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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,*,Structuralism,De Saussure and,Claude Levi-Strauss,1,Outline,Starting Questions,F. de Saussure:,general intro,;,our reading,;,final questions,Levi Strauss:,general intro,;,our reading,;,final questions,2,Starting Questions,What is structuralism? And structural linguistics, structural anthropology?,Do you agree with the basic assumptions of structuralism?,Do you find todays readings difficult or interesting or ?,3,Ferdinand de Saussure,Language as a system of,signs, rather than a naming process. A sign is composed of sound-image and concept, or signifier and signified.,The relationship between signifier and signified is,arbitrary,. Language as,a system of difference,: “in language there are only differences,without positive terms,.,Synchronic approach: with an analogy to chess game.,Signification and value,4,System of Language,Saussure: “Language is a system of,inter-dependent terms,in which the value of each term results solely from the simultaneous presence of others” (textbook: 969),Two dimensions of language a sign is always in paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations with other signs.,5,Introduction, Chap III. The Object of Linguistics,Place of Language in the Facts of Speech; p. 960,Semiology,and the importance of language; p. 961-62,Sign, signified and,signfier,p. 963,Principle I: arbitrariness p. 964;,onomatopeia,965; interjections 966,Principle II: linear nature of the signifier; two axisaxis of simultaneities; axis of succession,Chess game as an example of synchrony.,6,Part II, Chap IV,Language as Organized Thought Coupled with Sound p. 966-,Linguistic value from a conceptual viewpoint,* system of relations: exchange and comparison 969,* the difference between signification and value 970;,* different languages / different conceptual frameworks,3. Linguistic value from a material,viewpoitn,Arbitrary and,differentail,are two correlative qualities. 971,Letters completely negative and differential.,7,Part II, Chap IV (2),4. The Sign Considered in its Totality,Difference makes,character,just as it makes,value,and the,unit.,8,Chapter V. Syntagmatic and Associative Relations,What are they and why are they important concept?,9,De Saussure: Q & A,What do you think about Saussures emphasis on signifier as sound-image?,Is meaning construction in language completely arbitrary?,How is Saussures views of language different from or similar to that expressed in 夏宇s 失蹤的象?,10,Example 2: Different views of language,言者,所以在意,得,意,而忘,言,。莊子外物,得兔忘蹄、得魚忘筌、得意忘言,王弼說:,言,者象之蹄也,,象,者意之筌。言者所以明象,得象而忘言。象者所以存意,得意而忘象。,(,reference, 語言(言、象:象卦symbols?用為做工具,意:the meanings referred to or,道,11,Claude Levi-Strauss: Structuralist Anthropology,Language as at once,the prototype of the cultural phenomenon,and,the phenomenon whereby all the forms of social life are established and perpetuated,” (Structural Anthropology 358-9).,Each system, that is,kinship, food, political ideology, marriage ritual, cooking, etc.,constitutes a partial expression of the total culture, conceived ultimately as,a single gigantic language,.(Hawkes 34),12,Claude Levi-Strauss: Structuralist Anthropology (2),Triste Tropiques, started with “I hate traveling and explorers.”,What is the contradiction Levi-Strauss himself is covering over? One answer is suggested by his publication of The Structural Study of Myth” at the same time as Triste Tropiques. “While Triste Tropiques expresses the pain and mourns the destructive impact of Western civilization on non-Western people, the study of myth sees the different moments of human history as structurally simultaneous. (textbook 1417),Cultural relativism vs. narrative of progress;,The destruction of the primitive societies total so as to internalize the lost object (textbook 1418),13,Claude Levi-Strauss: Structuralist Anthropology (2),Kinship incest taboo, the importance of avuncular figures (uncles) and,exchange of women;,Savage Mind bricoleur,The way the so-called primitive man responds to the world around him.,science of the concrete: arranging the minutiae(,small and often unimportant details,) of the physical world in their profusion by means of a logic foreign to us.,14,Claude Levi-Strauss (3): Myth,His approach: not to find how men think in myths, but how myths think in men, unbeknown to them (qtd. Hawkes 41),To find the ,unconscious structure,of myth basic elements as well as their combinationwhich,underpin and formulate our total view of the world,.,Basic elements: mythemes gross constituent units formed into,a bundle,of relations (bundle a set of items sharing the same functional trait).,15,“The Structural Study of Myth”,Intro:,previous studies of myth (handout 101),Basic question: why are myths all over the world so similar?,Theoretic framework: langue and parole p. 103;,Summary of his main points and working hypothesis on myth and,mythemes,p. 104,Examples of bundles of relations orchestra; deck of cards,Example 1: Oedipus (105-109), autochthony,Example 2: the trickster of American mythology (110-113), 1) trickster as mediator (p.112); 2) related to Freud,Conclusion: 114,16,Claude Levi-Strauss (3): Myth & Orchestra,Myth always works simultaneously on two axes. . .like an orchestral score,“an orchestra score, to be meaningful, must be read diachronically along one axisthat is, page after page, and from left to rightand synchronically, along the other axis, all the notes written vertically making up,one gross constitute unit, that is, one bundle of relations,.”,17,神話與交響樂,李維史陀的結構人類學理論,將神話比為交響樂,,交響樂不只有旋律還有和聲;也就是在樂譜上有,橫的和縱的,兩個向度的關係。交響樂要利用不同的樂器不斷地重複奏出主題或主題的變奏,成為動人的和聲。,神話也有旋律和和聲兩個向度;像,和聲一樣產生重複與變奏的內在結構,。只是這個結構需要研究者分析才能找出。(李亦園 pp. 2-3 神話與意義,神話的和聲結構:二元對立 dualism.,18,神話與交響樂: e.g. Oedipus,Four columns bundles; 1. overrating the blood relations; 2. underrating of blood relations; 3. monsters being slaindenial of the,autochthonous origin of mankind,; 4. difficulties in walking straight ,autochthonous origin of mankind,(107), “Oedipus myth provides a kind of logical tool which relates the original problem ,born from one or born from two? to the derivative problem: born from different or born from the same?,By a correlation of this type, the overrating of blood relations is to the underrating of blood relations as the attempt to escape autochthony (土著, 本地人) is to the impossibility to succeed in it. (p. 108),19,Another Example,:介之推隨晉文公出奔,曾割股肉以療文公之饑。後晉文公復國,未酬介之推官爵,之推自隱山林。晉文公憶及介之推之功勞,其拒再出山,文公乃縱火燒山,之推抱木燒死。文公後悔,遂命民間每年於是時禁火三日,是後世寒食節之始。,20,Questions,Do you agree with Levi-Strauss way of interpreting the Oedipus myth?,Do we have other legends and myths to support his argument for a common structure for myths all over the world? Or mythemes as the basic units?,Do we always think in binary terms? What can be the problems in binarism?,21,


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