Word&grammar practice

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Word test,1,格式,听写格式:先写日期然后写自己的代码;一定要写序号,不会的要空开;每行写单词不能超过四个;听写本发还后一定要改错。,2,The rain was very heavy and,c_ the land was flooded.,2. Does the p_ of wealth bring happiness?,3.,Nothing can change his b_ in God.,4. Please do not explain the theory in an a_ way. They are children after all.,3,5. Tom visited the g_ last Saturday. He enjoyed the paintings very much.,6. Can you p_ what will happen here in a few minutes?,7. An international trade e_ will be held in Shanghai next month.,8. He has always been a_,(有争议的 ),figure.,4,9. This will help to make the scene more _,(逼真的).,10. In the picture the tree is throwing a _,(影子),on the ground.,5,The,Subjunctive,Mood,6,1. I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she_(come),she would have met my brother.,2. If I _(know) German, I would read the book in the original.,3. I wish I _(be) as strong as you.,4. I wish you _(tell) me earlier,5. I wish you _ (succeed) this time.,had come,knew,were,had told,would succeed,7,6. Ive loved you as if you _ (be) my son.,7. He talks as if he _(be) to the moon.,8. He talks as if he _ (go) to the moon.,9. Without electricity , human life _ (be) quite difficult today.,10. I suggest that we _ (set )off at once.,were,had been,would go,would be,(should) set,8,1.If it _ for the heavy rain, we _,the Songshan Mountains yesterday.,A.were not; could have climbed,B.were not; could climb,C.had not been; could have climbed,D.had not been; could climb,2.I told Sally Mr Browns address, but,perhaps I _for her.,A.had to write it out,B.must have written it out,C.should have written it out,D.ought to write it out,9,3._ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often.,A .If it is not B.Were it not,C.Had it not been D.If they not,4.How I wish every family _a large house with a beautiful,Garden!,A.has B.had,C.will have D.had had,10,5.There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party. You _ come,but why didnt you?,A.must have B.should,C.need have D.ought to have,6.The guard of the meeting insisted that everybody _the rules.,A.obeys B.obey,C.will obey D.would obey,11,7.Had I got to the airport earlier, I _ you.,A.might not miss to see,B.would not have missed to see,C.should not miss seeing,D.would not have missed seeing,8.I was ill that day, otherwise I _the football match.,A.would have taken part in,B.took part in,C.had taken part in,D.would take part in,12,Key for Ex.1 (p42),Verb noun adj.,abstract abstraction,abstract,attempt,attempt attempt,collect,collection,collected/,collective/collectable,exhibit,exhibit,exhibited,/exhibition,influence,influence influential,13,Key for Ex.1 (p42),Verb noun adj.,photograph,photograph,photographic,/photographer,predict,prediction predicted,/predictable,/,profession,professional,symbolise,symbol,symbolic,14,Key for Ex.3(p42),collective,predictable,attempt,exhibit,symbolize/se,abstraction,photographer,influence,profession,15,Key for Ex4(p43),She knows,a great deal,more about,contemporary,/modern art than I do.,Impressionist painters,broke away from,traditional ideas about art.,Today we will,focus on,the art works of the Renaissance.,If I had a,permanent,address, you would be able to send me those painting.,16,5. I have,scores of,CDs at home. Would you like to come and listen to some of them?,6. I have not only seen Picasso,in the flesh,but also know a lot about his life experiences and all his art works.,17,


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