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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Numbers,专项复习,数词,数词的考点,二,.,数词的各种表示法,一、时间的表达方式,1,直接表达法。即先读小时,再读分钟,如:,4,:,10,读成,8,:,36,读成,2,逆读法。即先读分钟,再读小时,分钟小于,30,的用“,past,”,,,中文译为“过”,。,即分钟,+past+,时钟,,中文译为“几点过几分”,如:,5:10,(,5,点过,10,分)读成,2:02,(,2,点过,2,分) 读成,four ten,eight thirty-six,ten past five,two past two,分钟超过,30,(不包括,30,分钟)用,“,to”,(中文译为“差”),即“,60-,分钟数,+to+,钟点数,+1”,(,中文译为:几点差几分,),如:,7,:,45,(八点差,15,分) 读成,1,:,58,(两点差,2,分) 读成,3,半小时用“,half,”,一刻钟用“,quarter,”,。,注意:一刻钟,a quarter,三刻钟,three quarter,s,如:,4: 30,读成,9: 45,读成,a quarter to ten,two to two,half past four,fifteen to eight,特别注意:一个半小时的表达方式:,one / an hour,and a half,one and a half,hours,Can you read them?,1:30,2:15:,3:45,6:38,7:25,9:50,one thirty,half past one,two fifteen,a quarter / fifteen past two,three forty-five,a quarter/ fifteen to four,six thirty-eight,twenty- two to seven,twenty five past seven,seven twenty-five,ten to ten,nine fifty,三年半的两种表达方式,:,three years,and a half,three and a half,years,1. Its already 7:40 now. When will the film start?,_. We still have five minutes.,A. A quarter to seven,B. Seven past forty-five,C. A quarter to eight,1,5,分子,基数词,分母,序数词,one fifth,2,7,分子,1,分母,+ s,two seventh,s,1,4,分子,a,分母,quarter,a quarter,3,4,three quarter,s,1,2,a half,1,3,three,and,one third,3,基数词,+ and +,分数,二,.,数词的表示法,分数百分数,分数、百分数、小数的表达方法 (以分数考法较为常见),1.,分数,:,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于一,分母加,s,1/2,读作,2/3,读作,1/13,读作,3/4,读作,2,小数,百分数的读法,:,小数点读成,point 3.6,读作,百分号,%,读成,percent,50%,读作,one second,(,a half,),two third,s,或者,two,-,third,s,one thirteenth,three fourths,或者,three,-,quarter,s,three point six,fifty percent,80 %,基数词,+,percent,eighty percent,half,/,(,百,),分数,+ of +,可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数,half,/,(,百,),分数,+ of +,不可数名词,谓语动词用单数,3.78,three,point,seven eight,1.,_ of the students _ boys in Class,A. Two three; are B. Two thirds; are,C. Two thirds; is,2.,_ of her money _ spent on clothes.,A. Two three; are B. Two thirds; is,C. Two third; is,3. _ the teachers in our school is about one hundred, and _ of them are women teachers.,A. The number of; two third,B. The number of ; two thirds,C. A number of; two thirds,一个半小时,两个半小时,two,and,a half hour,s,= two hour,s,and,a half,one,and,a half hour,s,= one hour,and,a half,三,.,数词的表示法,半的表示法,1.,The boy always stays there for _.,A. one and half hour,B. one and a half hour,C. one and a half hours,2.,The old man drank_ beer.,A. two bottles and a half,B. two and a half bottle,C. two bottle and a half,一倍,once,,两倍,twice,,,三倍,three time,s,(,三倍或以上 基数词,times),四,.,数词的表示法,倍数,This box is,five,time,s,as,big,as,that one.,=This box is,four,time,s,big,ger,than,that one.,A + be +,倍数,+,as,+adj.,原,+,as,+B.,A,是,B,的,倍,C + be +,倍数,+ adj.,比,+,than,+D.,C,比,D ,倍,1.,This building is _ that building.,A. three time as tall as,B. twice taller than,C. three times as taller as,2.,我的箱子比你的重六倍,!,My box is _ yours.,six times heavier than,seven times as heavy as,The winner is _. He is an _ boy .,A. eight-year-old; eight years old,B. eight years old; eight-year-old,C. eight-years old; eight-year-old, He came to China _.,A. at the age of 20,B. when he is 20,C. at age of 20,五,.,数词的表示法,年龄,The river is about _.,A. 6,000 meters long,B. 6,000-meters-long,C. 6,000-meter-long,五,.,数词的表示法,计量,be +,数词,+,量词,+,形容词,10. He went down to the village which was _miles away from the city.A. three hundreds B. three hundredC. three hundreds of,B. three hundred,6,The wall is_.A,four meters long B,four meter long C,four-meter long,7,Whats the date today? Its_,A,March the eight B,March eighthC,eight,,,March8,It happened in the 1040s,A,in the forties of the eleventh century,B,in the forties of the tenth century,C,in the forty,9,About_ of the earths surface is covered with water.A. three-fours B. three-fourth C. three-fourths,A,four meters long,B,March eighth,A,in the forties of the eleventh century,C. three-fourths,选择填空。,1,March is _month of a year,A,a three B,the third C,a third2,We will have a meeting at 8:05_,A,five to eight B,eight five C,eight o five3,Eight plus eight is_.A,sixteen B,sixty-four C,one4,He is an _boy,A,eight years B,eight-year-old C,eight-years-old5,We will have a_ walk,A,ten minutes B,ten minutes C,ten-minutes,B,the third,C,eight o five,A,sixteen,B,eight-year-old,B,ten minutes,六、加减乘除表示法,1. “,加,”用,plus,,,and,或,add,表示,How much is two plus three? It is five,Two and three is equal to five,2. “,减,”用,minus,How much is ten minus six?3. “,乘,”,multiply,3X4,? How much is three times four?4. “,除,”用,divide,的过去分词形式表示,164=? How much is sixteen divided by four?,2,more,还可与,a little,,,a few,,,a lot,,,several,等词连用,(,1,),There are many more dictionaries on the desk,课桌上有许多词典。,(,2,),Would you like some more tea,?再喝点茶好吗?,4.,名词省略,如果前后意思清楚,,another,或,more,后面的名词可以省去。如:,1,I climbed the stairs slowly,,,carrying a big suitcase,,,my father following with two more,1Tony is going camping with _boys next Sunday,A,little two other B,two little other,C,two other little D,little other two,3,Do you know where he found,the other two,photos,?另外两张照片,3. more,1,more,1,),She has got,five more,electric fans,她还有五台电扇。,七、,another, other, more,修饰数词的用法,1. another,A) another+,名词单数,B),表“,另外的、额外的、附加的,时,,+few,或具体数字的,复数,1,Have you finished your report yet,?,No,,,I will finish it in,10 minutes,A,another B,Other C,more D,less,2,The strike may last,another three days,罢工可能还要持续三天。,2. other,+,复数名词,置于数词之后,B),但与定冠词,the,连用时,,other,要放在数词前。,


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