Lesson 8 My Family Tree(我的家谱)新路径英语9册

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Lesson 8 My Family Tree(我的家谱)新路径英语9册_第1页
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Lesson 8 My Family Tree(我的家谱)新路径英语9册_第2页
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Lesson 8 My Family Tree(我的家谱)新路径英语9册_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,都江堰市奎光小学 范建红,mother,=mum=mom=mummy,father,=dad=daddy,ather,F,A,nd,I,other,M,L,ove,Y,ou.,grandfather,(grandpa),grandmother,(grandma),uncle,aunt,=auntie,brother,sister,grandfather,grandmother,father,mother,uncle,aunt,brother,sister,Rose,Who is the old man?,Who is the old woman?,Who is the man in blue?,Who is the man in purple?,Who is the woman with short hair?,Who is the woman next to Roses uncle?,She is her grandmother.,He is her grandfather,.,She is her mother.,She is her aunt.,He is her father.,He is her uncle.,Who is the girl in red?,She is her sister.,Who is the boy?,He is her brother.,This is Roses family tree.,grandfather,grandmother,father,mother,uncle,aunt,brother,sister,Rose,How many people are there in Roses family?,Roses family tree.,There are nine.,How many people are,there in your family?,There are nine.,Look at my family tree.,Is that your grandfather?,Yes.,And this is my grandmother.,Whos that woman?,My mother.,Whos the man in purple?,Hes my uncle.,The woman next to him is my aunt.,Is this your brother and your sister?,Yes, you are right.,You have a big happy family.,Practise:,1.Work in groups.,2.Act in groups.,Do excises:,Do P72 excises 2.,Ting Ting has a _family .The old,man is her_.The old woman is her,_.The woman with short hair is her,_. The man in blue is her_.,The man,in purple is her _. The woman next to him,is her_.This is her_and her_.,She loves her family.,根据课文内容,完成下列短文。,big happy,grandfather,brother,sister,aunt,father,uncle,mother,grandmother,mother,(Meiya),father,(Guangzhi),Xiaoxin,sister,(Xiaokui),This is my family tree . Can you draw your family tree ?,My _ is Xiaoxin . This is my _ . Her name _ Meiya . _ is my father . _ name is Guangzhi . This is my _ . _ name is Xiaokui . This is my _ . Its name is Xiaobai .,name,mother,is,This,His,sister,Her,friend,Draw a family tree , and introduce your family,.,(,画一个家庭树并和同桌互相介绍你的家人。),Hello, everyone!,This is my family Tree.there are _people in my family.,This is my _ . His name is _.,This is my _. Her name is_.,These are my _.,I have a,_family.I love my family.,Examples,Write a passage about your family .,My name is,. This is my,. His name is,.,


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