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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,CHAPTER12,T.S.Eliot Stevens Williams,1,Background information,Poetic scene: dismal, uninspired, moralistic, imitative prevailed in1900-1910,Imagist movement,The Symbolist Movement in Literature(1899) by Arthur Symons, an English critic poetic revolution,All kinds of innovations between 1912-1914,Whitman,Fragmented and dislocated modern life,New verse,Modernism,2,Modernism,Modernism is a,cultural movement,that generally includes the progressive art and architecture, design, literature, music, dance,painting and other visual arts which emerged in the beginning of the 20th century, particularly in the years following World War I. It was a movement of artists and designers who rebelled against late,19,th,century,academic and historical,tradition, and embraced the neweconomic, social and political aspects of the emerging,modern world,.,3,Modernism rose out of skepticism and disillusion of capitalism. Especially the Second World War marked the last stage of the disintegration of the British Empire. Britain suffered heavy losses in the war: thousands of people were killed; the economy was ruined; and almost all its former colonies were lost. People were in economic, cultural, and belief crisises.,4,Characteristics of Modernism in Literature,1. One characteristic of English,Modernism i,s,the dehumanization of art,;,2.,The modernist writers are,mainly concerned with the inner being of an individual;,3.,Modernism is, in many aspects,a,reaction against realism,5,T. S. Eliot(1888-1965),A,poet, dramatist, literary critic, and modernist.,A poet, dramatist,literary critic, and modernist.,6,Life(p,172,),Birth and family background:,born in a wealthy family of America, parents were well cultured,Education:,received a good education when he was young, especially,classical,literature; studied in Harvard in 1906; studied in Paris and Oxford after getting his M.A. degree,Marriage:,suffered intensely, unhappy( working as a teacher and a bank clerk while composing poetry),7,Literary Career,First period,1911,The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,J.阿尔弗雷德普鲁弗洛克的情歌 the first masterpiece of,Modernism,in English,1917,Prufrock and Other Observations,普鲁弗洛克及其他 ,First volume of poetry,8,Second period,1922,The Waste Land,荒原: Eliots epochal masterpiece, a representative work of the High Modernism of the 1920s,1925 The Hollow Man,透明人:,the spiritual and emotional aridity of modern men,exhibiting a pessimism,9,Third period,1930,Ash Wednesday,圣灰星期三,1943,Four Quartets,四个四重奏,Noble Prize for literature in 1948,Literary criticism:,Selected Essays 1932, The Uses of Poetry 1933, On Poetry and Poets 1957, etc,1935-1958,verse plays:,Murder in the Cathedral,大教堂中的谋杀,10,Writing style,Eliots poetry was becoming noted for its fresh visual imagery, its flexible tone, and highly expressive rhythm.(p,172,),2. Eliots poetry is difficult to read.(p,175,),a. For one thing the images and symbols seem very much disconnected,b. An obvious source of difficult lies in his learned quotations and allusions.,11,3. Eliot piles up a heap of images, visual, auditory, olfactory, and more for the readers to figure out what is being said. (Take an example of,The winter Evening Settles Down,),4. Dramatic monologue(,The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,),12,The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,(p,176,),This poem marked the start of Eliots career as one of the 20th centurys most influential poets.,“Prufrock is about a lonely, timid middle-aged man who, lacking self-confidence, wants to propose marriage to a lady but is afraid to do so, and ultimately does not.,13,Presentation method(p,177,),Surreal vividness,Elliptical structures,Strange juxtapositions(并列),An absence of bridges,Stream consciousness(p,178,),14,Morning at the Window早晨的窗,They are rattling breakfast plates in basement kitchens,And along the trampled edges of the street,I am aware of the damp souls of housemaid,Sprouting despondently at area gates.,The brown waves of fog toss up to me,Twisted faces from the bottom of the street,And tear from a passer-by with muddy skirts,An aimless smile that hovers in the air,And vanishes along the level of the roofs.,在地下室厨房他们早餐的盘子,咔嗒咔嗒地响,顺着街道被践踏的边沿,我注意到家佣沮丧的神情,消沉地出现在大门区域,褐色的雾涨起来涌向我,晃动的脸在街道尽头,一个路人扯破洞的泥污裙子,一个漫无目的的微笑在空中徘徊,转眼消失在平坦的屋顶,15,The Waste Land,(p,180,),433 lines, mainly free verse,Many quoted lines in German, French, Italian and references and allusions to English writers as Spencer, Shakespeare, Middleton, Milton and Goldsmith with many explanatory notes,A picture of the spiritual ruins in Europe shortly after the end of WWI and expressed the disillusionment of a generation of intellectuals,A landmark in English poetry, ending the Romantic period and signifying the emergence of Modernism,.,16,Writing Features,Focus:,fragmentary nature of life,Major themes:,despair for the 1920s and 1930s(p,181,),Presentation method,:,impersonal,eloquent social criticize(p,181,),Discontinuous with its fragments,full of literary allusions and ancient myths,measuring modern life against the historical past,17,Theories,1. Impersonal theory(p,173,) New Criticism,2. Objective correlative(p,175,),3. Tradition and individual talent(p,181,),18,Influence,“a classicist in art, a royalist in politics, and an Anglo-Catholic in religion.” (Page 174),1.He was the most successful literary dictator in American literary history , who wielded the most decisive influence over literary development for a long time(p,174,),2.A leader of the modernist movement in English poetry,3. A great innovator of new verse technique,4. Postmodernist poems,19,His writing features,His,Harmonium,bears a visible imprint of the imagist “manifesto”.,He became diffuse and reflective and paradoxical generalizations and quasi-philosophical deliberations .(1940s-1955),20,Wallace stevens(1879-1955 ),21,His thoughts and writing style,1、,Main topic,: the relationship between reality and poetry, nature and imagination,2、,Two types of reality,:,the objective reality & the subjective reality,3、,Hedonism,:the significance on the enjoyment of sensual emotions,4、,Simple lines,: an emphasis on vocabulary and imagery rather than prosody,22,5、,The faith in poetry,:Stevens thinks that poetry creates an aesthetic order and converts “the pressure of ominous and destructive circumstance as far as possible, into a different ,an explicable, an amenable circumstance “(p184),23,“,Anecdote of the Jar,”,I placed a jar in Tennessee,And round it was, upon a hill.,It made the slovenly wilderness,Surround that hill.,The wilderness rose up to it, and sprawled around, no longer wild.,The jar was round upon the ground,And tall and of a port in air.,It took dominion everywhere.,The jar was gray and bare.,It did not give of bird or bush,Like nothing else in Tennessee.,我把一只坛子放在田纳西,圆圆的坛子,竖立在山顶。它令这凌乱的荒野向着小山聚拢。,荒野向它涌来,并向四周蔓延,不再狂野。圆圆的坛子竖立在地面之上,如同高空中的港口。,这光秃秃的灰坛子,统治着一切。它长不出鸟儿和树丛,它与田纳西的一切都不相同。,24,His works,Harmonium,(1923, reprinted 1931), Ideas of Order (1935) 秩序观念, Owls Clover (1936), The Man with the Blue Guitar (1937) 拿蓝色吉他的人, Parts of a World (1942), Transport to Summer (1947), The Auroras of Autumn (1950), Collected Poems (1954), Opus Posthumous (1957) (including his uncollected works), Prose writing: The Necessary Angel,25,William Carlos Williams (1883-1963),26,Life,Williams grew up in a household that spoke French, Spanish, and British English.,In college he met and became friends with,Ezra Pound,.,He worked all his life as a physician in American except for two brief visits to Europe .,27,His poetic features,characterized by his interest in every day events and the life of common people.,It must use the common speech without encrustation or ornamentation.,To write particularly and specifically.,His fidelity to the facts of life.,28,The Red Wheelbarrow,So much depends,Upon,A red wheel,Barrow,Glazed with rain,Water,Beside the white,chickens,这么多,全靠,一辆红轮子的,手推车,因为雨水,而闪光,旁边是一群,白色的小鸡,29,His works,Paterson,Kora in Hell (1920),Spring and Hall (1923),Pictures from Brueghel and other poems (1962),Imagination (1970),30,


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