Words Learning

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Words Learning,1,1.,painter n. (画家)_ v. 绘画,2. scientific adj. (科学的)_n.(科学)_ n.(科学家),3. conclude v. _ n. (结论),4. infect v. _ adj. (传染的),5. physician n. _ n.(物理) _ adj.(身体的,物理的),6. investigate v. _ n. (调查),7. pollute v. _ n.(污染)_(被污染的),paint,science,scientist,conclusion,infectious,physics,physical,investigation,pollution,polluted,2,8. announce v. _n (宣布)_(宣布者),9. instruct v. _n. (命令、指示),10. construct v. _n.(建设),11. contribute v. _n.(贡献),announcement,announcer,instruction,construction,contribution,3,Learn the phrases,1. expose to,2. neithernor,3. every time,4. absorbinto/,be absorbed in,5. spread through,6. sothat,7. be determined to,暴露/ 使显露,既不也不,每次/ 当,把吸收/吸入;,专心于,通过传播,如此/太以至于,决定,4,8. It seemed that,9. be to blame,10.look into,10. so that,11. be linked to,12. died of,13. preventfrom,14. suggest,看起来好像,对负责,调查,以至于,连接、联系,死于,阻止,暗示,(后接从句不用虚拟语气),5,Sentences learning,1. So many thousands of terrified people died,every time,there was as outbreak.,2. The first,suggested,that cholera,multiplied,in the air. (暗示),He,suggested,that we,(should) finish,our task firstly.(建议),6,3. Cholera would,never,controlled,until,its cause was found.,4.,It seemed that,the water,was to blame,.,7,1. Dont _ (暴露) your skin to the sun for too long.,2. _ you _ (既不也不) he is right.,3. _ (每当)I meet him, I always think of,the things having happened between us.,4. _ (好像) she was lying.,5. Who is _ (责备) for the mistake?,6. It _ (暗示) that it was going to rain.,7. I suggested that he _ (戒烟),smoking.,expose,Neither,nor,Every time,It seemed that,to blame,(should) give up,suggested,Fill in the blanks.,8,1. 每次考试的时候我总很紧张,(一开始考试我就紧张)。,2. 这个问题老师重复了5遍我才弄明白了。,Im always very nervous _,I take an exam,.,I felt nervous _,the exam began,.,I _ understand the question _ the,teacher repeated it five times.,didnt,until,every time/each time,immediately/the moment,9,3. 老师建议我们每天记单词来扩大,(enlarge)词汇量。,4. 现在孩子脾气差家长应该收到责备。,5. 英语提高如此困难以至我想放弃了。,The teacher _ that we _,some words to enlarge our vocabulary.,Parents are _ childrens bad,temper nowadays.,to blame for,remember,suggests,Improving English is _ hard _ I want,to give up.,so,that,10,Phrases learning,1. terrified people,2. the affected person,3. the astonished people,4. polluted water,5. He became inspired,11,短语复习,Phrases Flashback,put forward,make sense,draw a conclusion be linked to,be exposed to,look into,Spread through lead to prevent.from be to blame for,apart from/except for/besides,other than/but/except,提出,有意义,得出结论,和有联系,暴露于,调 查,通过传播,通向, 导致,阻止,除了,之外, 还有,因,该受责备,12,be strict with sb. in (doing) sth.,prevent/stop/keepfrom doing sth,be absorbed in be determined to do,so that die of / from,attend to/take care of/ look after,cure sb of ones disease/illness,对某人严格要求做某事,阻止某人做某事,专心致志,决定做某事,如此,以至,死于,照顾, 照看,治好某人的病,13,短语实际应用:,The doctor _ him _ his mental,disease after staying in No. 7 hospital.,2. Beckham is _ handsome _ all girls,are crazy about him.,3. He was so _ _ love story that he,didnt notice the teacher behind him.,4. We _ that all men with,much money are all play boys.,5. Pan,Jinlian,and Xi,Menqing,_ the death of Wu,Dalang,.,cured,of,so,that,absorbed in,draw a conclusion,were,to,blame for,14,6. _ money, I have nothing.,7. Conan _ the detective affairs,when he was very young.,8. The police try their best to _,the cause of the case.,9. We should _ ourselves. In,this case, we can get a good mark.,10. The old man _ a plan that,he will travel around the world by bike.,Apart from,took,up,look,into,be strict with,puts forward,15,1. expose,expose sth. / sb. to sth.,暴露/显露 某人/ 某物,expose sth to the light of day (把某事暴露在光天化日之下),不要把你的皮肤暴露在太阳底下。,be exposed to,16,2. Link,link to/ be linked to,铁路把这两个城镇联系了起来。,相同的兴趣把汤姆和约翰联系起来。,The two towns are linked by a railway.,The same interest linked Tom to John.,17,3. blame,1). blame sb. for sth./ blame sth. on sb.,(把某事归咎于某人),经理责备他工作粗心大意。,The manager blamed him for his carelessness at work.,2). Be to blame ( for sth. ) 对某事应付责任、 应收责备,谁为这件事付责任?,18,Translate the following sentences,1. 如果有人该承担责任, 那就是我。(blame),2. 这条丝绸之路在古代把中国和西方连接起来。 (link . to),3.不要把失败归咎于他,毕竟他是个新手。,4. 你们不应该让士兵冒不必要的危险。,5. 那个婴儿被离弃在风雨中。,19,


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