2-1 Exercises第二版(除翻译)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Exercises,Unit One,Book 2,To use the machine, first _ the correct coins, then select the drink you want and press the button.,insert,投入,插入,Vocabulary Exercise I:,要使用这台机器,首先要投入足够的硬币,然后选择想要的饮料,最后按下按钮。,2. Professor Smith translated not only from the French but also, _ , from the Polish.,史密斯教授不仅能翻译法语,有时也能翻译波兰语,.,Vocabulary Exercise I:,on occasion,有时,3. Food chemists will _ the health food on sale to see if it really does give the benefits claimed.,食品药剂师将研究市场上销售的保健品,看看它是否具有所说的保健功能。,Vocabulary Exercise I:,investigate,调查,研究,4. _ , it was the wrong time to open a new data processing center in this city.,事后看来,在该市开一家新的数据处理中心的时机不适合。,Vocabulary Exercise I:,In retrospect,事后看来,5. My _ reaction to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry.,我对这条新闻的第一反应是宽慰,但后来细想想,我开始感到生气了。,Vocabulary Exercise I:,initial,第一(反应),6. A full understanding of,mathe,-,matics,is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural _ .,对数学的充分理解足以解释多种多样的自然现象,.,Vocabulary Exercise I:,phenomena,(自然)现象,7. Make sure the label is firmly _ to the parcel before you mail it.,在投递之前要确保将标签紧紧地贴在包裹上,.,Vocabulary Exercise I:,attached,贴在(包裹上),8. My boyfriend bought me dinner to _ being late the day before.,Vocabulary Exercise I:,我男朋友请我吃饭,以弥补前天的迟到。,make up for,弥补,补偿,我男朋友前天迟到了,他请我吃饭作为补偿(道歉)。,9. The committee _ a decision from the head office before it takes any action.,Vocabulary Exercise I:,委员会正在等待总部的决定,然后再采取行动。,is awaiting,正在等待,10. The little girl did _ seem to be _ frightened of being left by herself in the house.,Vocabulary Exercise I:,这个小姑娘单独留在家里似乎一点也不害怕。,not,in the least,一点也不(怕),11. The WTO (World Trade Organization) is intended to _ trade among its member states.,Vocabulary Exercise I:,世界贸易组织旨在促进各成员国之间的贸易。,promote,促进,12. When the moon _ from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance.,Vocabulary Exercise I:,当月亮从云层后面出现的时候,我看见远处有个人影在晃动。,emerged,出现,To use the machine, first,insert,the correct coins, then select the drink you want and press the button.,Oral practice:,1),要使用这台机器,首先要,投入,足的硬币,然后选择想要的饮料,最后按下按钮。,Professor Smith translated not only from the French but also,on occasion, from the Polish.,2),史密斯教授不仅能翻译法语,有时,也能翻译波兰语,.,Oral practice:,Food chemists will,investigate,the health food on sale to see if it really does give the benefits claimed.,3),食品药剂师将,研究,市场上销售的保,健品,看看它是否具有所说的保健,功能。,Oral practice:,In retrospect, it was the wrong time to open a new data processing center in this city.,4),事后看来,,在该市开一家新的数据处,理中心的时机不适合。,Oral practice:,My,initial,reaction to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry.,5),我对这条新闻的,第一,反应是宽慰,但,后来细想想,我开始感到生气了。,Oral practice:,A full understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural,phenomena,.,6),对数学的充分理解足以解释多种多样,的自然,现象,.,Oral practice:,Make sure the label is firmly,attached,to the parcel before you mail it.,7),在投递之前要确保将标签紧紧地,贴在,包裹上,.,Oral practice:,My boyfriend bought me dinner to,make up for,being late the day before.,8),我男朋友前天迟到了,他请我吃饭作为,补偿(道歉),。,Oral practice:,The committee,is awaiting,a decision from the head office before it takes any action.,9),委员会,正在等待,总部的决定,然后,再采取行动。,Oral practice:,The little girl did,not,seem to be,in the least,frightened of being left by herself in the house.,10),这个小姑娘单独留在家里似乎,一点,也不,害怕。,Oral practice:,The WTO (World Trade Organization) is intended to,promote,trade among its member states.,11),世界贸易组织旨在,促进,各成员国之,间的贸易。,Oral practice:,When the moon,emerged,from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance.,12),当月亮从云层后面,出现,的时候,我,看见远处有个人影在晃动。,Oral practice:,Rewrite the following: P.15,The standard of living in the north,of the country is strikingly different,from that in the south. (contrast),There is _,_,_ .,Rewrite:,a striking contrast between,the standard of living in the north,of the country and that in the south,2) It is said that synthetic fiber is not,as good as natural fiber. (superior),Natural fiber _,_ .,Rewrite:,is said to be superior,to synthetic fiber,Rewrite the following: P.15,3) The city,s growth in importance,as a financial center has been,slow. (evolve),Rewrite:,The city,s importance _,_ .,as a financial,center has evolved slowly,Rewrite the following: P.15,4) There is no connection between,his nationality and whether he is,a good lawyer. (relevant),Rewrite:,His nationality _,_ .,is not relevant to,whether he is a good lawyer,Rewrite the following: P.15,5),Rewrite:,Some English magazines have printed the poems by a little-known sixteenth-century Italian poet. (find one,s way),The poems _,_,_,_ .,by a little-known,sixteenth-century Italian poet have,found their way into some English,magazines,Rewrite the following: P.15,Chinese isnt a subject that can _,_ in a month. You _,_ your goal of mastering,the language unless you work at it,for years. Well, it sounds as if Im,_ the difficulties, but the,fact is Im only telling the truth.,(accomplish, pick up, exaggerate),picked up,be,accomplish,cant,exaggerating,Complete the following: P.15,The principal,(校长),is _,disappointed with _,of the children. From what she has,gathered, some of the teaching staff,_ their pupils. She has,just announced that strict work,regulations have been made and that,_ both Chinese and,overseas teachers.,(apply, somewhat, neglect, performance),somewhat,the performance,have neglected,they apply to,Complete the following: P.15,The teacher-directed and the child-,directed approaches to teaching art,represent two extremes of opinion.,Too many teacher-directed activities,cannot be expected to effectively,_ children in learning because of,the rigid structure.,(assist,extreme, superior, on the other hand,valid),assist,Complete the following: P.15,以教师为主导的,代表了,两种极端,(的意见),教授艺术的方法,以教师为主导的活动太多不能有效地,帮助,孩子们学习。,由于,(,以教师为主导的,),模式古板僵化。,_, too many child-,directed activities may see a,curri,-,culum,that is totally unstructured,and out of control. There _,reasons to believe a teacher-guided,approach would be _ way,to guide children,s development.,This approach combines some form,of structure with the child leading,the direction.,(assist, extreme,superior, on the other hand, valid),On the other hand,are valid,a superior,Complete the following: P.15,而另一方面,导致课程毫无结构可言,且无法控制。,有,充分(正当),的理由相信,由教师引导的方法,是指导孩子发展的,较好,方法。,把结构形式和孩子喜欢的方向结合了起来。,Interpret:,(,Chinese to English),1.,汉语不是一个月就能学会的。如果你不,努力学上几年,你就不能完成掌握语言,的目标。听起来似乎我在将其艰巨性夸,大其辞, 但事实是我讲的都是实话。,Interpret:,(,Chinese to English),2.,校长对孩子们的表现有点失望。从她所,掌握的情况来看,一些教师忽视了他们,的学生。她刚刚宣布已经制定了严格的,规章制度,这些规章制度既适用于中国,教师,又适用于外国教师。,Interpret:,(,Chinese to English),以教师为主导的和以孩子为主导的教授艺术的方法代表了两种极端(的意见)。由于以教师为主导的模式古板僵化,此类太多活动不能有效地帮助孩子们学习。,而另一方面,,太多的孩子为主导的活动会导致课程毫无结构可言,且无法控制。有充分(正当)的理由相信由教师引导的方法是指导孩子发展的较好方法。这一方法把结构形式和孩子喜欢的方向结合了起来。,3.,Interpret: (English to Chinese),The teacher-directed and the,child-directed approaches to,teaching art represent two,extremes of opinion. Too many,teacher-directed activities can,not be expected to effectively,assist children in learning,because of the rigid structure.,以教师为主导的,教授艺术的方法,代表了两种极端(的意见),由于,(,以教师为主导的,),模式古板僵化。,以教师为主导的活动太多不能有效地帮助孩子们学习。,Interpret:,(,English to Chinese),On the other hand, too many child-,directed activities may see a,curri,-,culum,that is totally unstructured,and out of control. There are valid,reasons to believe a teacher-guided,approach would be a superior way,to guide children,s development.,This approach combines some form,of structure with the child leading,the direction.,导致课程毫无结构可言,且无法控制。,有充分(正当)的理由相信,由教师引导的方法,是指导孩子发展的较好方法,把结构形式和孩子喜欢的方向结合了起来。,Read the paragraph: P. 16,The teacher-directed and the child-directed approaches to teaching art represent two extremes of opinion. Too many teacher-directed activities cannot be expected to effectively assist children in learning because of the rigid structure. On the other hand, too many child-directed activities may see a curriculum that is totally unstructured and out of control. There are valid reasons to believe a teacher-guided approach would be a superior way to guide children,s development. This approach combines some form of structure with the child leading the direction.,The following list of words that may cause confusion in use should be carefully studied.,1.,continual:,The word describes separate actions which are repeated over a period of time.,e.g.,Learning should take place by,continual,careful shaping and molding.,continuous:,The word indicates that an action carries on without stopping or interruption.,e.g.,The ticking of the watch is,continuous,.,2.,principal:,The word can be used as both an adjective and a noun.,The,principal,thing or person in a group is the most important one.,e.g.,Self-reliance is a,principal,value of child rearing in middle-class America.,The,principal,character in the play is a young artist.,The,principal,of a school or college is the person in charge of it.,e.g.,Andrew Franks is the,principal,of Beloit High School.,principle:,The word is only used as a noun.,A,principle,is a basic rule that explains or controls how something works or a guiding rule for behavior.,e.g.,These machines work on the same,principle,.,Mr. Ward is a man of high,principles,.,The following list of words that may cause confusion in use should be carefully studied.,1.,continual:,The word describes separate actions which are repeated over a period of time.,e.g.,Learning should take place by,continual,careful shaping and molding.,continuous:,The word indicates that an action carries on without stopping or interruption.,e.g.,The ticking of the watch is,continuous,.,2.,principal:,The word can be used as both an adjective and a noun.,The,principal,thing or person in a group is the most important one.,e.g.,Self-reliance is a,principal,value of child rearing in middle-class America.,The,principal,character in the play is a young artist.,The,principal,of a school or college is the person in charge of it.,e.g.,Andrew Franks is the,principal,of Beloit High School.,principle:,The word is only used as a noun.,A,principle,is a basic rule that explains or controls how something works or a guiding rule for behavior.,e.g.,These machines work on the same,principle,.,Mr. Ward is a man of high,principles,.,Now put a proper word into each gap in the following sentences.,1. continual continuous,1) Ive had _ problems with this computer ever since I borrowed it from a friend.,2) Gas central heating provides instant warmth and a _ supply of hot water.,continual,continuous,1. continual continuous,3) Your _ interruptions are making it very difficult for me to concentrate.,4) The traffic was awful, a _ line of vehicles extending as far as the eye could see.,continual,continuous,2. principal principle,1) The _ aim of the policy is to bring peace to the area.,2) His _ interest in life was to become the most outstanding genetic engineer (,遗传工程专家,) in Europe.,3) A bicycle or a motorcycle is built on the same _, though the force that moves them is different.,principal,principal,principle,2. principal principle,4) He never allowed himself to be bullied (,威吓,) into doing anything that went against his _.,5) Complaints from the students began arriving at the _ s office.,principles,principal,Usage,Model:Subject or object emphasizers:,oneself, by oneself, on ones own,You can use reflexive pronouns (反身代词) to emphasize subjects or objects.,You can also emphasize that someone did something without any help by using reflexive pronouns, a reflexive pronoun after by, or the phrase on ones own.,e.g. One can solve a problem effectively,oneself/by oneself/on ones own,.,Fill in each gap in the following sentences with an appropriate word or phrase from the above list. In some cases, more than one choice is possible.,1. Doctors,_,are the first to admit that the treatment has side effects.,themselves,2. I saw the minister of education,_,in the VIP lounge (贵宾厅) at the airport.3. Look, Dad, she drew this beautiful bird,_,.,himself/ herself,herself/ by herself/ on her own,4. Weve checked the wiring and the aerial (天线) so the problem may have to do with the television,_,.,itself,5. Weve often made that mistake,_,.6. Did you fix the computer,_,?,ourselves,yourself/ by yourself / on your own,Cloze: Text-related,Complete the following passage with words chosen from the Words and Phrases to Drill box. Change the form where necessary.,Cloze: Text-related,Is there a (1) _ between learning styles in China and the West? While we should be careful to avoid (2) _ the differences, they do appear to exist.,contrast,exaggerating,Cloze: Text-related,In China, for example, greater (3) _ is given to developing skills at an early age. The Americans, (4)_ _ _ _, place more emphasis on (5) _ creativity in young children, leaving them to (6) _ _ skills later.,priority,the other hand,on,promoting,pick up,Cloze: Text-related,American parents tend to avoid rushing in to (7) _ their children as they try to (8) _ a task, thinking it better that children should learn to solve problems by themselves.,assist,accomplish,Cloze: Text-related,Such an approach can, (9)_ _, be mistaken for (10) _ ones parental duties by those more used to teaching by holding the hand. Both approaches have their disadvantages as well as advantages, and it may well be (11) _ to search for a (12) _ method that would combine the best of both worlds.,on occasion,neglecting,worthwhile,superior,Theme-related,The real challenge to us teachers is combining the best of both worlds into one. Creativity and basic skills need to be considered in terms of being means of an (1)_, rather than simply as ends in themselves.,end,Theme-related,Some Chinese students may,bot,(2) _ well in hypothetical (,假设的,) settings, but when it comes to (3) _ real life challenges and issues, they are more than (4) _ in resolving most of them, (5) _ as they are with their strong skills.,perform,facing,competent,equipped,Theme-related,The U.S. system may be (6) _ to aim more at producing top of the cream students, but that (7) _ may do damage to the big bulk of the (8) _ of the student body.,designed,approach,rest,Theme-related,The Chinese system is (9) _ not perfect, but it does not produce a (10) _ workforce. And I truly believe that solid knowledge /skill focus is the single biggest force driving the rise of China as a country.,definitely,quality,Review,:,Translate from Chinese into English,中国与西方在学习方式上有差异吗?,Is there a contrast between learning styles in China and the West?,尽管我们尽量避免夸大其不同处,但差异的确存在。,While we should be careful to avoid exaggerating the differences, they do appear to exist.,比如在中国,人们更重视早期的技能培养。,In China, for example, greater priority is given to developing skills at an early age.,而另一方面,美国更强调提高儿童的创造力,而把技能的培养放在日后。,The Americans, on the other hand, place more emphasis on promoting creativity in young children, leaving them to pick up skills later.,Review,:,Translate from Chinese into English,在孩子试图自己完成任务时,美国父母倾向于避免直接给与帮助,他们认为最好让孩子自己学会解决问题。,American parents tend to avoid rushing in to assist their children as they try to accomplish a task, thinking it better that children should learn to solve problems by themselves.,Review,:,Translate from Chinese into English,有时,这种方法被那些习惯于,“,手把手教,”,的人误解为忽视了父母的责任。,Such an approach can, on occasion, be mistaken for neglecting one,s parental duties by those more used to,“,teaching by holding the hand.,”,Review,:,Translate from Chinese into English,两种方法各有利弊,也许应该寻找一个能吸取东西方教育方法精华的更为优秀的方法。,Both approaches have their disadvantages as well as advantages, and it may well be worthwhile to search for a superior method that would combine the best of both worlds.,Review,:,Translate from Chinese into English,


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