Session7 (Chapter11 肯定与否定)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Session 7,(,Chapter 11,),肯定与否定,1,Lead-in:,1) Hey, it is late. Where is Tom?,-Hes still in bed.,他,还没有,起床。,2),Without reasoning one is apt to be beyond control.,没有,理智容易变成,不,受,约束。,3)-,Are you not going tomorrow?,-,No, Im not going.,(,是的,,我不去),2,1,.原文形式上为肯定,译文形式上采用否定。,1),Such a chance was,denied,me.,我,没有得到,这样一个机会。,2),The first bombs,missed,the target.,第一批炸弹,没有击中,目标。,3),While colder than usual, the weather,held,.,尽管较平常冷些,天气(保持),没变,。,3,4),If he had,kept his temper, the negotiation would probably have been a success.,要是他,没发脾气,,谈判很可能就已经成功了。,5),The explanation is pretty,thin,.,这个解释相当,不充实,。,6),Im,at my wits,end to keep the children quiet.,我实在,没办法,让这些孩子安静下来。,4,7),The subversion attempts proved,predictably,futile.,不出所料,颠覆活动证明,毫无效果,。,8),Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie,outside,the area of moral choice.,极端主义者认为,人与动物在各方面都不同,对动物,无需,考虑道德问题。,5,9)Everybody was waiting for her but she was talking to Ms. Zhang while,slowly,walking out of her classroom.,人人都在等她,而她却一边同张老师说话,一边,不紧不慢,(不慌不忙)地走出教室,。,10) Miss Mary,kept to her room,all day.,玛丽成天,足不出户,。,6,11) Its a long time,since,I enjoyed myself so much.,好长时间,没,这么痛快地玩了。,12) His explanation is,far from,being satisfactory.,他的解释远,不能,让人满意。,7,13 .Thats a thing that might,happen to any man,.,原译:这样的事情可能发生在任何人身上。,改译:这种事情,谁也难免,。,14. His speech,leaves much to be desired,.,他的讲话,很不如人意,。,15. Appearances are,deceptive,.,外貌是,靠不住,的。,8,2. 原文形式否定,译文形式采用肯定,:,1),I,dont,doubt China will be reunited.,我,相信,中国会统一的。,2),He,never,spared himself and so he made me work hard.,他,总是,拼命干,,也让我拼命干。,3),Hitlers,undisguised,effort to persecute the Jews met with worldwide condemnation.,希特勒对犹太人的,露骨,迫害行为遭到世界人民的谴责。,9,4),He manifested a strong,dislike,for his fathers business.,他对他父亲的行业表示了强烈的,厌恶,情绪,。,5) He was an,indecisive,sort of person and always capricious.,他这个人,优柔寡断,,而且总是反复无常。,10,6),Dont,make your conclusion before the end of the year.,到,年底,再,下结论吧!,7) “,You will try to tide me over, wont you?”,“,Wont I!,”,你会帮我度过难关,是吗?,当然!,11,8,),. When Stephen was introduced to the old couple, they said simply, “Weve read your article. We,expected to meet an older man,.”,当史蒂夫被介绍给这对老年夫妇的时候,他们只是淡淡地说:“我们看过你的文章,但,没想到你这么年轻,。”,9,),. The thought of returning to his native land,never deserted him,.,归国的念头,始终萦绕在他的心中,。,12,3. 原文形式上为肯定、意义上为否定,翻译时可以直接表达出暗含的否定意义。,1),It was,more than,I could bear.,这个我,不能,忍受。,2),The guerrillas would fight to death,before,they surrendered.,游击队员宁愿战斗到死,,也决不,投降。,13,3),Both sides thought hat the peace proposal was one they could accept,with dignity,.,双方认为,那是一个他们可以,不失体面,地接受的和平建议。,4) She would,rather,have her room painted milk-white,than,have it painted sky-blue.,她,宁可,把房间漆成乳白色,也,不愿,漆 成天蓝色。,14,5) In addition to providing a cool sitting place in the open air, a balcony can also,protect,the window below,from,the direct glare of the sun.,阳台除了可供人们乘凉以外,还可以,保护,下面的窗户,使它不受到阳光的直接照射。,6) The,last,thing I want in this world is to hurt you.,这个世界上我,最不愿意做,的,是就是伤害你,。,15,4. 原文形式上双重否定,就相当于肯定,翻译时需要表达肯定的意义。,1),There can be,no,sunshine,without,shadow.,有,阳光,就有,阴影,。,2) You,cant,buy things,without,money.,没,有,钱就,买,不,到,东西(有钱才能买东西)。,3) He was,nothing,if,not,a hypocrite.,他,完全,是个虚伪的人。,16,4) “You are,too,beautiful and gifted,not,to make me fall in love with you!”,“,你,太,美丽,太,多才了,我怎能,不,爱你!”,5) There is not any advantage without disadvantage.,有,利必,有,弊。,6,),There is no story without coincidence.,无,巧,不,成书。,17,5. 原文含有否定形式的惯用语时,要根据实际情况进行翻译:,1),You,cant be too,careful when you drive a car.,开车时怎么小心,也不为,过。,开车时,越小心越好。,2),She,cant help laughing,when she heard the funny story.,听到这个有趣的故事,她,情不自禁,的笑了。,3),It will,not,be long,before,we meet again.,我们,很快就会,再见面。,18,6. 带有“,all”,的不完全否定句,翻译时要格外小心:,1),All that glitters is not gold.,发光的并不都是金子。,2) All criminals are not murderers.,罪犯并非全是杀人犯。,3) But all men are not born to reign.,并非人人生来就是作帝王的。,4) Both children are not clever.,并非两个孩子都聪明。,19,exercises:,All that flatter you too much are not faithful friends.,Mr. White has,refrained from,making an official comment on the,coup,in that country.,That served to strengthen,instead of weaken,our determination.,The evidence is conclusive,excluding all possibilities of doubt.,Please tender exact fare.,You should,seize the opportune moment,to put in a good word for me.,The teacher found some of the students,absent,.,His answer is,beside,the mark.,They,never,see each other,without,talking about Super Girls Voice.,The County Party Committee there is,ignorant,of conditions at the lower lever.,That fellow is,far from,being honest.,She,refrained from,laughing.,All,graduates from the Foreign Languages Institutes will,not,be appointed to do translation work.,20,Key:,1)All that flatter you too much are not faithful friends.,吹捧你的人并非都是你忠实的朋友。,2) Mr. White has,refrained from,making an official comment on the,coup,in that country.,怀特先生没有对那国的政变发表官方(正式)评论。,3) That served to strengthen,instead of weaken,our determination.,那件事没有削弱我们的决心,反而增强了我们的决心。,4) The evidence is conclusive,excluding all possibilities of doubt.,证据确凿,毋庸置疑。,5),Please tender exact fare.,恕不找赎。,6) You should,seize the opportune moment,to put in a good word for me.,你应该不失时机的为我说情(好话)。,21,7,),The teacher found some of the students,absent,.,老师发现有的学生,不在,。,8,),His answer is,beside,the mark.,他的回答,文不对题,。,9,),They,never,see each other,without,talking about Super Girls Voice.,他们每次见面总是先谈论超级女声。,10,),The County Party Committee there is,ignorant,of conditions at the lower lever.,那里的县委,不了解,下情。,11,),That fellow is,far from,being honest.,那家伙,很不老实,12,),She,refrained from,laughing.,她忍住了,,没有发笑,。,13,),All,graduates from the Foreign Languages Institutes will,not,be appointed to do translation work.,并非,外语院校的毕业生,都,分配去做翻译工作。,22,


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