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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Consonants,(辅音),-fricatives,(摩擦音),/f/, /v/, /, /, /s/, /z/, /, /, /h/, /, /, /r/,/f/,例词:,lau,gh,f,at,f,ish,f,amily,短语:,f,resh,f,ruit,f,ast,f,ood,so,f,t so,f,a,f,eel,f,ine,例句:,A: Look at,F,reda! She is,f,ashionable.,B: Her hat is,f,unny.,A: Look at her,f,ur coat. Its,f,abulous.,/v/,例词,:,v,et,v,illage,v,olcano tele,v,ision,短语:,lo,v,ely,v,iew,v,illage,v,et,lea,v,ing arri,v,ing lea,v,es of the,v,ine,例句:,A: Whos dri,v,ing the,v,an?,B: I think,v,ictor is.,A: Who is,v,ictor?,B: He is my new neighbor, he has li,v,ed,here for only a few months.,/,例词,:,too,th,mon,th,th,in,th,irsty,短语:,th,ree,th,ousand Mar,th,as bir,th,day,heal,th,y au,th,or,th,irty ma,th,ematicians,例句:,A: My father is a ma,th,ematician.,B: No wonder you are good at ma,th,ematics.,A: To tell you the tru,th, my father never,teaches me ma,th,.,/,例词,:,fa,th,er brea,th,e,th,at fea,th,er,短语:,smooth lea,th,er get toge,th,er,better,th,an o,th,ers ano,th,er bro,th,er,例句:,A: Lily is taller,th,an Mary.,B: But Mary is slimmer,th,an Lily.,A: Look at,th,em.,Th,eyre doing physical,exercise toge,th,er.,/s/,例词:,s,un,s,mall hor,s,e bi,c,ycle,短语:,s,leep,s,oundly expen,s,ive,c,igarettes,s,ome book,s,s,it in the,s,un,例句:,A: These are cup,s,.,B: Those are,s,au,c,er,s,.,A: Theyre ni,c,e cup,s,and,s,au,c,er,s,.,/z/,例词:,z,oo pri,z,e bee,s,no,s,e,短语:,ja,zz,mu,s,ic clo,s,e the window,s,the,s,e day,s,z,ero animal,例句:,A: Lets go to the,z,oo.,B: Good. I like looking at the,z,ebra,s,.,C: I like the monkeys there. Lets go.,/,例词:,fi,sh,s,ugar,sh,oe,sh,op,短语:,fa,sh,ion,sh,ops friend,sh,ip associa,t,ion,Briti,sh,sh,oes wa,sh,ing ma,ch,ine,例句:,A: This,sh,op sells wa,sh,ing-ma,ch,ines.,B: Do they sell air-condi,t,ioners, too.,A:,S,ure.,/,例词:,gara,g,e plea,s,ure mea,s,ure colli,s,ion,短语:,an unu,s,ual colli,s,ion mea,s,ure a gara,g,e,a great deci,s,ion my plea,s,ure,例句:,A: Lily likes clothes for ca,s,ual wear.,B: Clothes for ca,s,ual wear are comfortable,A: I like to wear them in my lei,s,ure time.,/h/,例词:,h,at,h,ard,h,en,h,igh,短语:,h,eart and,h,and,h,igh,h,eels,h,ead-to-,h,ead,h,appy,h,oneymoon,例句:,A: There was a car accident,h,ere last Sunday.,B: Oh, its,h,orrible!,A: Were you,h,ere when the accident,h,appened?,B: No, I only,h,eard about it.,/,例词:,ch,eek,ch,icken,ch,ur,ch,wat,ch,短语:,Ch,inese,ch,ess whi,ch,but,ch,er,ch,icken and,ch,ips,ch,ange mu,ch,例句:,A: Where are the two,ch,ildren?,B: Theyre having lun,ch,.,A: Here are some,ch,erries for them.,B: Thank you very mu,ch,.,/,例词:,j,eep,j,ug oran,g,e brid,g,e,短语:,a lar,g,e,j,eep in,j,ured passen,g,ers,ad,j,ust the en,g,ine oran,g,e,j,uice,例句:,A: I have an oran,g,e.,B: Oh, your oran,g,e is lar,g,e. Look! Ive,got a lar,g,e sandwich.,A: Yes, it is a very lar,g,e one.,/r/,例词:,r,ose lo,rr,y,r,ubber,r,ocket,短语:,Ame,r,ican waitress a ma,rr,ied secretary,g,r,own up children F,r,ench,r,estau,r,ant,例句:,A:,R,ose works as a secretary at the,r,ailway,station.,B: She does? She is a ve,r,y p,r,etty girl.,A: Yes, ve,r,y.,


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