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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,03.01.01,*,Strategi 2:StrategiprosessSesjon 1,Bjarne Kiil, Ph. D.,Professor II, Institutt for strategi,Dimensions of strategy,Strategy Context,Strategy Content,Strategy Process,WM 2nd edition, 1.1,Levels of strategy,Marketing,&sales,Corporation Y,Corporation X,Business L,Corporation Z,Business A,Business C,Business B,Corporation T,Business B,R&D,Operations,Finance,HRM,Promo,Place,Product,Price,Alliance I,Network II,Business B,Marketing & Sales,Corporation X,Network,level,Corporate,Level,Business,Level,Functional,Level,Towards a theory of Strategic Managament,Porter,Process Perspectives,Programming,Incrementalism,Logical incrementalism,Game theory,Strategic intent,Strategic core framework,Resource base perspective,Learning organizations,Views on reality,On predictability,On cognition,On environment,Innovation,Competing for the future,Competing on the edge,Robust strategies,Changing the rule of the game,Revolutionary strategies,Strategic Perspective,Administration,Resources,Knowledge,Imagination,I,II,III,Andrews strategy model,Environmental,scan,Resource,analysis,Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,Threats,Social,responsibilities,Market,opportunities,Management,values,Corporate,capabilities,New strategy,ready to,implement,Current,strategy,Strategic alternatives,Strategic decision making,The fine art of crafting strategy,Intended,strategy,Realized strategy,Deliberate strategy,Unrealized,strategy,Though Henry Mintzberg has much to say about how others see strategy, its less easy to capture what he thinks about it himself,Strategy approaches,The,design,school:Strategy formations as a,conceptual,process,The,planning,school:Strategy as a,formal,process,The,positioning,school:Strategy formation as an,analytical,process,The,entrepreneurial,school:Strategy formations as a,visionary,process,The,cognitive,school:Strategy formation as a,mental,process,The,learning,school:Strategy formations as an,emergent,process,The,political,school:Strategy formations as a,power,process,The,cultural,school:Strategy formations as an,ideological,process,The,environmental,school:Strategy formation as a,passive,process,The,configuration,school:Strategy formation as an,episodic,process,*,Programming, Prescriptive (how strategy,should,be made),*Incrementalism, Descriptive (how strategy,gets,made),Programming *,Incrementalism *,Traditional implicits assumptions,Predictability,Environment is real,Analysis is key,The concept of corporate strategy,By Kenneth Andrews,Strategy is the pattern of decisions in a company that determines and reveals its objectives, purposes, or goals, produces the principle policies and plans for achieving those goals,The strategy process should be a rational and conscious planning activity, in which formulation and implementation are carried out sequentially,The logical activity of planning is preferable to the muddling through of incrementalism,Definition,A strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an organizations major goals, policies and action sequences into a cohesive whole,James Brian Quinn,Logical incrementalism,(The dynamics of change processes - grounded theory),Seeki,ng: Normative guidance to the strategist,Observation: Such incrementalism is not muddling. It is a purposeful, effective, proactive management technique for improving and integrating both the analytical and behavioural aspects of strategy formulation,Precipitating events - shape future,Analytical - create preparedness, awareness,Strategy Process,The manner in which strategies come about.,The how of strategy,How,is and should strategy be made,analysed,dreamt up,formulated,Implemented,Changed,Controled,Dimentions of strategy process according to W&M,Strategic thinking,Logic Creativity,Strategy formation,Deliberateness Emergentness,Strategic change,Revolution - Evolution,Some Key Issues,Sustainable competitive advantage,Attempts to offer prescriptive,Strategy Convergence,Uniqueness (Target),Revolutionary,Learning,Knowledge,Self Organization,Intellectual capital,New Economy,Strategic experimentation,Literature, S. M. S. (1999 2000),To beprocessintegrated,Breakthrough strategies for seizing control of your industry and creating the markets of tomorrow,Food for thought,What if predictability is an illusion?,and, what if environment is not real?,Is predictability desireable?,Non-predictability,A problem?,or an asset?,Development in strategic thinking,1980,1960,1990,Programming,Porter,Mintzberg,Learning,Resource based,ChaosInnovation,Low,Con-fidence in predict-ability,High,FOCUS:PlanningPredictability,FOCUS:ProcessResources,?,Today,1980,1950,International,MNC,National responsive,Global,Strategic alliances,Networks,Boarderless,Strategy, new field,Not,one,right process,Not,one,right content,Not,one,objective context,Not search for,the,right,Search for a,suitable,and most likely,unique,process,Comment to,PROJECT,Corollary from my experience,Learning within the unknowable,Only possible to get the grips with things that are local to us in space and time,Event driven,Complexity theory,Strategic intent,Focus,Time,horizon,Strategicintent,Effectiveoperation,Discovery driven planning,High ratio of assumptions to knowledge,Systematically converts assumptions into knowledge as venture unfolds,Requires discipline - no less than planning,Discovery-driven planning recognizes that planning for a new venture involves envisioning the unknown,Comments on hazards,Lack of hard data - few key decisions - proceed as assumptions were facts,Hard data available - checking assumptions - but fail to see implications,Hard data available - continual opportunity exists inappropriate assumptions about implementations,Start off with right data - assumes static environment - key variables change unnoticed,The ten strategy tensions,WM 2nd edition 1.1,Perspectives on the TENSIONS,As puzzle,As dilemma,As trade off,As paradox,Or source of reflection and inspiration for own process:,Design,Choice,Growth,Evolution,The rational thinking versus generative thinking perspective,Planning versus incrementalism perspective,Discontinuous change versus continuous change perspective,WM 2nd edition, 4.1,Chapter 5: Introduction,W&M,Portfolio versuscore competence perspective,WM 2nd edition, 6.1,The paradox of competition and cooperation,Industry evolution versusindustry creation perspective,WM 2nd edition, 8.1,Organizational leadership versus organizational dynamics perspective,WM 2nd edition 9.1,Dato,Tema,3/1,Overganger fra strategi som analyse til forstelse av strategi som prosess. (Bjarne Kiil),10/1,Utdyping av ulike perspektiver p strategiske prosesser. (Bjarne Kiil),17/1,Strategiprosess og innovasjon (ystein D. Fjeldstad),31/1,Organisasjonslring med fokus p ledelse av innovasjonsprosesser. (Ragnhild Kvlshaugen),7/2,Strategiprosessen konsulent eller lederdrevet? (Reiar Ness),14/2,Systemdynamisk perspektiv, kaosteori. (Bjarne Kiil/Gisle Henden),21/2,Endringsledelse implementering av strategi. (yvind Revang),28/2,Valgt emne og oppsummering. (Bjarne Kiil/gjesteforeleser),7/3,Strategic leadership and organizational vision. (Mark Kriger),Mlsetning, Strategi 2,Strategiske prosesser i en dynamisk verden, basert p perspektiv-messig mangfold,Kursmateriale,Barney, Jay B.:,Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage.,Addison,Artikkelsamling:,Strategiske prosesser.,Redaktr Bjarne Kiil.,Anbefalt litteratur,Senge, P. M.:,The Fifth Discipline,. New York: Doubleday 1990.,De Witt & Myer,Strategy process, content, context.,International Thompson Business Press, 1998, 2,nd,edition.,Punctuated equilibrium - Schrumpetarian development,Change,Time,Punctuation points,Stability,On Implementation,Prosjektoppgave,Case,Finn en artikkel i avis/magasin datert 2000/2001 om en norsk bedrift. For gjre denne oppgaven gjr bruk av denne artikkelen, andre artikler, rsrapporter, hjemmesider, o.l. Dere kan bruke caset fra strategi 1, hvis dere vil.,Forsk klarlegg hvilket strategiprosess-perspektiv bedriften er preget av?,Eksempelvis; planlegging,incrementalism,strategic intent,innovation, eller kombinasjoner av disse. (50%),I hvilken grad er bedriften innovativ?,Diskutr,og,begrunn,svaret.Kom med synspunkter og forslag til innovative tiltak. (50%),Imagination is more important than knowledge,(Albert Einstein 1879-1955; German-American physicist),Plans are nothing. Planning is everything,(Dwigth D. Eisenhower 1890-1969; American General and president),It is a mistake to look to far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time,(Winston Churchill 1874-1965; British prime minister and writer),Alexander the Great,


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