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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,cocktail,or,pike-me-up,鸡尾酒,Cocktail -,a,masterpiece,of,imagination,.,About Cocktails,Cocktail,is,two or more of the,wine,and,fruit juice,and spices,mixed liquor,(,混合而成酒,)called cocktail,drink,more than temporarily in the modulation,(,多在饮用时,临时调制,).,.,which is recognized by most of the historical data, the time around the late 18th or 19th century and early.,About Cocktails,Originated,in the Americas,How,to deploy and start drinking this type of,color , incense , taste superb,(色,、,香 、 味俱佳),in mixed drinks , and the “cocktail” of its name,the divergent views,(,众说纷纭,).,characteristics,1,、,Cocktails are mixed liquor,2,、,great variety, different transfer method,3,、,with irritation in the taste,4,、,the appetite,(鸡尾酒是混合酒 ),(花样繁多,调法各异),(具有刺激性气味),(能够增进食欲),C,ocktails with obvious irritation,make drinkers excited, so have some alcohol.,Appropriate alcohol concentration to,moderate drinkers nervous tension,muscle relaxation, and so on.,(,适当的酒浓度使饮用者紧张的神经和缓,肌肉放松,等等 ),After drinking, because alcohol contains,trace flavored drinks,(微量调味饮料),such as sour, bitter and so the role of beverages, drinkers should improve the taste, must not be off-putting,(倒胃口), anorexia,(厌食),.,typical cocktail should be sufficient frozen,.,8,、,containing fine,(,盛载考究),6,、,cold nature,(冷饮性质 ),7,、,beautiful color,(色泽优美 ),5,、,tastes better than the monomers,(口味优于单体组分 ),fine,(细致,的,),elegant,(优雅,的,),symmetrical,(匀称,的,),uniform,(均一的),color.,Cocktails should be,Regular,cocktails are clear and transparent or cloudy types,.,澄清透明的或浑浊的两种类型,Cocktails should be,attractive fashion, color,coordinated manner,and that the size of,the appropriate volume of containers,containing cup.,(由式样新颖大方、颜色协调得体、容积大小适当的载杯盛载 ),Ornaments, though not to be, but common,.,(装饰品虽非必须,但却常有的 ),Types,Pretty in Pink,-,红粉佳人,Bloody Mary-,血腥玛丽,Olympics -,诞生于巴黎丽晶饭店的“奥林匹克”是为纪念,1900,年在巴黎举行的奥林匹克运动会而调制成的,或苦尽甘来,奥林匹克,Tequila,Sunrise,-,龙舌兰日出,Manhattan,(”鸡尾酒皇后 “),-,曼哈顿,Margaret,-,玛格莉特,-,螺丝起子,Screwdriver,天使之吻,Angels Kiss,most have a kiss,最有一吻,concerns Monday,忧虑的星期一,Free Cuba “,自由古巴,Blue Moon,蓝色的月亮,Others,ks,1,、,Cocktails are mixed liquor,(鸡尾酒是混合酒 ),cocktail of two or more non-water beverage blending made, including at least one of the alcoholic beverage,(鸡尾酒由两种或两种以上的非水饮料调合而成,其中至少有一种为酒精性饮料),2,、,great variety, different transfer method,(花样,繁多,调法各异),cocktail of raw materials for many kinds of ingredients used in the wine is not the same species, such as two, three, five or even more.,(,用于调酒的原料有很多类型,各酒所用的配料种数也不相同,如两种、,三种甚至五种以上,),3,、,with irritation in the taste,(具有刺激性中味),cocktails with obvious irritation, make drinkers excited, so have some alcohol. Appropriate alcohol concentration to moderate drinkers nervous tension, muscle relaxation, and so on.(,适当的酒浓度使饮用者紧张的神经和缓,肌肉放松,等等,),4,、,the appetite,(能够增进食欲),After drinking, because alcohol contains,trace flavored drinks,(微量调味饮料),such as sour, bitter and so the role of beverages, drinkers should improve the taste, must not be off-putting,(倒胃口), anorexia,(厌食),.,5,、,tastes better than the monomers,(口味优于单体组分 ),Not too sweet, too bitter or too,fragrant,(香),6,、,cold nature,(冷饮性质 ),typical cocktail should be sufficient frozen .,7,、,beautiful color,(色泽优美 ),Cocktails should be fine,(细致 ), elegant,(优雅), symmetrical,(匀称 ), uniform,(均一的),color.,Regular cocktails are clear and transparent or cloudy types.,澄清透明的或浑浊的两种类型,8,、,containing fine,盛载考究,Cocktails should be attractive fashion, color coordinated manner and that the size of the appropriate volume of containers containing cup.,(由式样新颖大方、颜色协调得体、容积大小适当的载杯盛载 ),Ornaments, though not to be, but common.,(装饰品虽非必须,但却常有的 ),


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