广东省深圳市文汇中学八年级英语上册 Module 3 Culture and history Unit 5 Educational exchanges P3 Grammar课件 (新版)牛津深圳版

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广东省深圳市文汇中学八年级英语上册 Module 3 Culture and history Unit 5 Educational exchanges P3 Grammar课件 (新版)牛津深圳版_第1页
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广东省深圳市文汇中学八年级英语上册 Module 3 Culture and history Unit 5 Educational exchanges P3 Grammar课件 (新版)牛津深圳版_第2页
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广东省深圳市文汇中学八年级英语上册 Module 3 Culture and history Unit 5 Educational exchanges P3 Grammar课件 (新版)牛津深圳版_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Grammar,Unit 5 Eductional exchanges,To learn,the present perfect tense,2. To learn the present perfect tense with,already, yet, ever,and,never,Objectives,The present perfect tense,I,ve learnt,to use chopsticks, and theyre teaching me a little Chinese.,2. It,s been,a fantastic experience so far.,3. We,ve already learnt,a lot about Chinese culture and history.,4. The teachers,have introduced,us to Chinese,painting as well.,5. We,ve also tried,to paint some pictures,ourselves.,6. I,havent had,much success yet, but Ill,keep trying.,7. I,ve made,many new friends.,I _ _ to use chopsticks, and theyre teaching me a little Chinese.,2. It _ _ a fantastic experience so far.,3. We_ _ _ a lot about Chinese culture and history.,4. The teachers _ _ us to Chinese,painting as well.,5. We_ _ _ to paint some pictures,ourselves.,6. I _ _ much success yet, but Ill,keep trying.,7. I _ _ many new friends.,ve learnt,s been,ve already learnt,have introduced,ve also tried,havent had,ve made,go,Ready?,Where is Mr. Wang?, He together with his students _,Zhuyuwan Park. 2014,扬州,A. has gone to B. have gone to,C. has been to D. have been to,以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解,下面就让我们根据,之前练习的考察情,况进一步选择讲解,该语法项的重难点。,如果你想说,“我已经看过某部电影,所以不想看了”、“某人曾经做过什么事情”,等等,该如何表达呢?首先请看下面的句子:,I,have seen,the film. I dont want to,see it again.,(2),Have,you ever,looked,at a travel,brochure?,(3) I,have,never,visited,the USA.,以上句子的,谓语动词,有一个共同的特点就,是“,have/has+,动词的过去分词,”,用于表示,在以前的某个时间曾经做过的、发生的事,情,这种行为对目前有某种影响,如,(1);,还可以,表示到目前为止曾经经历或没经历,的事情,如,(2)(3),。,我们把这种时态称为,“现在完成时”,。,现在完成时,构成:,1.,肯定句,:,现在完成时的肯定句式是,“,have (has),过去分词”,。,注意:该句式中的,have,或,has,是助动,词,,has,用于第三人称单数,其它人称,一律用,have,。,定义:,表示过去发生或已经完成的某一,动作对现在造成的影响或结果。,2.,否定句,:现在完成时的否定句式是,“,havent (hasnt),过去分词”。,3.,疑问句:,现在完成时的一般疑问句式,是把助动词,have,或,has,提到主语之前,。,回答用,Yes, have (has).,/No, havent (hasnt).,连用时间状语,:,already, yet, ever,never, just, before, several times,等。,动词过去分词的变化形式大部分与动词过去式形式相同,但是,不规则动词,的变化形式没有规律,需要记忆,比如:,see-saw-,seen,; be-was, were-,been,eat-ate-,eaten,; break-broke-,broken,go-went-,gone,; take-took-,taken,send-sent-,sent,; find-found-,found,make-made-,made,; have-had-,had,Team racing,Activity,Two teams have a race. The team that first give a correct sentence get one point.,根据以下图片和文字提示,用现在完成时态补充句子。,Ready?,I _,have taken several photos in Beijing.,take, several photos, Beijing,The boy _.,not eat; Beijing roast duck,hasnt eaten Beijing roast duck,My uncle _.,New York; be,has been to New York,They _,_.,Hong Kong Disneyland; go; by bike,have gone to Hong Kong,Disneyland by bike,have/has been to,表示“曾到过”,说明已经去过某地;,而,have/has gone to,表示“已去,(,某地,)”,,说明正在途中或已到目的地。,如:,他去过英格兰。,(,说明已经去过,),He,has been to,England.,他已经去英格兰了。,(,说明正在途中或已到目的地,),He,has gone to,England.,看图说话,I cant play computer games now,because I,havent,Practice,1. I _ (have) dinner. I am full.,2. We _ (read) this story.,3. They _ (see) the movie.,4. She _ (buy) some nice toys.,5. I _ (finish) my homework,already.,6. We _ (wash) our clothes.,Theyre clean now.,have had,have read,have seen,has bought,have finished,have washed,用所给单词的正确形式填空。,have met,have played,has cooked,have studied,have seen,havent visited,havent done,Eric has been in Beijing for a week. Complete his email to his mother with the present perfect tense of the verbs in brackets. (P 72),A,The present perfect tense with already, yet, ever and never,1. I,havent had,much success,yet, but Ill keep trying.,2. I,ve,never,visited,another country.,3. They,ve,already,planned,some weekend activities for you.,4. Sarah,has,already,seen,many places,of interest in Beijing.,5. ,Have,you,ever,seen,the Great Wall,yet,?, No, I,have not seen,the Great wall.,6. ,Have,you,ever,visited,the Summer,Palace?, No, I,have,never,visited,the Summer,Palace.,7.,Has,she,ever,visited,Tower Bridge?,8. She,has,never,seen,Big Ben.,9.,Have,you,done,any shopping,yet, Alice,?,1. I _ _ much success _, but Ill keep trying.,2. I _ _ _ another country.,3. They _ _ _ some weekend activities for you.,4. Sarah _ _ _ many places,of interest in Beijing.,5. _ you _ _ the Great Wall _?, No, I _ _ _ the Great wall.,havent had,yet,ve,never,visited,ve,already,planned,has,already,seen,Have,ever,seen,have not seen,yet,go,Ready?,6. _ you _ _ the Summer,Palace?, No, I _ _ _ the Summer,Palace.,7. _ she _ _ Tower Bridge?,8. She _ _ _ Big Ben.,9. _ you _ any shopping _, Alice?,Have,ever,visited,have,never,visited,Has,ever,visited,has,never,seen,Have,done,yet,1. Ive already had dinner.,I _ _ dinner _.,2. He has just finished his homework.,He _ _ his homework _.,3. I have been to Beijing once.,I _ _ _ to Beijing.,havent,had,yet,hasnt,finished,yet,把下列句子改为否定句。,have never been,以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解,下面就让我们根据,之前练习的考察情,况进一步选择讲解,该语法项的重难点。,现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的,某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常和一些标志性的副词连用,如:,already, yet, just, never, ever,等。,already, yet, ever,和,never,都是表示“到现在为止的某个,/,任意时间”的词。,already,意为“已经”,表示此之前或某个特定时间之前,一般用于肯定句。,如:,We have,already,met.,我们已经见过面了。,yet,意为“还;尚未”,常用于疑问句或否定句。在疑问句中用来询问某事是否发生,在否定句中用来表示某事尚未发生但有可能发生。,你们见过面了吗?,我们还未见面。,Have you met,yet,?,We havent met,yet,.,ever,意为“在任何时候;从来”,用于疑问句或否定句。,我们曾见过面吗?,Have we,ever,met?,never,意为“从不”,表示否定意思。,我们从未见过面。,Weve,never,met.,含义,用法,例句,already,已经,肯定句,I have,already,finished,my homework.,just,刚刚,肯定句,She has,just,cleaned,the kitchen.,ever,曾经,疑问句,Have you,ever,visited,the Great Wall?,never,从未,否定句,Shes,never,talked to,a foreigner.,yet,尚未;还未,否定句、疑问句,He has not heard from,her,yet,.,Has Mr Wang arrived,yet,?,Team racing,Activity,Two teams have a race. The team that first give a correct sentence get one point.,根据以下图片和文字提示,用现在完成时态补充句子。,Ready?,The boy _,already; make a cake,has already made a cake.,_ Tim _,_?,Has ever been to the Palace Museum by bus,Palace Museum, ever be, by bus,the plane, arrive, yet, not,The plane _,hasnt arrived yet.,the Great Wall, never, have been to,Mary _.,has never been to the Great Wall,Australia, ever, have been to,Have you _?,ever been to Australia,The Great Wall; climb; ever,_ she _?,Has ever climbed the Great Wall,S1: Has Alice ever toured around,Buckingham Palace?,S2: No, she hasnt. Shes never toured,around Buckingham Palace.,S1: Has George ever seen Big Ben?,S2: Yes, he has. He saw it one and a half,years ago.,S1: Has he ever visited Tower Bridge?,S2: No, he hasnt. Hes never visited Tower,Bridge.,S1: Has he ever toured around Buckingham,Palace?,S2: No, he hasnt. Hes never toured around,Buckingham Palace.,S1: Has Robin ever seen Big Ben?,S2: No, he hasnt. Hes never seen Big Ben.,S1: Has he ever visited Tower Bridge?,S2: Yes, he has. He visited it one year ago.,S1: Has he ever toured around Buckingham,Palace?,S2: No, he hasnt. Hes never toured around,Buckingham Palace.,Sarah wants to know whether the students from Beijing have visited any places in London before. Ask and answer questions in pairs. (P 73),B1,S1: Have you done any shopping yet,George?,S2: Yes, Ive already done some shopping.,S1: Have you seen Big Ben yet?,S2: No, I havent seen it yet.,S1: Have you done any shopping yet, Robin?,S2: Yes, Ive already done some shopping.,S1: Have you seen Big Ben yet?,S2: Yes, Ive already seen it.,Later Sarah is asking the students from Beijing about what they have and have not done in London. Ask and answer questions in pairs. (P 73),B2,Review,1.,现在完成时的构成及用法;,2. already, yet, ever,和,never,的用法。,I.,单选。,1. You have _ a tall young man.,A. grown B. grown into,C. grown us D. grown up,2. Im sorry, I _ your name.,A. had forgotten B. forgot,C. have forgotten D. forgotten,3. Have you ever _to the Great Wall?,Its very beautiful.,A. gone B. been C. went D. go,II.,根据所给词的适当形式填空。,1. Ann and Simon _ (finish),their homework.,2. I _ never _ (read) such an,interesting book.,3. You _ (not write) to your,uncle yet. Remember to write to him.,4. _ Jack _ (eat) Chinese food?, Yes, he has.,have finished,have read,havent written,Has eaten,5. Jim has never seen a panda, _ he?,6. We cant find him anywhere. Perhaps,he _ (go) home.,7. Mr. Green _ (teach) us a,lot about social studies since September.,8. I _never _ (meet) her sister,before.,has,has gone,have,has taught,met,III.,按要求改写下列句子。,(,缩略词算一空,),1. Have you watched the film? (,作否定回答,),_, _ _.,2. Simon has decided to go to the meeting.,(,改为一般疑问句,),_ Simon _ _ go to the meeting?,3. Shes already finished her homework.,(,改为否定句,),She _ _ her homework _.,No I havent,Has decided to,hasnt finished yet,4. I have met,Jill and Jim,. (,对划线部分提问,),_ _ _ met?,5. They have visited,the Summer Palace and,the Great Wall,. (,对划线部分提问,),_ _ they _?,Who have you,What have visited,IV.,汉译英。,他已经找到他的自行车了。,He has already found his bicycle.,2.,你曾经去过北京吗?,Have you ever been to Beijing?,3.,他们还没有动身。,They havent started yet,4.,你曾唱过这首英文歌吗?,Have you ever sung this English song?,5.,我们从来没有听说过这件事。,We have never heard of it,6.,我已经做完家庭作业了。,I have already finished my homework,Homework,1. Make some sentences using,the present perfect tense,. (at least 10),2. Finish the exercises in,Learning English,.,3. Preview,Speaking,on page 74.,


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