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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2014/9/24,#,Jack Ma,Dont Be The Top,Lets Go To Create A Top,.,Ma is well known entrepreneur,(,企业家,), a great reputation,(名声),at home and abroad. Today I want to tell you about Mas business hard road,。,In early 1995, he happened to go to the U.S. for the first time exposed to the Internet. Ma know nothing about the computer, with the help of friends began to understand the Internet .,April 1995, he founded China Pages,widely believed to be chinas first internet-based company.,Do not think about one thousand road at night ,up in the morning to go the same route,。,不要晚上想想有千条路可以走,可早上起来还是走同样的路。,The network really heat up in 1997.Heled his teamto theBeijing struggle, when he was already very famous in the Internet sector. Ma Yun wanted to create,a out of the ordinary,(不同寻常的),business website .However, at the time,everyonethought the onlyfeasible,(可行的),solutionis to builda web portal,(户门网络),. Then Yahoo, Sina and other sites invited him to join. But he politely refused.,By the end of 1998, Ma made a painful decision to return to Hangzhou. At that time he was almost bankrupt,(破产),.,When they return to Hangzhou, a team member was,burst into loud sobs,(,突然大声哭泣,),. H,e said, the past few years should be harvest time, but why we still like this, where is our road in the end.,阿里巴巴,March 1999, Ma and his team returned to Hangzhou. They began a new round of entrepreneurship,(,企业家精神,), the development of Alibaba.,Ma is like a poison,(毒牙), moved to one of the most incredible,(难以置信),things. First time to Alibaba employees wages ,Ma Yun borrowedmoney of employees to sendthe staff, and let employees raise funds to maintain the companys normal operations. Some people say that Ma is a liar,(骗子), but some say he is like a godfather to support this company continues to go on.,Ma has given priority to,with honesty, he said, who is the most trust you, you should give him the best,.,Later, these staffs got a good treatment.,These principles are not only a reward for the employees.,He believes that the customer first, employees second,equity,is the,third.,In October 1999, Alibabaaccepted theGoldman Sachsinvestment.,In January 2000, Alibabaaccepted the Japanese Softbank investment.,Since the beginning of 2004, it has yielded a daily average of 1 million yuan in net profit.,Ma Yun is a heroic,(英勇的),man, which greatly helped his success.,In the Legendary Swordsman ready to shoot,(,在传奇剑客准备,射击), Ma want to play Feng Qingyang. And he,and the actor would be a leve,(,和他和演员将是一个高度,),。,The breeze pure Yang, everyone think Mr Ma is suitable for play?,http,:/


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