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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 6,Terms of Payment,Introduction,Remittance,汇付,汇款人将货款交所在地银行,由该银行委托收款人所在地银行转交给收款人。,T/T,电汇:,进口地银行用电报通知出口地银行付款给出口人,M/T,信汇:,进口地银行用信件通知出口地银行付款给出口人,D/D,票汇,:,进口人向当地银行购买即期汇票,寄给进口人,出口人持票向指定的银行收取货款。,payment in advance,预付货款,cash with order,随定单付现,cash on delivery,交货付现, open account trade,记帐交易,Introduction,Collection,托收,出口方发货之后,开立以进口方为付款人的商业汇票并附上有关单据,委托当地银行通过进口地所在地银行向进口方代收货款。,D/P,付款交单:代收行在收到进口方货款后,将汇票等单据交付给出口方。,D/A,承兑交单:代收行收到进口方承兑的远期汇票之后,将跟单汇票交给付款人,进口方于汇票到期日付清货款。,Introduction,L/C,进口方银行根据进口方的申请,对出口方开出的,由银行承担第一性付款责任的付款凭证。,Steps of Writing,Suggest the terms of payment,Step1:,Mention the contract, goods, etc.,Eg,:,1) We refer you to Contract No,2) Referring to ,3) With regard to (With reference to ),Steps of Writing,Step 2:,Propose the terms of payment and the reason.,1) As we shall be glad if you ,2) As you know we suggest,3) Owing to we would appreciate it if you,Steps of Writing,Step 3:,Wish the reader to accept.,1) We wish you can accommodate us in this respect.,2) We hope to receive your favorable reply.,Steps of Writing,Reply to the proposal of payment terms,Step 1:,State that you have received the letter.,1) We have received your letter of,2) Thank you for your letter,Steps of Writing,Step 2:,Give your reply of agreeing or refusing and your reason.,1) We agree to,2) We want to make it clear that,3) With regard to we regret being unable to accept.,Steps of Writing,Step 3:,State your good will and your wish to do business with the reader.,1) It is in view of our friendly relationship that we extend you this accommodation.,2) We sincerely hope that we can,Letter 1,Asking for payment by term L/C,Language Points,1. pay v.,付款,1) pay in advance,预付,2) pay by installments,分期付款,3) pay on delivery,货到付款,4) pay by 30 days L/C,pay by time L/C at 30 days,以见票后,30,天议付的信用证付款,5) pay by sight L/C,以即期信用证付款,We trust you will pay our draft on presentation.,我们相信你方在见到我们的汇票时即照付。,2. payable a.,应付的,可付的,1) bills payable,应付票据,2) amount payable,应付金额,3) account payable,应付帐款,4) a check payable at sight,见票即付的支票,The price of goods is payable by installments.,货款可以分期支付。,3. payment n.,支付,1) payment terms, terms of payment,2) payment on deferred terms,延期付款,3) payment in advance,预付货款,4) monthly payment of US$ 2,000,每月付款,2000,美元,in payment of,付某种费用的款,如发票、费用、佣金等,in payment for,付某种具体实物的款,如广告、商品、样品等,We enclose a check for US$3,000 in payment of all commissions due to you up to date.,We have received your check for US$300 in payment for the samples we sent you last month.,4. time credit,远期信用证,Confirmed L/C,保兑的信用证,Unconfirmed L/C,未保兑的信用证,Sight L/C,即期的信用证,Irrevocable L/C,不可撤销的信用证,Transferable L/C,可转让的信用证,Non-transferable L/C,不可转让的信用证,Divisible L/C,可分割的信用证,Indivisible L/C,不可分割的信用证,Documentary L/C,跟单信用证,5. exception n.,例外,6. departure n.,离开,违背(后接介词,from,),1),It is a gross departure from promise.,这严重地违反了你方的诺言。,2)We can get the goods ready before the ships departure.,我们能在起航前将货物备妥。,7. usual practice,惯例,customary practice,1),Its our usual practice to ask for sight L/C , no matter whether the order is large-sized or small-sized.,8. procedure n.,程序,手续,follow the usual procedure,按常规办理,9. precedent n.,先例,precede v. preceding a.,set (establish, create ) a precedent,take,sth,. as a precedent,将某事当作先例,1),我们在这方面的通融不能为以后交易开创先例。,Our accommodation in this respect should not set a precedent for future transactions.,2) This way of settling the case would set an awkward precedent.,这样解决此案将开创一个难以处理的先例。,Analyzing the letter,Paragraph 1:,identifying the reference,Paragraph 2:,accepting the proposal, giving the reasons,Paragraph 3:,making it clear that the concession does not apply to future transactions,Paragraph 4:,detailing the enclosure,Letter 2,Asking for easier payment,Language Points,1. Spinning Machine Parts,纺纱机零件,2. normally adv.,正常地,正常情况下,3. arrangement n.,安排,约定,解决方法,1) We believe such an arrangement will conduce to the development of our business.,我们相信这样一个商定的办法将有助于我们业务的发展。,2)As soon as your L/C arrives, we will make arrangements to ship the goods.,你方信用证一到,我们就安排装货。,4. tie up,缚好,占用,The request for,easier payment terms,is compelled by their funds being tied up in numerous commitments.,由于资金被许多业务占用,他们迫不得已要求较宽容的付款条件。,5. difficult economic climate,经济不景气,6. propose v.,提议,proposal n.,7. cash against documents on arrival of goods,货到凭单付款,5. draw,开出(汇票),draw a draft on,sb,for an amount against,sth,draw on,sb,at sight for an amount against,sth,根据,向某人开出金额为,的,汇票,to accept a draft,承兑汇票,to honor a draft,承兑汇票,to dishonor a draft,拒付汇票,1) We regret,to,note that our 30days draft drawn on you was dishonored .,我们遗憾地得知你方拒付了我们三十天期的汇票。,2) We have drawn a sight draft on you against the documents for the amount of invoice through the Bank of Asia .,我们已根据这些单据通过亚洲银行向你方开立了发票金额的即期汇票。,Analyzing the letter,Paragraph 1:,the reason of the letter,Paragraph 2:,stating the present situation in order to induce the specific request for payment,Paragraph 3:,pressing the vendor to accept the terms,Paragraph 4:,the closing sentence,Letter 3,Declining term L/C,Language Points,1. ready for shipment,备妥待运,2. adhere v.,坚持,忠于,1),We always adhere to the principle of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.,2)We always adhere to our commitments.,我们一贯忠实履行我们的义务。,3) We did our best to persuade them round, but they adhere to their position.,我们尽力说服他们,但他们仍坚持他们的立场。,3. accommodate v.,通融;照顾,accommodation n.,通融;照顾,accommodating adj.,通融的;照顾的,1) The bank is considering accommodate us with a three-year loan.,银行正在考虑给我们提供一笔三年期贷款,2) As a special accommodation, we will accept time L/C at 30 days.,作为一项特殊照顾,我们接受三十天的远期信用证。,4. affect v.,影响,We hope our oversight will not affect our friendship and trade relations.,Letter 4,Asking for payment by D/A,Language Points,1. a chain department store,连锁式百货店,2. count on,指望,依靠,1),You can count on their cooperation with you.,2) They count on imports to stimulate their economy.,4. in the circumstances,在这种情况下,既然这样,such being the case,under the circumstances,5. on ones own account,自负盈亏,at ones own risk,for ones own account,6. ascertain v.,确定,探知,7. check with,与,相符合,协商,Letter 5,Declining D/A payment,Language Points,1. document against acceptance,承兑交单,2. run risk,承担风险,3. volume n.,量,体积,volume of sales,销量,4. expedite v.,加速,The shipment time for your order is approaching, but we have not yet received the covering L/C. Please do your utmost to expedite the same to reach us before the end of this month, so that shipment may be effected without delay.,Letter 6,Asking for direct payment by the buyer,Language Points,1. lumber n.,木材,2. amount n. v.,数额,金额,总额,1),in,(,to , for,),the amount of,金额计,2),to (come to),the amount of,金额达到,3) We can assure you that these increases in price will not amount to an average of more than 5%.,3. in value,按价值,4.,approval n.,批准;认可;同意,approve v.,批准;认可;同意,meet with general approval,获得一致同意,meet with wide approval,获得广泛好评,Letter 7,Agreeing to the proposal for direct payment,Language Points,1. payment against document,付款交单,2. make it clear,弄清楚,3. involve v.,涉及、包括、牵涉,1),The extra premium involved will be for buyers account.,2) The matter involves a series of problems, such as patent, pricing of equipment and sales volume of the product.,4. equivalent n. a.,等值,(,的,),What is the equivalent of US$100 in RMB at the current cross rate?,5. figure n.,数字(指价格),我们不能按照你方价格成交。,We cannot do business at your figure.,6. in the light of,根据,按照,


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