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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片文字樣式,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,*,英语口语课,授课老师:龚超,环球雅思,Story telling,please choose at lest 6 words randomly to compose an interesting story,Words,Plastic bag,rabbit,pink,satellite,Wedding dress,Countryside,lawer,rob,moonlight,escape,Plane,River,Headache,Morning,Museum,Kite,Laugh,Hand,Mango,Soul,jean,Why,Song,King,Shoe,Map,Phone,Internet,Radio,Bookself,Weather,attractive,Island,Touch,Nose,Electricity,Tooth,Lamb,Paint,Enjoy,Bridge,Blind,Give up,Gambling,you will grab one word at a time,please explain the word in English to the audience who will try their best to guess the word.,If she/he got the right answer,you and the one will win 1 chocolate respectively!,Ok,here we go!,There are some famous names on the PPT,You can guess them by asking,Is it a man,Is it a american? And so on,We can just answer yes or no,The winner will get one biscuit!,YES OR NO,LADY GAGA,BILL GATES,mich,ae,l jackson,Harry potter,Einstein,Audrey Hepburn,Angelina Jolie,DAVID BECKHAM,The sixth sense,Ive got that sinking feeling.,有些人的第六感特别强,每当搭飞机或上高楼大厦时便会有种不安的预感。 若你无故感到不安或不知所措,你可说:,Ive got that sinking feeling.,(我有不安的感觉),类似表达,Ive got that uneasy feeling. / Ive bad feeling.,(我有不好的感觉),I have a bad vibe.,(我有个不好的颤抖)。,Noel,:,Brian, Ive got that sinking feeling again.,Brian,:,Thats the second time this week. Whats wrong? Wnh?,Noel,:,Im not sure but it happens every time youre around.,Brian,:,Thats unusual, I wonder what it can be?,Noel,:,Yeah, I wonder,.,The sixth sense,隐隐觉得恶事将临或听到恶耗的时候,一颗心直往下沉:这种感觉,英文怎么说呢?,英文称为,a / that sinking feeling,。但西方人的这种,下沉感觉,不在心里,似乎是在胃里,所以,a / that sinking feeling,之后常加,in the stomach,一词,.,I got that sinking feeling in my stomach when the doctor said he would like to talk with me about my wifes condition.,听见医生说想跟我谈内子的病况,我一颗心直往下沉。,I opened the letter marked,“,confidential,”,with a sinking feeling.,我打开那封标明,密件,的信,心里忐忑不安。,The sixth sense,除了胃部可感吉凶,西方人据说连肠子都可以,例如:,When the doctor beckoned me into his office, I had a feeling in my guts.,或,I had a gut feeling that there was something seriously wrong with my wife.,(医生用手势招呼我进他的办公室时,我直觉上感到妻子身体一定有严重问题)。,A gut feeling / instinct.,就是无法解释的直觉。,西方人甚至连骨头都对吉凶有感应。,To know / feel in ones bones.,也是说有一种无法解释的直觉,例如:,I feel it in my bones that something disastrous is going to happen.,(我直觉上感到大难将临)。,直觉或预感,英文还可叫,hunch,,即,sixth sense,例如:,I had a hunch.,(或,My sixth sense told me) that an earthquake would soon hit Tokyo.,(我预感东京快将地震)。,


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