Supplementary Game for Lecture 13

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Supplementary Game,Nonverbal Communication,1,Game One,Work together to try to put the following Chinese expressions into English.,See whether they can be properly understood by people from other culture.,2,Game One,1. 摩拳擦掌,2. 拂袖而去,3.五体投地,4. 捶胸顿足,5. 趾高气扬,6.,袖手旁观,7.,愁眉苦脸,8.,呆若木鸡,9.,瞠目结舌,10.,垂头丧气,3,Game Two,Fill in the forms and try to find the differences between Chinese and Western body languages as well as the different meanings between Chinese and Western body languages.,4,Same Body Language in Two Cultures, but with different Meanings,5,Different Body Language, Same Meaning,6,Body language and Meaning,7,Body language and Meaning in One Culture; No Equivalent in Other Culture,8,Keys to the game,Nonverbal Communication,9,Game One,1.,摩拳擦掌,roll up ones sleeves,2.,拂袖而去,leave with a flick of ones sleeves,3.,五体投地,admire somebody from the bottom of,ones heart,4.,捶胸顿足,thump ones chest and stamp ones,feet,5.,趾高气扬,ride the high horse,10,Game One,6.,袖手旁观,stand by with folded arms,7.,愁眉苦脸,pull a long face,8.,呆若木鸡,dumb as a wooden chicken,9.,瞠目结舌,be tongued-tied,10.,垂头丧气,hang ones head down in low spirits,11,Same Body Language in Two Cultures, but with different Meanings,Meaning in China,Body Language,Meaning in U. S.,Anger, irritation, frustration, remorse,Stamping ones foot,Impatience,Thank you, mutual positive feelings,Speaker or performer,Clapping at same time audience applauds,Applauding oneself;,Improper, immodest,Curiosity, sometimes surprise,Staring, gaping,Consider impolite,Makes people embarrassed,self-conscious,Disapproval, hissing,“,Shhh”,Calling for silence,Seldom used;,Occasionally adults may pat,head of children to show,attention; patting the head of a,teenager or adult would cause,displeasure and can be insulting .,Pat on head,Giving comfort.,Consolation or encouragement,Also shows affection,12,Different Body Language, Same Meaning,Meaning,Body Language in China,Body Language in U.S.,Come here,(Beckoning sb. to come),Hand extended toward person, open palm, palm down, with all fingers crooked in a beckoning motion.,Hand extended toward person, closed hand, palm up, with foreigner only moving back and forth. (In China such gesture is offensive),Shame on you,(semi-joking gesture),Forefinger of one hand extended, tip touches ones own face several times quickly; similar to scratching, but with forefinger straight. (usu. with the remark Shame on you.),Forefinger of each hand extended, palm down in front of ones body; one forefinger makes several brushing movements over the back of the other forefinger.,Im very full.,(after a meal),One or both hands open, lightly patting ones own stomach.,Hand raised to throat, fingers extended, palm down (often with the remark I am full to here.),13,Body language and Meaning,Body Language,Meaning in U.S.,Chewing ones fingernails,Emotional stress, worried, doesnt know what to do,Thumbing ones nose,(one thumb on tip of own nose, fingers curled and moving together),Defiance, contempt,Wagging ones finger,(forefinger of one hand raised, other fingers clasped, the raised forefinger is wagged from side to side),Warning not to do something;,Indicating that what the other person is doing is wrong,Thumb down,(arm crooked in front of body, closed fist, thumb extended down, one or several downward movements),Rejection of a proposal, idea, person, nonverbal way of saying a strong “No”.,Winkling,(quick closing of one eye, generally with a smile and slight nod),May show several feeling; understanding ; approval , encouragement; trying to get across a message ; solidarity,14,Body language and Meaning in One Culture; No Equivalent in Other Culture,Body language,Meaning in China,Touching or pointing to tip of ones own nose with raised forefinger,Its me. Im the one.,(To westerners, the gesture would seem slightly funny.),Using an open hand to cover ones mouth while speaking.,(generally used by older people),To show confidentiality and secrecy; sometimes no meaning.,(When ones tea cup is being refilled by the host or hostess putting one or both hands upright, palm open, beside the cup.,Respect,Upraised forefinger of each hand coming together in front of the body until the town touch.,Boy and girl in love; a good match,15,


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