition Survey,),(1),船壳部分(,Hull,),(2) ),船玄部分(,Bulwark/Railing,),(3),主甲板(,Main Deck,),(4),货舱及其附属设施,(5),艏楼部分(,Forecastle,),(6),艉楼部分,(7),驾驶室(,Bridge,),(8),机舱及舵室(,Engine room And Steering Gear Room,),(三) 船舶承退租鉴定的工作内容,6,2.,燃油鉴定(,Bunker Survey,),燃油鉴定是通过对船舶燃油舱进行测量,依据船方提供的油舱计量表并经过相应的校正后计算承退租是船舶燃油的存油量(,Bunker ROB,),(1),油舱的测量,测量时应具备的条件,(,a,),该船应具备经有关检定部门检定合格的油舱舱容表,。,(,b,),船舶有纵横倾时,应有正规的纵横倾舱容或液位高度修正表,。,(,c,),燃油舱应有测量孔或测量管的装置,其测量基准点的位置一般应在舱容表上列明,并应与实际相符,。,(,d,),使用的计量工具,包括量油尺、温度计等应经检定合格并在使用有效期内,。,(,e,) 如果该船正在加油,应待加油结束后,0.5,小时至,1,小时后方可进行测量。,(三) 船舶承退租鉴定的工作内容,7,2.,燃油鉴定(,Bunker Survey,),查看船舶的纵倾和横倾,测量燃油舱液位或空距,测量燃油舱温度,燃油密度的确定,(,2,)燃油重量的计算,燃油体积的确定,燃油重量的计算,(,3,)承退租时刻燃油重量的推算,承退租时刻,燃油日消耗量,(三) 船舶承退租鉴定的工作内容,8,3.,船况加燃油鉴定,船况加燃油鉴定包括船况鉴定与燃油鉴定俩部分业务,需要对船况和燃油的存量分别进行鉴定。,(三) 船舶承退租鉴定的工作内容,9,1.,船况鉴定,2.,燃油鉴定,(四) 船舶承退租鉴定证书,10,SURVEY REPORT ON,M.V. “CONFIDENCE OCEAN”,- On Hire Bunker & Condition Survey at,Longyan,Port on September 21, 2011,THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the undersigned surveyor did, at the request of,Qingdao,Huiquan,Shipping Co., Ltd,and on behalf of the interests of,Qingdao,Huiquan,Shipping Co., Ltd,CONFIDENCE OCEAN SHIPPING CO,.LTD,attend,onboard M.V. “CONFIDENCE OCEAN” on September 21, 2011, whilst she was berthed alongside No.2 wharf of,Longyan,shipyard, port of,Longyan, P. R. China, for the purpose of carrying out the on-hire bunker and condition survey. Our survey report was noted as follows:,11,1.,Ships Particulars,Name of Vessel:CONFIDENCE OCEAN,Registry Port:PANAMA,IMO Number:9145944,Call Sign : 3FQL6,Kind of Vessel:Bulk Carrier,Keel Loaded:June 11, 1996,Date of Delivery:November 16, 1996,Owners:CONFIDENCE SHIPPING CO,.LTD,G / N Tonnage:16450.00 / 26586.00,LOA / Breadth / Depth:189.33M / 30.95M / 16.40M,Output (M.C.O.):9480kw (12900PS)*127 min-1,Output (C.S.O.)(90%M.C.O.):8532kw (11600PS)*122.6 min-1,12,2.,Our Attendance & Interview,On receiving the instruction, the undersigned surveyor got contact with the local agent, and learned M.V. “CONFIDENCE OCEAN” was lying at No.2 berth of,Longyan,shipyard, port of,Longyan, P.R. China. Because the shortage of berth, MV.CONFIDENCE OCEAN made fast alongside a new ship named MV.POLA PAOAL at the same berth.,At about 1000hrs on September 1, 2011, M.V. “CONFIDENCE OCEAN” got berthed at No.2 wharf of,Longyan,shipyard for annual repair. At about 0930 hours on September 21,2011. The undersigned attended the foresaid vessel after the local immigration officers formal procedures. The Master Capt. Zhang,Zhentian, the Chief Engineer,Mr.Zhou,Yaping,were met in the ships office. It was told the vessel bund for,Longyan,for her annual repair. The vessel was reported being delivered from the owners Qingdao,Huiquan,Shipping,Co,.Ltd,. to the charterers DAMPSKIBSSELSKABET A/S NORDEN COPENHAGEN, and got on hire at about 0925hrs on September 22, 2011.,In company with the Chief Engineer, we did perform bunker survey at 1000 hours LMT on September 21, 2011.,The undersigned did carry out hull / hold / and deck fitting condition survey and record properly. We did inspect the ships condition on hatch arrangement, deck equipment, mooring equipment, ladders, hull and etc.,13,3.,Ships Condition,M.V. “CONFIDENCE OCEAN”, a bulk carrier, was built by OSHIMA Shipyard Corporation and delivered on November 16, 1996, registered at Panama, gross weight of 10136.0 tons, equipped with end folding type of steel hatch covers / 5 cargo holds and 4 deck cranes. The navigating bridge, accommodation and engineer space located aft.,Ships condition was inspected at site, which was noted as follows:,14,3.1,Weather Deck,Main deck,Structure in sound condition, well painted on surface, but oil polluted on somewhere.,Forecastle deck,Maintained well and structure in sound,condition,but,oil polluted on somewhere.,Poop deck,Maintained well and structure in sound,condition,but,oil polluted on somewhere.,15,3.2,Deck fittings,The hatch covers were about in the same horizontal line with the main deck when closed, and general flat, painted well, structurally in sound condition.,Windlass and winches on forecastle and poop deck maintained in sound condition; Air vents and air pipes, filling pipes, watertight doors were in sound condition; the gangways and bulwark were in sound condition.,16,3.3,Hull,The hull plating above water line noted structurally in order and well painted.,3.4Condition of holds,During our attendance, the annual repairing work was conducting. The relevant cargo holds and structures etc were inspected, the details noted as below:,17,Hold No.1,Item checked,Structural condition,Tanktop,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained mostly.,Internal side plating,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained scratched on somewhere.,Fore bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Aft bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Ladders,structurally sound condition,Manhole covers,Structure in sound condition,Hatch cover top plating,Structure in sound,condition,well,painted,Hatch cover underside,Structure in sound condition, but slightly scratched on somewhere.,Cell guide,Structure in sound condition,18,Hold No.2,Item checked,Structural condition,Tanktop,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained mostly.,Internal side plating,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained scratched on somewhere.,Fore bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Aft bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Ladders,structurally sound condition,Manhole covers,Structure in sound condition,Hatch cover top plating,Structure in sound,condition,well,painted,Hatch cover underside,Structure in sound condition, but slightly scratched on somewhere.,Cell guide,Structure in sound condition,19,Hold No.2,Item checked,Structural condition,Tanktop,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained mostly.,Internal side plating,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained scratched on somewhere.,Fore bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Aft bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Ladders,structurally sound condition,Manhole covers,Structure in sound condition,Hatch cover top plating,Structure in sound,condition,well,painted,Hatch cover underside,Structure in sound condition, but slightly scratched on somewhere.,Cell guide,Structure in sound condition,20,Hold No.3,Item checked,Structural condition,Tanktop,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained mostly.,Internal side plating,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained scratched on somewhere.,Fore bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Aft bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Ladders,structurally sound condition,Manhole covers,Structure in sound condition,Hatch cover top plating,Structure in sound,condition,well,painted,Hatch cover underside,Structure in sound condition, but slightly scratched on somewhere.,Cell guide,Structure in sound condition,21,Hold No.4,Item checked,Structural condition,Tanktop,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained mostly.,Internal side plating,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained scratched on somewhere.,Fore bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Aft bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Ladders,structurally sound condition,Manhole covers,Structure in sound condition,Hatch cover top plating,Structure in sound,condition,well,painted,Hatch cover underside,Structure in sound condition, but slightly scratched on somewhere.,Cell guide,Structure in sound condition,22,Hold No.5,Item checked,Structural condition,Tanktop,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained mostly.,Internal side plating,Structure in sound condition, but the plate was rust stained scratched on somewhere.,Fore bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Aft bulkhead,Structure in sound,condition,but,the plate was rust stained / scratched on somewhere.,Ladders,structurally sound condition,Manhole covers,Structure in sound condition,Hatch cover top plating,Structure in sound,condition,well,painted,Hatch cover underside,Structure in sound condition, but slightly scratched on somewhere.,Cell guide,Structure in sound condition,23,4.Fuel Oil and Diesel Oil,The Fuel Oil and Diesel Oil Tanks were sounded in the presence of the vessels Chief Engineer at 1000 hours LMT (0200 hours GMT) on September 21, 2011. The vessel was reported to have gone on-hire / delivery at 0925 hours LMT on September 22, 2011 (0125 hours GMT on September 22, 2011). The quantity of Fuel Oil and Diesel Oil on board which were sounded and calculated noted as follows:,F.O.,A,),Intermediate Fuel Oil on board at 1000 hours LT on September 21 (0200hrs GMT on September 21) 2011.874.9577 tons,B,),Fuel Oil on board at 0925 hours LT on September 22 (0125 hours GMT on September 22), 2011 when the vessel went on-hire / delivery.873.96 tons,D.O.,C,),Intermediate Marine diesel oil on board at 1000 hours LT on September 21 (0200hrs GMT September 21), 201159.2236 tons,D,),Marine diesel Oil on board at 0925 hours LT on September 22 (0125 hours GMT on September 22), 2011 when the vessel went on-hire / delivery.57.7 tons,24,5.Fuel Consumption,A)Main,engine type & numberMITSHUBISHI 6UEC50LSII/BHP-9900,PS110.0,RPM,B)Output,(M.C.O.)9480KW (12900 PS)*127 min-1,Output (C.S.O.) (90% M.C.O.)8532KW (11600 PS)*122.6 min-1,C)Fuel,Oil25.5 tons / day at sea,1.0 tons / day in port,1.0 tons / day in anchorage,D)Diesel,Oil0.3 ton / day at sea,1.5 ton / day in port,1.5 ton / day in anchorage,25,6.Ships Certificates,CERTIFICATE,ISSUED,VALID UNTIL,Description,Issued Date,Expiry Date,Certificate of Registry,2010-12-02,2015-12-18,Certificate of Class,2008-09-16,2011-11-15,Certificate of Minimum Safe Manning,2006-12-11,permanence,International Tonnage Certificate,2006-09-15,permanence,International Load Line Certificate,2010-12-23,2011-11-15,Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate,2008-09-16,2011-11-15,Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate,2008-09-16,2011-11-15,Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate,2010-12-23,2011-11-15,Document of Compliance,2010-11-29,2015-12-07,Safety Management Certificate,2007-09-14,permanence,I.S.S.C,2008-05-08,2013-04-04,26,7.Photographs,One set of photographs taken at the time of our survey is attached to this report.,This report represents our finding at the time and place of inspection stated herein. Such inspection has been carried out and report issued to the best of our knowledge and ability without prejudice to interests of any parties concerned,.,Qingdao Port, June 19, 2011,Shanghai,Yingxin,Marine Service Co., Ltd.,_,(Dawn Chen),Staff Surveyor,27,Attachmen,1. Copy of Ships Particulars(1 page),2. Copy of Crew List(1 page),3. Copy of Bunker Survey Report Onboard (1 Page),4. Copy of Certificate of On- Hire Bunker Quantity (1 Page),5. Photographs (a set),CERTIFICATE,OF,OFF HIRE BUNKER QUANTITY,28,2.,燃油鉴定,29,2. FUEL ON BOARD at,1200,hrs. on,December.10, 2011,SHIPS,SOUNDING/,G.O.V.,Cu.M,.,API 60F,TEMP.,FACTOR,G.S.V.,Cu.M,.,W.C.F.,TONNES M/T,TANK,ULLAGES M/FT,AT TEMP,Density 1,5,F-,T-54B,1,5,T-56,1 HFO P,0.18,3.805,0.9894,23,0.99464,3.7846,0.9883,3.7403,1 HFO S,0.14,2.665,0.9894,23,0.99464,2.6507,0.9883,2.6197,2 HFO P,0.11,0.9,0.9894,20,0.99665,0.8970,0.9883,0.8865,2 HFO S,0.03,2.95,0.9894,20,0.99665,2.9401,0.9883,2.9057,3 HFO P,0,0,0.9894,0,0.0000,0.9883,0.0000,3 HFO S,0,0,0.9894,0,0.0000,0.9883,0.0000,OVER FLOW 1,0,0,0.9894,0,0.0000,0.9883,0.0000,OVER FLOW 2,0,0,0.9894,0,0,0.0000,0.9883,0.0000,OVER FLOW 3,0.26,1.3,0.9894,4,1.00737,1.3096,0.9883,1.2943,SETT 1,Gauge,29.7,0.9894,72,0.96181,28.5658,0.9883,28.2315,SETT 2,Gauge,9.6,0.9894,75,0.9598,9.2141,0.9883,9.1063,SERV.,Gauge,37,0.9894,95,0.9464,35.0168,0.9883,34.6071,TOTAL,0.0000,-0.0011,0.0000,Total:,83.3914,30,3.DIESEL/GAS OIL ON BOARD at,1200,hrs. on,December.10, 2011,SHIPS,SOUNDING/,G.O.V.,Cu.M,.,API 60F,TEMP.,FACTOR,G.S.V.,Cu.M,.,W.C.F.,TONNES M/T,TANK,ULLAGES M/FT,AT TEMP,Density 1,5,F-,T-54B,1,5,T-56,MDO P,0.15,0.05,0.8552,5,1.0079,0.0504,0.8541,0.0430,MDO S,1.1,7.1,0.8552,5,1.0079,7.1561,0.8541,6.1120,SET,0,0,0,0,0,0.0000,-0.0011,0.0000,Star.,Gauge,25,0.8552,20,0.99605,24.9013,0.8541,21.2682,0.0000,-0.0011,0.0000,Total:,27.4232,SURVEYOR_,Draft: F:,3.95,M,4.88 M,(Signature),A:,4.45,M,7.38 M,Trim:,0.5,M,2.5 M,List:,0,M,0 M,CHIEF ENGINEER_,_,IMPORTANT,:,The information contained in this report may be privileged and confidential. If you are not the recipients, any unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, distribution or discrimination is strictly prohibited. Thank you!,31,CERTIFICATEOFOFF HIRE BUNKER QUANTITY,THIS IS TO CERTIFY,that the vessel M.V.,WARNOW CARP,(Port of Registry:,St. Johns, IMO No.:,9437256,) was duly redelivered from,Sinotrans,Container Lines Co., Ltd.,and accepted by,Schifffahrtskontor,Warnow,GmbH &,Co.,KG,.,Vessel bunker tanks were gauged in the presence of the vessels Chief Engineer and the Quantity on board was computed / and assessed by this company as follows at,1800,hours LMT on,December. 18, 2011,(,1000,hours GMT on,December 18, 2011,).,Fuel Oil :,83.3914,MT,Diesel Oil:,27.4232,MT,Bunkers calculated to be on board at,hours LMT on,(,hours GMT on,) when the vessel went Off Hire.,Fuel Oil :,MT,Diesel Oil:,MT,32,


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