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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,TestComplete基础培训,1,TestComplete简介,TestComplete,是这几年测试工具领域异军突起的一款自动化测试工具,由,AutomatedQA,出品,这几年迅速发展,并且屡获大奖,例如最近就获得,Jolt,的,08,年度测试工具,Productivity,奖。,TestComplete,的最大特点是支持,VBScript,、,DelphiScript,、,JScript,、,C#Script,、,C+Script,多种脚本语言,可以让测试人员选择自己熟悉的脚本语言进行自动化脚本的编写。,另外,,TC,支持,.NET,、,Delphi,、,Java,等流行语言和平台下的软件的自动化功能测试,支持,WEB,功能和,性能测试,,支持,分布式测试,、,单元测试,等多种测试方式。,与,QTP,、,Robot,等主流大牌厂商的自动化测试工具相比,,TC,的优势除了上面所说的,还有,价格,也是其主要竞争优势之一。,2,安装,可到下载,TestComplete,的最新版本。,3,TC,安装的要求,-,最小系统需求,Intel,Pentium II 400 MHz,or higher (,Pentium III 800 MHz,recommended).,Microsoft Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP (both 32-bit and 64-bit editions),Windows Vista (both 32-bit and 64-bit editions), Windows Server 2003 (both 32-bit and 64-bit editions) or Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or later.,Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.,Memory:,128MB,of RAM (,256MB,or more recommended).,250MB hard disk space.,VGA or higher resolution monitor.,Mouse or other pointing device.,4,TC,安装的要求,-,额外需求,To test,Java,Open Applications, you must have one of the following Java virtual machines installed on your computer:,MSVM, build 3309 or later.,Sun JDK (or JRE) v. 1.1.8 or later.,BEA JRockit 5.0.,To test,.NET,Open Applications, the Microsoft .NET Framework v. 1.0.3705 or later is required.,To execute TestComplete tests from test projects created in,Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite ver. 8.0.50727.42 or later or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Testers ver. 8.0.50727.42 or later are required.,To install TestCompletes,Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation,Integration package,Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server Release is required.,To perform,load testing,of web servers, Microsoft Windows 2000, Window XP, Windows Vista,Windows Server 2003 or Windows NT with Service Pack 6.0 or later is required. Also, it is recommended that your computer meets the following requirements:, Minimal Configuration,Intel Pentium III 800 MHz,256 of RAM (for 300 virtual users), Recommended Configuration,Intel Pentium4 3GHz with HyperThreading,1 Gb of RAM,5,TestComplete,支持的测试类型,Manual Testing,(手工测试),Functional Testing,(功能测试),Unit Testing,(单元测试),Regression Testing,(回归测试),Distributed Testing,(分布式测试),HTTP Performance Testing,(,HTTP,性能测试),6,白盒应用程序,TestComplete will be able to automatically see deeply inside .NET and Java application without any changes to the application just because of the nature of metadata generation of .NET and Java application which are easy to reflect. Reflection is the ability to retrieve internal objects, properties, methods and events. So these are always called,White Box,Applications.,.NET,和,Java,程序是基于中间代码构建的,所以,TC,可以直接通过反射读取其中的内部对象、属性、方法和事件。,Some Applications are written in C, C+ or Delphi, these applications are mainly,Black Box,applications but could be compiled in such a way to enable them to become White Box Applications. That would require compiling with Debug information enabled and the inclusion of some TestComplete files into the project to enable reflection of all program metadata.,C,、,C+,、,Delphi,这类程序如果在编译时做相应的设置,则也可以变成,White Box Applications.,关于测试工具的各种原理,请参考 第,2,章,自动化测试工具,7,创建,Project,可通过,Project Wizard,创建测试项目,,,其中,Project Item,包括:,Events,、,HTTP Load Testing,、,Low-Level Procedure Collection,、,Manual Test,、,Script,、,Stores,、,Unit Testing,、,Win32 Tested Application,等。,其中,Win32 Tested Application,中可设置被测试应用程序的,Run Mode,,包括,4,种运行模式:,Simple,、,RunAs,、,Debug,、,Profile,。,一般都选择,Simple,,如果希望在,AQTime,下运行程序以便获得测试覆盖率、代码执行效率等信息的话则可选用,Profile,。,8,Object Browser,Process Filter,Hightlight On Screen,Finder Tool,Change Property,9,Test Log,TC,的,Log,可以写,6,种类型的信息:, Message, Warning, Error, Events, Image, File,10,Debug,断点,步入、步进调试,查看变量值,11,CheckPoint,Region,File,Object,12,数据驱动,TC,用,DDT,来支持数据驱动测试,,DDT,包括,3,种类型:,(1) CVSDriver,is used to read text as comma delimited (default) or tab delimited (using a schema.ini file). By default the first row is the header information (or column names) for the driver.,(2) ExcelDriver,is used to read an Excel spreadsheet. The first row of the sheet is the header information for the driver.,(3) ADODriver,is a generic driver to read in ADO compatible data source.,更多关于测试框架的内容,请参考第,6,章,自动化测试框架的搭建,13,Event Handling,TC,中可处理的一般事件包括:,OnLogCloseNode Occurs when a log folder is pop off the log.,OnLogCreateNode Occurs when a new log folder is appended on the log.,OnLogError Occurs when an error message is posted to the log.,OnLogEvent Occurs when an event message is posted to the log.,OnLogFile Occurs when a posted to the log.,OnLogLink Occurs when a (link) is posted to the log.,OnLogMessage Occurs when a information message is posted to the log.,OnLogPicture Occurs when a picture (image) is posted to the log.,OnLogWarning Occurs when a warning message is posted to the log.,OnOverlappingWindowOccurs when a overlapping window appears.,OnTimeout Occurs when a timeout expires in a project or project suite.,OnUnexpectedWindowOccurs when an unexpected window appears.,OnValidate Occurs when the objects Validate method is called.,下面的脚本用于处理,OnLogError,事件,当,Log,一个错误时,把当前的桌面截屏并写入日志:,Sub,GeneralEvents_OnLogError(Sender, LogParams),Call Log,.Picture(,Sys,.Desktop,LogParams.Str),End Sub,关于非预期窗口的处理,请参考第,12,章,非预期窗口的处理,14,冒烟测试,冒烟测试是自动化测试中最重要,也最应该实现的测试。冒烟测试能为开发和,QA,节省大量的时间,一个好的冒烟测试应该:,(,1,),能快速地运行,a smoke test should not last for hours but minutes and test the most crucial functionality,(,2,),快速发现错误并报告错误,as soon as a failure is detected in the smoke test should end and trigger a failure notification,(,3,),覆盖大范围的功能,Cover a broad range of functionality, focusing on breadth not depth,(,4,),需要的配置不多,Require minimal setup/configuration of the application under test,(,5,),对每个,Build,都运行冒烟测试,Be setup to run against every build,(,6,),需要随着被测试应用程序的修改而不断修改冒烟测试,Adapt over time as the application under test evolves,(,7,),作为后续创建自动化测试的基础,Serve as a model for new test automation,详细内容,请参考书中 第,8,章,自动化冒烟测试,15,


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