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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,1.explorer n. 探险家,explore vt. & vi. 勘探,探索,探究,exploration n. 勘探, 探索,exploratory adj. 探索的,勘探的,The conference _ the possibility of closer trade links.,大会讨论了在贸易上进一步加强联系的可能性。,His dream of becoming an _ hasnt come true.,他成为冒险家的梦想还未实现。,The company _ oil.,We have to _ other ways to handle the problem.,我们得研究其他方法来解决这个问题。,explored,explorer,explores for,explore,1,2.curious adj. 好奇的;求知欲强的; 奇特的,curiously adv. 好奇地;稀奇古怪地,be curious,about,be curious to do sth.,He spoke slowly, in a _ manner.,他以一种奇特的方式缓慢地说着。,Philip looked _ at the people.,他好奇地看着人们。,对好奇的;,对做感到好奇,curious,curiously,2,curiosity n. u.好奇感 / C.希奇的事;珍品,Philip looked at the people,in/with curiosity,.,他,好奇地,看着人们。,He kept asking me numerous questions about it,out of / from curiosity,.,出于好奇,,对那件事他问了我许多问题。,These antiques are _.,这些古董是希世珍品。,This red and yellow striped seashell is quite,_.,这个红黄相间的贝壳是件珍品。,=curiously,curiosities,a curiosity,3,3.Set sail,The ship,set sail for,Africa.,那艘轮船启程去了非洲。,Early in the morning, they,set sail,southward.,一大早,他们启航向南行驶。,Set sail from,Under sail,Go sailing,Set about doing,Set out (to do),Set up,Set an example,从某地启航,扬帆航行,去航海,着手做,出发; 着手,开办,创设,树立榜样,4,4.Fortune,a man of fortune,by good fortune,make a fortune,try ones fortune,seek ones fortune,有钱的人,由于幸运,发财,碰运气,寻出路;碰运气,5,5.jewel,宝石, 宝石饰物C/ 受珍视的人物,C,jewellery 饰物 U,He spent much money on _for his wife.,他花大笔钱购买小小的宝石给太太,。,This painting is _ of my collection.,这是我藏画中最珍贵的一幅,。,She never wears _ .,她从不戴首饰,。,a small jewel,the jewel,jewellery,6,6.Preserve vt. 保存,保护,保持,The society works to,preserve the historic buildings,in the city.,协会致力于保护城市里的历史建筑。,It is one of the duties of the police to,preserve public order.,维持公共秩序是警察的职责之一。,Efforts to,preserve peace,have worked.,维护和平的努力有了成效,。,Preservefrom / Protectfrom,Prevent(from) doing,Stop(from) doing,Keepfrom doing,保护以免,阻止做,7,7.Entrance C入口 U入场,the entrance to ,at the entrance of,be refused entrance,entrance exam,的入口(反义词:exit),在的入口处,被拒之门外,入学考试,8,8.Content,The,man emptied,her bag and examined the contents.,警察倒出她包中的东西检查,。(内容 n.),My parents,are content to,live in the countryside.,我父母,很愿意,在乡下过安静的生活,。(adj.),Are,you,well content with,your work?,你,对,你的工作,非常满意,吗,?(做adj.时,不作定语 ),9,9.Death,miss sb. to death,be frozen to death,die a dogs death,In Africa, there were 18,000 death,s,from diseases,in 1992.,1992年非洲有18000人死于疾病。,非常想念某人,被冻死,悲惨地死去,10,10.Shortly,He went abroad,shortly after,his marriage.,他婚,后不久,就到国外去了。,11.Coincidence,What a coincidence that,I was in London at the,same time as you!,我在伦敦时你也在那里,,真是巧合,。,11,12.disturb vt.,打断,打扰 ;使烦恼,使心神不安,disturbance n.,不安;扰乱,disturbed adj.,受到扰乱的, 不安定的; 精神失常的,disturbing adj.,令人不安的,使人惊恐的,It disturbed me to read the news of our teams,failure in the newspaper.,我在报上读到我们队失利的消息,心里甚感不安,。,Sorry to have disturbed you.,抱歉,打扰你了,。,Interrupt,打断,(,使不能继续,),Disturb,打扰 (使心烦,不安),The broadcast signal was _ by the storm.,广播信号因为暴风雨中断了,。,preserve peace,disturb the peace,interrupted,维护和平,扰乱治安,12,13.Breath n. 呼吸,呼吸的空气,breathe v. 呼吸,draw a long breath,catch ones breath,hold ones breath,out of breath,breathe in,breathe out,做一次深呼吸,喘息,歇口气,屏住呼吸,气喘吁吁,吸入,呼出,13,14.Result in / result from,Carelessness resulted in his failure.,粗心导致了他的失败。,His failure resulted from carelessness.,他的失败是因为粗心而致。,14,15.cloth,clothes,clothing,dress,a table _,These sports _ are new.,She was wearing a silk _.,布料,U; 布块,台布C,各种衣着(上装和下装) C,many clothes, five pieces of clothes,衣服的总称(衣服, 袜子,帽子饰物)U,妇女或小孩的衣服C,cloth,clothes,dress,15,discovery n.c. 发现 discoverer n. c. 发现者,Scientists made a lot of amazing scientific discoveries in,the twentieth century.,科学家们在二十世纪作出了许多惊人的科学发现。,She was shocked at the discovery that he was a thief.,她震惊地发现他原来是个贼。,It was Madame Curie who/ that first discovered radium.,是居里夫人首先发现了镭元素。,Madame Curie is well known as the discoverer of radium.,居里夫人作为镭元素的发现者而出名。,16,discover vt. 发现(发现世界上原本就存在的事物),invent vt. 发明 (发明世界上原本不存在的事物),Christopher Columbus _ America in 1492.,克里斯托弗哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲大陆。,Alexander _ the telephone.,亚历山大发明了电话。,discovered,invented,17,as well as,强调的是它前面的内容/谓语就前一致,not only.but also,强调,but also,部分的内容 /谓语就后一致,John can speak Chinese as well as French.,约翰不仅能讲法语而且能讲中文。,Its important for you as well as for me.,这不仅对我而且对你也很重要。,Lily as well as her classmates _ in deep sorrow at,the death of their principal.,得知校长的死讯Lily和她的同学们一样沉浸在极大悲痛中。,as well同样;也(相当于副词too),Im going to London and my sister is coming as well.,我将去伦敦,我的妹妹也要去。,She can ride a horse and swim; she can shoot as well.,她会骑马和游泳,她也会射击。,is,18,


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