《(invisible man)看不见的人》第二幕 Battle royal详解

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《(invisible man)看不见的人》第二幕 Battle royal详解_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Battle Royal,(para 10-20),para10:,hysteria,:n.disturbance of the nervous system,esp with emotioal outbursts,精神错乱(尤指有情绪发作之表现者),in hysteria,:精神处于错乱状态,There was nothing to do but what we were told.,I want you to run across at the bell and give it to him right in the belly.If you dont get him,Im going to get you.,铃声一响,你就给我跑过去,照准他的肚子狠狠地揍。你不打他,我就打你。,This is the words they heared before they started the battle royal.This tells us that the white were cruel.,Yet even then I had been going over my speech. In my mind each word was,as bright as,flame.,然而,即使在那时,我还一直在重复我的演说。在我的心中,每个单词都像火焰一样光明。,Simile,In my opinion, the two sentences show us that the narrator tr,ied,his best to please white people.,The “word” means the speech on the surface. However, in fact, it means the narrators desire to get the whites approval. So he said it was as bright as flame.,Symbols:,be blindfolded with broad bands of white cloth,(Alliteration),white,is the symbol of the white people,1,、,be blindfolded with white cloth,symbolizes that the black people were ruled by white people.,2,、,And when black people were blindfolded, they know nothing but battle. They cant rebel. This symbolizes black peoples weakness,(软弱).,3,、,The black were blindfolded also symbolizes black peoples ignorance,(愚昧),. When they were blindfolded, they didnt think anything, just obeyed the whites order and hit their companies as barbarians.,para11:,a sudden fit of blind terror,:,莫名的恐惧,(因眼睛看不见产生的恐惧),It was,as,though I had suddenly found myself in a dark room filled with poisonous cottonmouth.,那就好像我突然发现自己身处一个充满有毒的棉口蛇的黑暗的房子里。,cottonmouth,:green-brown snakes living in the southeastern part of the U.S.,棉口蛇,Simile,Show us the narrators fear.,bleary,:adj.(of eyes)blurred,esp because of tiredness;,seeing dimy,(指视力)模糊的(尤因疲倦所致);朦朦胧胧的,para13:,school superintendent,:the person who manage and control the school 督学,I strained to pick up the school superintendents voice,as though to squeeze some security out of that slightly more familiar sound.,我竖起耳朵,竭力想听出督学的声音,似乎从他那稍微熟悉的声音中可以得到一点安全感。,The black wanted to get the sense of security from the white.Thats,so ridiculous. It shows us the blacks ignorance again.,para15:,tear him limb from limb,:,把他的四肢一支一支地撕下来,Its very cruel.,Para16:,crunch,: the sound of something crunching,嘎吱嘎吱地咀嚼,crisp,: pleasingly firm and fresh and making a crunching noise when chewed,脆的, 干脆的,He sounded as though he might crunch me between his teeth like a crisp,ginger cookie,.,听那人说话的狠毒劲儿,似乎要把我当成一块姜汁饼干放在嘴里嚼碎。,Materialization,In this sentence, the narrator saw himself as a ginger cookie. It shows us that the narrator thought their black people are in a low class in his deep heart.,He is meek. What he can,do o,nly is waiting for the things would happen next.,Para17:,grunt,: making short inarticulate guttural sounds as of effort expended 呼噜声,咕哝,(,表示不满、轻蔑等情绪,),Chairs were being kicked about and I could hear voices,grunting,as with a terrific effort.,椅子被踢得到处都是,而且我能听到哧哼哧哼的声音。,The narrator use the word “grunt”, it shows us the black people felt uncomfortable and they wanted to rebel but they didnt dare to do it.,but the,blindford,was tight as a thick skin-puckering scab.,This is a,symbol,like the first one. The word “tight” tells us that the whites oppression is very cruel,,and the black people have no enough strength to revolt. It is also a,simile,.,para19,smack,:deliver a hard blow to,掴,用掌击,There are some,details,given to reveal the,cruelty,of the fighting:,pivoted,striking out stiffly, blows pounded,me from all sides,struck out,A,glove,smacked against my head.,一只手套在我的头部打了一下。,Metonymy,:,use the glove to replace the hand that hit the narrators head,Para20:,Blindfolded, I could no longer control my motions. I had no dignity.,由于被蒙住了眼睛,我再也不能控制住自己的感情。我没有尊严。,It shows us that he narrator felt in great pain.,prone,:俯卧的,面向地下的,to yank,:,to jerk,猛拉,to mix it up,:(,Slang,),to fight,milling,(,around,),:,moving in confusion,pull erect,:,拉直,I stumbled about,like,a baby or a drunken man.My saliva became,like,hot bitter glue.,我像一个小孩子或一个喝醉酒的男人一样步履蹒跚。我的唾液变得又热又苦,黏黏糊糊的像胶水。,(Simile),A glove connected with my head, filling my mouth with warm blood. My arms were like lead, my head smarting from blows,. ,All the,words and,sentences are details given to reveal the cruelty of the fighting. The narrator was miserable. Meanwhile, these reveal the cold blood of the white people.,Streaks of,blue,light filled the,black,world,behind,the,blindfold. (,Alliteration,),蒙眼布后面的黑暗世界里闪过一道道蓝光。,Blue,comes from a kind of music,(,Blues,),that created by black people. In the essay, blue expressed their painful feeling caused by the long discrimination.,(,黑人用他们独创的蓝调音乐表现生活和爱情中的艰辛和悲伤以及现实和理想中的忧虑和痛苦。文中,作者用“,blue”,这个颜色表示了混战中黑人的痛苦以及他们压抑的情绪。,),Other examples in text: in the smoky-blue atmosphere.,Materialization,:,My arms were like lead, my head smarting from blows.,我的手臂像铅一样重,我的头部被打得刺痛。,In this sentence, the narrator described his arm was tired as lead. It shows us that the narrator was in a great pain. He felt very tired and uncomfortable. This implies that the fighting is very fierce.,Thank you!,


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