Credit Card Guidance

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,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,龙卡商务卡使用指南,Long Credit Card Guide,中文,English,1,目录,开卡启用,刷卡消费,提取现金,临时调高额度,解读账单,卡片挂失及换卡,收费标准,中国建设银行龙卡双币种信用卡章程,2,开卡启用,您的每张卡片都需开卡后方能使用。在您收到卡片后(含新发卡、毁损及挂失补发卡、到期换卡等),首先请选择以电话方式进行开卡:,3,(1)开卡后,您将收到我行寄出的卡片密码函。下列情况须使用该密码:,1)在境内外取现;,2)境内刷卡消费。,(2)请妥善保管您的密码函,并注意与卡片、身份证分开存放。若密码丢失或遗忘,请致电24小时服务热线,我行将为您重新补寄。,开卡启用,为了您更安全、方便地使用和保管密码,您可随时在我行开通改密功能的ATM上修改该密码。,4,刷卡消费,(1)您可在全国所有的龙卡特约商户和带有“银联”标识的特约商户消费交易。,(2)持卡消费时须输入密码,(3)请您仔细核对签购单上的卡号、金额与自己的卡号、实际消费总金额,确认一致后在签购单签名,签名式样须与卡片背面的签名一致。,(4)刷卡消费时,原则上无需出示身份证件,但商户有要求时请您协助配合。,(1)您可在全球近300个国家和地区、逾3000多万家带有VISA、MasterCard或“银联”标识的特约商户消费交易。,(2)请您仔细核对签购单上的卡号、金额与自己的卡号、实际消费总金额,确认一致后在签购单签名,签名式样须与卡片背面的签名一致。,(3)境外消费时无需使用密码和出示身份证件(受理机构另有要求的除外)。,()龙卡商务卡在境外的所有消费均以美元记账。,5,提取现金,龙卡(双币种)信用卡为您提供取现服务,取现须支付取现手续费。本卡境内不能提取现金。根据人民银行和外管局的相关规定,在境外,每卡每日取现累计金额不超过500美元、普通卡不超过200美元,每月不超过5000美元,每个月不能超过等值10000美元,每年不得超过等值20000美元。,(1)ATM取现在贴有VISA、PLUS或MasterCard、CIRRUS或“银联”标识的ATM,凭卡片和密码提取当地货币。,(2)柜台取现在有VISA、MasterCard标识的银行柜台,凭卡片以及护照等有效身份证件提取当地货币。,(1)请按ATM的提示操作,取款后别忘了取回您的卡片;,(2)如发现ATM已扣款、但未吐钞时,应凭ATM的客户通知书,及时到ATM管辖银行网点或致电24小时服务热线请求帮助;,(3)吞卡处理:,卡片被吞,请您尽快到ATM管辖银行网点要求领卡,或致电当地95533服务热线请求帮助,6,临时调高额度,若您因商务考察等活动,现有的信用额度不够时,可事先向公司申请临时调高信用额度,我们将根据您的实际情况为您做出调整,以尽我们所能助您一臂之力,如您需要临时调高信用额度,请通知所在单位的联系人,按照公司的信用卡有关政策填写信用卡额度调整申请表,由单位联络人致电24小时服务热线,并按要求提供有关材料。,临时信用额度到期后您的信用额度将自动恢复为原来的额度。,7,解读账单,1),账单日:,每月对持卡人在账单周期内的交易本金、费用等进行汇总并结计利息的日期。每张卡只有一个账单日,在随新卡附上的信函以及每份对账单上均有注明。,2),到期还款日:,账单日后第20天是本期账单还款的最后日期。,3),信用额度:,我行根据持卡人信用状况核定的、在卡片有效期内可循环使用的最高限额,是持卡人名下所有卡片(含主卡、附属卡)的共用额度,也是人民币账户与美元账户的共同额度,用人民币金额表示。,4),最低还款额:,表示持卡人本期应该偿还的最低金额。,5),上期应还款额:,上期账单应还的汇总金额。,6),本期新增应还款额:,从上期账单日的后一天到本期账单日期间所有交易款项及相关利息、费用的总额。,7),交易日:,持卡人实际用卡消费、取现、还款等交易的日期。,8),交易明细:,每笔交易的相关信息,包括交易类型、交易渠道、交易地点等信息.,10),结算币种/金额:,境内交易款项(含通过银联网络的境外交易款项)为人民币以“CNY”及相应金额列示,境外交易款项折算为美元以“USD”及相应金额列示。结算币种前带“*”的交易表示争议交易,暂不计入应还款额;金额前带“-”的交易表示还款交易、消费冲减等贷记类交易,您收到的龙卡(双币种)信用卡对账单反映了您当月账单周期内境内外的用卡情况。对账单分别按人民币和美元列印出了相关交易和费用明细。,8,解读账单,(1)对账单的寄送,当您账户发生交易且超过一定金额,我行每月在固定日期(一般为账单日后第3天),按照您指定的地址以平信为您寄发对账单。若您在账单日后1015日内还未收到对账单,请立即致电我行24小时服务热线查询,以免延误还款。您名下的相关交易和费用明细将分别按人民币和美元在对账单上汇总列示。,(2)账单地址更改,如果您需更改对账单的寄送地址,请致电24小时服务热线。我行将核实您的身份后,按提供的新地址寄送对账单。,(3)补寄对账单,如您的对账单遗失,我行可为您补寄。补寄最近3个月的对账单免费,补寄3个月以前的账单则需支付一定的手续费。,若您收到对账单后,对所列交易明细有疑问,请及时致电24小时服务热线查询。,如您需要申请调阅签购单,为避免作业时效的延误,请于交易日后60天内致电24小时服务热线。,调阅签购单据需要支付一定的手续费。如果经过查证交易属于伪冒类或错帐交易,确与您无关,您无须支付该笔款项并可免除调单手续费。,9,卡片挂失及换卡,若您的卡片不慎遗失或被盗,请立即致电我行24小时服务热线挂失。经我行受理确认后,挂失即生效,以最大限度地保护您的利益。,若您在国外发生卡片遗失、被窃,且在国外期间仍需继续使用龙卡(双币种)信用卡时,请致电我行24小时服务热线进行挂失并申办紧急替代卡。我行将立即联络国外发卡机构为您办理紧急替代卡,同时为您补发新卡。,到期换卡:,龙卡(双币种)信用卡卡片使用有效期为3年,过期即失效。我行将在您的卡片到期前1个月主动为您寄发新卡,方便您使用。如您在卡片到期后不愿继续用卡,请在卡片到期前1个月致电我行24小时服务热线。,提前换卡:,若您的卡片在3个月内即将到期,并且您因出国等特殊原因需提前换卡,请致电24小时服务热线提出申请并自行销毁原有卡片。我行将为您办理提前换卡,并为您寄发新卡。,损毁换卡:,当您的卡片因毁损、断裂、磁条消磁或签名有误等原因无法继续使用时,可申请补发新卡;申请补发请致电我行24小时服务热线,补发新卡需支付相应的补发手续费;请您务必自行销毁旧卡,以免带来不必要的损失。,10,中国建设银行龙卡双币种信用卡收费项目及标准,11,中国建设银行龙卡双币种信用卡章程,12,CONTENT,Open the Card,Purchase by Using Cards,Advance Cash,Increase Credit Limit Temporarily,Bank Statements,Card Loss Reporting & Replacing,Charges for Credit Long Card,China Construction Bank Long Credit Card Charter,13,Open the Card,Step one: activate the card,You have to active your card before using it. When you receive the cards (including new cards, damaged cards, replacement card and newly changed cards), you may activate your cards through telephone.,14,Open the Card,Step two: password letter,(1) When you activate the card, you may receive the password letter posted by CCB. The password is required under the following scenarios:,1) Withdraw cash in China;,2) Domestic consumption.,(2) Please keep the password letter safe and not put them together with you ID card. If you lose your password, please call our 24-hour service hotline. CCB will reissue the password.,Step three: change password,For the safe and easy use and storage of your password, you may change your password in our ATMs with such functions.,15,Purchase by Using Cards,1. Domestic consumption,(1) You may use this card at Long Card authorized merchants or merchants having “Union Pay” logo;,(2) You must enter the password for domestic consumption.,(3) Please the check the receipt. If you find no discrepancies between the card number and consumption amount in the receipt and your card number and the actual consumption amount, you shall sign the receipt in the name signed on the back of the credit card;,(4) You need not provide your ID card when using this card. If the merchant requires, your assistance will be greatly appreciated.,2. Overseas consumption,(1) You may use this card at over 3000 authorized merchants having “VISA” or MasterCard logos;,(2) Please the check the receipt. If you find no discrepancies between the card number and consumption amount in the receipt and your card number and the actual consumption amount, you shall sign the receipt in the name signed on the back of the credit card;,(3) You need not provide your ID card when using this card overseas. If the merchant requires, your assistance will be greatly appreciated.,(4) All the overseas consumption will be charged by USD.,16,Advance Cash,You may advance cash with the Long Credit Card but you have to pay the processing fees. The card could not withdraw cash in China. According to the regulations of State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), USD 500 per card per day for overseas consumption, USD 200 per card per day for overseas consumption by classic card holders and USD 5000 per card per month, USD 10000 per card per six month, USD 20000 per card per year.,Domestic cash advance,(1) Through ATMs. You may advance local currencies ATMs with VISA, PLUS, MasterCard, and CIRRUS logos with the card and password.,(2) Over the counter. You may advance cash over our counters with VISA and MasterCard logos with the card and password.,Notes for advancing cash through ATMs:,(1) When you complete ATM transactions, do not forget to take out your card;,(2) If you find the AMT has deducted the amount you withdraw but has not delivered the cash, please take the customer notice and go to the ATM outlets or call our 24-hour service hotline for help;,(3) If your card is swallowed by ATMs, please go to the ATM outlet to claim it back or call local 95533 for help.,17,Increase Credit Limit Temporarily,If the current credit line may be sufficient when you make a business trip, you may launch an application to your company to increase your credit limit temporarily. We will adjust your credit lime according to your credit rating and the records. We hope that we can provide you with great help.,If you need to increase your credit limit temporarily, please inform the link person, and according to our company principle, you need to fill out the required documents, and supply some mistrials related.,When the term for the temporary increase expires, we will automatically resume your former credit limit.,18,Bank Statements,CCB will send the statement of your Long Credit Card by mail to inform you of your monthly transactions. The statement includes the RMB and USD expenses and related transactions.,Bank Statement Terminology,1),Statement date.,It is the date of a month on which the issuing bank reviews the outstanding principal of purchase and cash advance balances, and fees, calculates the interest, and arrives at the amount due.,2),Payment due date.,It is the 20th day after the statement date and the deadline of the repayment.,3),Credit line.,It is the maximum amount of credit that the issuing bank approves for the cardholder on the basis of his or her creditworthiness, including the RMB and USD credit of all cards (primary and secondary cards). The credit line is expressed in RMB.,4),The minimum amount due.,It is the minimum amount the cardholder must repay, as set by the issuing bank.,5),The amount due of previous month.,It is the total amount of previous month that should be repaid.,6),Transaction date.,It is the date on which the cardholder makes a purchase, advances cash, or makes repayment.,7),Transactions statement.,It includes information related to every transaction, including transaction types, channels, locations, etc.,8),Settlement currency/amount.,The transactions that take place in China (including the transactions taking place overseas through Union Pay networked outlets) will be expressed in CNY. The transactions that take place overseas will be expressed in USD. The settlement currency with “*” mark indicates that this is disputed transaction, which will not be included into the amount due. The settlement amount with “-” mark indicates that this is credit transaction, such as repayment transaction.,19,Bank Statements,Bank Statement Services,1),Mailing of the bank statement,When you transaction exceeds a certain amount, CCB will send the bank statement to the designated address by ordinary mail on a fixed date of every month (usually the third day after the statement date). If you have not received the band statement 10 to 15 days after the statement date, please call our 14-hour service hotline for inquiries to avoid further delay. The transactions and expenses of the card under your name will be listed in the bank statement in RMB and USD.,2),Alteration of postal address,If you need to alter the postal address, please call our 25-hour service hotline. When we verify your identify, we will mail the bank statement to your new address.,3),Reissuing of bank statement,If your bank statement is lost, we can send you the bank statement once again. If you only need the bank statement of previous 3 months, it will be free of charge. If you need bank statement even before previous 3 months, the bank will charge you a certain amount of processing fees.,3. Handling of disputes,1) If you have any doubt about the transaction information listed in the bank statement, please call our 24-hour service hotline for inquiries.,2) If you apply for checking the receipts, please call our 24-hour service hotline within 60 days from the transaction date so as to avoid the delay of transaction validity.,3) You need to pay a certain amount of processing fees if you wish to check the receipt. If the transaction is found wrong or false, which has nothing to do with you, you need to pay for this item and the processing charge will be exempted.,20,Card Loss Reporting & Replacing,1. Cards Loss Reporting,If your card is lost or stolen, you may call our 24-hour hotline at once to report the loss. After we confirm, loss report takes effect. We will protect your interest within the best of our capabilities.,If your card is lost or stolen when you are abroad and you still need to use the Long credit card, you may call our 24-hour hotline to report loss and apply for the emergency replacement card. Our bank will connect with the foreign card issuing organizations to deal with the emergency replacement card for you and reissue a new card at the same time.,2. Cards Replacing,Replacing card at the expiration:,The period of validity for Long credit card is 3 years. It becomes invalid when it expires. Our bank will send you a new card one month before it expires so to facilitate your use. If you do not want to use the card any longer, please call the 24-hour hotline one month before your card expires.,Replacing card in advance:,If your card will expire within three months and you need to replace the card in advance for various reasons such as going abroad, you may call the 24-hour hotline to apply for destroying the old card. We will replace the card and send you the new one by post.,Replacing card for it is damaged:,When your card is damaged, broken, demagnetized or wrong in signature and you cannot use it any longer, you may apply for a new one. You need to call our 24-hour hotline and pay related reissuing fees. The old card must be destroyed so as to avoid the unwanted loss.,21,Charges for Credit Long Card,22,China Construction Bank Long Credit Card Charter,23,


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