报刊选读课件(The Decline of Neatness)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,13.The Decline of Neatness,Background knowledge,New Word,Difficult sentence,Language features,Structure of the essay,Questions on the article,Background,Time magazine,The American Dress,The Beverly Hills,Hotel,Forbidden fruit,back,The Beverly Hills Hotel,is a,hotel,in,Beverly Hills,CA, at 9641,Sunset Boulevard,. It was opened on,May 12,1912,and started by Margaret J. Anderson and her son, Stanley S. Anderson, who had been managing the,Hollywood Hotel,. The original main building of the Beverly Hills Hotel was designed by Pasadena architect Elmer Grey. The extensive gardens of the grounds were designed by landscape architect Wilbur David Cook. Since the citys inception, the hotel has been a central meeting place for residents and business people, especially from Los Angeless movie and television industries.,back,Time,was created in 1923 by,Briton Hadden,and,Henry Luce, making it the first weekly news magazine in the,United States,. The two had previously worked together as chairman and managing editor of the,Yale Daily News,. Hadden was a rather carefree figure, who liked to tease Luce and saw,Time,as something important but also fun. That accounts for its tone, which many people still criticize as too light for serious news and more suited to its heavy coverage of celebrities (including politicians), the entertainment industry, and pop culture. It set out to tell the news through people, and for many decades the magazines cover was of a single person. The first issue of,Time,was published on,March 3,1923, featuring on its cover,Joseph G. Cannon, the retired,Speaker of the United States House of Representatives,.,People,was originally inspired by,Time,s People page.,back,The only official,editorial,that,Time,has ever published was in 1974, calling for the resignation of,Richard Nixon,.,back,Americans dont have distinctive folk attire with a long tradition.,American dress is distinctive because of its casualness.,The idea of “casual Friday”.,No item of clothing is more American than the blue jeans invented in 1873 by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss. These two visionary immigrants, turned denim, thread and a little metal into the most popular clothing product in the world. Waist overalls, was the traditional name for work pants, which is what these first jeans were called. The word jeans became more popular around 1960 when the baby-boom generation adopted the term for its favorite type of pants, blue jeans.,1921,年,2007,年,back,Cultural background:,Jeans,are,trousers,traditionally made from,denim, but may also be made from a variety of fabrics,众议院议长,back,back,Initially, blue jeans were simply sturdy trousers worn by,workers, especially in the factories during,World War II,. During this period, mens jeans had the zipper down the front, whereas womens jeans had the zipper down the right side. By the 1960s, both mens and womens jeans had the zipper down the front. In the,United States,during the,1950s, wearing of blue jeans by,teenagers,and,young adults,became symbolic of mild protest against conformity.,New words,. crisply adv freshly,spanking adv very, completely,discard v.,to throw,sth,out or away,disheveled adj.,(of hair or cloth) untidy,phony adj.(,指某人,),假装的,冒充的,deprivation n. poverty,desensitization n. less strong reaction to,sth,shun v. to keep away from,devoid adj. completely lacking in something,incentive n. stimulus, encouragement,gory adj. bloody,glamorization n.,美化,atrophy v. to become weak,transfix v. to make,sb,unable to move,mutilate v.,使丧失四肢,使伤残,saturate v. to fill,sb./sth,. completely with,sth,.,unkempt adj. dirty & messy,back,Analysis of difficult sentences,1. an apt tag for our time is the Unkempt Generation:,我们这个时代的合适标签是“邋遢的一代”。,2. The sloppiness virus has spread to all sectors of society:,邋遢这种病毒已经蔓延到社会各个部分,3.People go to all sorts of trouble and expense to look uncombed, unshaved,unpressed,.,人们不惜代价,不厌其烦,呈现一副边幅不修、衣衫不整、十分邋遢的形象。,4.Disheveled is in fashion; neatness is obsolete.,时下流行的是衣冠不整,服饰整洁以不合时宜。,5.No generation has strained harder than ours to affect a casual, relaxed, cool look.,没有哪一代人像我们这一代这样努力装出一副随便、轻松、酷的样子。,6.None has succeeded more spectacularly in looking as though it had been stamped out by cookie cutters.,没有拿一代人如此出奇成功地塑造出看上去犹如饼干模子压出来一样的形象。,7. The attempt to avoid any appearance of being-groomed or even neatdeprivation.,这种避免服饰考究、衣着整洁形象的努力真是煞费苦心,显出故意装出的虚假穷酸相。,8. slovenly speech comes off the same spool.,言语杂乱如出一辙。,9. swank Polo Lounge,:,fashionable Polo Lounge,10. Spew and sprawl are taking over:,filthy language in fashion,11. People are not as uncomfortable as they ought to be about the glamorization of human hurt.,对于人类遭残害的渲染镜头,人们并没有表现出应有的不安。,12. If you saturate young minds with materials,showingrevulsion or resistance.,如果你让年轻人所看的大量内容显示人类毫无价值,人类可以任人凌辱、任人宰割的话,其结果将是他们对一切本应表示反感和抵制的事物,采取麻木不仁的态度。,back,Language feature,Change of pace editorial,1. sarcasm: The attempt to avoid any appearance of being well groomed or even neat has a quality of desperation about it and suggests a calculated and phony deprivation.,2. allusion,Motion-picture exhibitors have a strong preference for the R-rating, ,forbidden fruit,3.overstatement,Manufacturers compete with one another to offer jeans that are made to look as though theyve just been discarded by clumsy house painters,after ten years of wear,4. alliteration and end rhyme,But,spew,and,sprawl,are taking over.,People communicate in chopped-up phrases, relying on,grunts,and,chants,.,5. Repetition of the initial element,Nothing is more essential in education than respect for the frailty of human beings; nothing is more characteristic of the age than mindless violence.,6. Humor,The danger is not that that it may spawn eunuchs. People who have the habit of seeing everything and doing anything run the risk of feeling nothing.,B,ack,Structure of the essay,Part I (,Paras,. 1-3): Sloppy appearance,Part II (,Paras,. 4): Slovenly speech,Part III (,Paras,. 5-7): Callous attitudes,towards,brutality,Part IV (,Paras,. 8):Bad human relationship,Part V (,Paras,. 9-10): Authors wishes,1. calculated sloppiness will run its course,Schools will encourage genuine creativity.,Back,Questions on the article,1. What is the apt tag for the present generation in America according to the author?,2. What kind of dress is the symbol for the present era?,3. How do manufacturers meet customers demand for this kind of dress?,4. According to the author, how do American people communicate today?,5. Why are screenwriters careful not to turn in scripts that are devoid of foul language?,6. What consequences would TV violence and sex scenes lead,to?,People will become desensitized,7,. Whats the authors hope concerning peoples dress, speech, manner and relationships?,What problem exists with present-day TV in America?,The screen is teemed with violence and sex scenes.,2. What consequences would TV violence and sex scenes lead to?,People will become desensitized.,3. Whats the authors hope concerning peoples dress, speech, manner and relationships?,He hopes that sloppiness will run its course and people will return to civilization and creativity.,:,故事中伊甸园,(Eden Garden),内一棵知善恶树上的果实,.,据,记载,人类的始祖,Adam, Eve,没有听从上帝的忠告,受了,serpent,的引诱,偷吃了伊甸园中智慧树上的禁果,结果被赶出了伊甸园,.,现指”因被禁止反而更想得到的东西”,即”禁果好吃”之意,.,back,


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