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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,四级真题讲解 2021年6月,Among various recipes one enjoys in his or her college life, recreational activities can by no means be ignored. It is numerous activities, such as spoken English competitions, sports events, and clubs and societies of different interests, that help to make campus life colorful and diversified.,Facing so many interesting extracurricular activities, we college students have trouble to choose the proper ones. As freshmen, we are confused by all kinds of posters for students clubs to recruit new members. There are two opposite views about recreational activities. One says they exert positive influence on a students physical and mental development, for they can explore a students talent, develop a students ability in communication, and teach them to be more independent. While, opposite voices can also be heard by asserting that recreational activities waste too much time, and therefore may hinder student from focusing on his or her study.,As for me, I hold a belief that recreational activities do more good than harm, because I have always been of the impression that as a college student, he or she, besides the academic information, should pick up more practical skills to be better prepared for the career development. Recreational activities do give us a good chance. And, so long as one can arrange the time by reason, activities besides study will definitely provide more benefit for us.,Part II,1-7 A D B C A B C,8. quite homogenous, but small,9. relationships with consumers,10. the appropriate media,Part III,11-15 A C B D D,16-20 B A D C D,21-25 C C A D B,26-30 A A D B D,31-35 B B C C A,36. labor/ labour 37. ingredients,38. vital 39. individuals,40. engage 41. figures,42. generating 43. Currently,44. will be making decision I n such areas as product development quality control and customer satisfaction.,45. to acquire new skills that will help you keep up with the improved technology and procedures.,46. Dont expect the companies will provide you with a clear define of career path.,Part IV,47-51 D H O G M,52-56 J B N C A,57-61 D C A B B,62-66 A C B D D,词性分析,名词,balloon,气球,interviews,采访,面谈,moments,片刻,时机,news,新闻,regret,遗憾,后悔,claim,要求,动词,accomplish,实现,balloon,乘气球,激增,claim declare,声称,断言,interviews,采访,面谈(第三人称单),Limited,限制(,P.P,),manufacture,生产,reduced,减少(,P.P,),regret,后悔,遗憾,reduced,减少,形容词,advanced,先进的,提前的,limited,有限的,reduced,减少了的,scary,胆小的,副词,Constantly,不断地,时常地,totally,总共地,67-71 A D C B D,72-76 A B C A B,77-81 D A C C A,82-86 C D C A B,87. can be applied to the development of new technology,考点:,1.应用于 have application in,apply to / 向.申请,2. 开发,Development 常指开发土地,建筑房屋等,Exploitation 常指某种物料,“开发资源时,可互换使用.,新技术,或系统的开发多用development,88. must be wrong,考点:,1. 肯定的猜测 must,2. 有毛病 something is wrong with,89.whateverjobitis/,nomatter,whatjobitis,nomatter,whatthe jobis,考点:,1.,不管,/,无论,no matter,引导的让步状语从句要 用陈述句语序,时态要与整句一致。,No matter +,特殊疑问词,what/how/ how/ which/ where/ when,= whatever/whoever/whoever/whichever/ wherever/ whenever,90. Compared with the place where I grew up,考点:,1.,与,相比:,compare with,2.,成长,/,长大:,grow up grow-grew-grown,91. Not until he had fulfilled his mission,考点:,直到,才,not until,置于句首用倒装,not until VS until,3.,完成使命,fulfill/ finish/accomplish/realize/achieve his mission,注意:,realize,大学英语四级考试流程!,大学英语四级考试流程,8,:,50-9,:,00,试音时间。,9,:,00-9,:,10,播放考场指令,发放作文考卷。,9,:,10,取下耳机,开始作文考试。,9,:,35,发放含有快速阅读的试题册,(,但,9,:,40,才允许开始做,),。,9,:,40-9,:,55,做快速阅读。,9,:,55-10,:,00,收答题卡一,(,即作文和快速阅读,),。,9,:,55-10,:,00,重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试。,10,:,00,开始听力考试,电台开始放音。 听力结束后完成剩余考项。,11,:,20,全部考试结束。,


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