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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,How to write an argumentation,(如何书写议论文),第一组,:,曹世江,学号:,2015221166,目录,一、议论文的定义、三要素,五、模板和范文,二、论证方法、写作流程,四、议论文写作技巧,三、议论文写作结构,一、什么是议论文,定义,:,议论文是,通过议论或说理来表达,自己的,见解和主张,用来,论述某个道理、阐述某种观点,的一种文体.,作者对某一问题持有,某,种看法,为了使读者同意自己的观点,或是驳斥别人的错误观点,,提出若干理由,用来支撑自己的观点,.,基本要求,:议论文应该,观点明确,、,论据充分,、,语言精炼、论证合理、逻辑严密。,议论文三要素,1,、,论点,(the topic),:,作者对议论的问题所持的见解和主张,即最终要支持和证明的对象;,一篇议论文只能有一个中心论点论点一般在开头提出,然后加以论证,2,、,论据,(,argument,),:,用来证明论点的事实和依据,,论据,必须让人觉得真实、可信, 能够充分证明论点并且要具有,典型性, 新颖性。尽可能寻找一些新鲜的、能给人以新的,感受和启示的论据,一般是以事实为论据,也可以利用,成语,格言,名人名言等作为论据,3,、,论证,(demonstration),:,是用论据证明论点的过程,也,就是论述的方法。,论证方法:,议论文常用的写作方法有:,归纳法,、,推理法、对照法、驳论法、例证法、引证法,等等,。,人们常用的方法是,例证法,,即举出比较典型的事例进行说理;,对照法,,即把正反两方面相互对照,然后加以分析,以说明事物;,驳论法,:先列出错误观点,然后加以逐条批驳,最后阐明自己的观点。,二、论证方法、写作流程,常用对照句型:,In contrast to A , B is.,On the one hand, A., while on the other hand, B.,A and B are similiar in .,Some students think its a good idea to.,On the contrary,the other students are.,议论文的写作步骤,审题,analyze,构思,conception,列提纲,outline,写作,writing,检查,check,审题、构思和列提纲最好控制在,5,分钟以内,写作,2025,分钟,检查留,3,分钟左右。,三、议论文写作结构,1,、引言(,introduction,),3,、结论,(conclusion),2,、主体段(,main body,),1,、引言,(introduction),在引言段中就必须简单解释要讨论的问题,并明白地亮出,自己的观点,如提倡什么,支持什么,反对什么等。,Example:,(提出问题),There is currently much discussion about whether students should stay in their own classrooms or not during break times,(表明观点),Personally I believe that students can never be kept in the classrooms between classes.,2,、主体段(,main body,),主体段是议论的过程,必须有足够的证据 (,adequate proofs,)来论证自己的观点,主要的方法:,a.,阐述理由,;,b.,分析利弊,;,c.,提出举措,;,d.,列举实例,Example,:,We spend almost the whole day in our classroom,,,and,break times,(,课间休息时间,) are the only time that we can relax for a while,It may become very,tedious,(,沉闷的,) to stay there for a long time,without a rest.,3.,结论(,conclusion,),结论段可以用一两句话来结束文章同时要注意与引言段呼应,但不能照搬前的原话,Example,:,Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely draw a conclusion,that it would make break times happier for more and more students if they were allowed to choose where they spent their time,四、议论文写作技巧,应用修辞,增强说服力,表达到位,才能看得明白,简洁洗练,要点不繁杂,多用书面语,少用口头语,正确使用连接词,应用修辞,增强说服力,适当采用比喻、夸张等修辞手法,采用幽默、平行结构等写作手法,可以把道理说得更加透彻,把观点表达得更加鲜明,把平淡的内容表现得更加生动,从而更好地传递信息,增添文采,激发读者的共鸣。,Example,:,There are,only,two creatures in the world who can surmount the pyramids,the eagle and the snail.,(,夸张,),世界上能跨越金字塔的生物只有两种,雄鹰和蜗牛。,The children was as busy,as,bees ,making preparations for the festival.(,比喻,),孩子们准备过节忙得像蜜蜂一样,。,表达到位,才能看得明白,通常,作者对自己论述的观点是清楚的,但在将,观点传达给读者时,往往因为用词不准确,逻辑欠严,密,或因受中国式思维的干扰而令表达不到位,结果,使读者不知所云。,Example,:,They gave me what I,need,,,but not what I,want,改为:,They have given me what I need but not What I am,asking for,简洁洗练,要点不繁杂,语言简洁有力,文章干净利落,是议论文的重,要特征之一。写作时,只要力求做到“章无冗段,,段无冗句,句无冗词”,就可改变 拖泥带水的现象,。,Example:,There are,no,good reasons to expiain why boys and girls,should not,be treated equally.,改为:,Boys and girls should be given equal treatment,多用书面语,少用口头语,相对口头语而言,书面语更能增添文章的厚重感,和读者对文章的信任感。,Example,:,Everything has two sides and this,problem is quite the same,Everything has two sides and this,issue is not an exception,正确使用连接词,在句子间使用连接词,能使文章脉络更加清晰,,逻辑关系更加流畅。,Example,:,1,、,The water was polluted,As a result(,表因果,),,,the fish died,2,、,However,(表转折),,,others think we should have junk food.,1,、主体段表层次的关联词,First and foremost/besides/last but not (the)least,;,On the one hand/on the other hand,Firstly-secondly-thirdly,;,In the first placein the second placein the third place,;,To begin with/then/furthermore/finally,;,To start with/ next /in addition/ finally,;,2,、常用的其他关联词,表结论:,on the whole, in general, in brief, to end/ sum up,to conclude, in conclusion, in short, in summary 等。,From what has been discussed above,we can safely come to/draw the conclusion that.,表因果,:as, as a result, because of, for, due to,owing to, thanks to .,表,意见,:in ones opinion,from my perspective,as far as I am concerned, my idea/ view is, it strikes me that, from my point , personally .,表比较:,unlike, in the same way, on the contrary,different from, in contrast to .,五、模板和范文,在英语六级中常考的议论文有,“,评论型,”,和,“,解释型,”,的,所,论述的问题一般都与名言哲理类有关,通常给出一句简单,的话作为要评论或解释的对象。,1,、评论型议论文,(一)题型特点:,Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay,commenting on,the saying/remark/proverb,“A smile is the shortest distance between two peopleYou can cite examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least l50 words but no more than 200 words,(二)写作模板:,第一段: 引言; 通俗含义; 有何启发,As the,saying/remark/proverb/quotation has it (goes):,.,In other words/To put it another way,;,Simple as the,saying/remark/proverb,/quotation,may sound ,it conveys a thought-provoking notion/message that,.,As the,saying/remark/proverb/quotation has it (goes):,.,可以替换为:,(主语),,as,the saying/remark/proverb/quotation has it (goes),谓语,+,宾语。,第二段:论据支持, 论据一; 论据二; 举例,First and foremost, ,. In addition,.,For instance,.,如果担心字数不够可以在,First and foremost,前面加上,Two arguments can be listed to support this view/Reasons,can be listed as follows:,对于词数要求在,300,以上时,可列举三个论据,举两个例子用开扩充文章。,第三段:, 名言的意义; 提出建议; 有何好处,一般的表达方式:,To sum up/In conclusion, ,. we should,.,Only in /by this way,can we,.,较好地表达方式:,From what has been discussed above,we can safely,come to/draw the conclusion that+,某某的重要性,.,Hence/Therefore/Consequently,it is advisable/imperative,/essential for .to do.,A smile is the shortest distance between two people,As the,saying/remark/proverb/quotation has it (goes):, A smile is the shortest distance between two people.,In other words/To put it another way,a smile could serve as a bridge to shorten the distance between two hearts,;,Simple as the saying/remark/proverb/quotation may sound ,it conveys a thought-provoking notion/message that,We should always be friendly and polite to others,.,First and foremost, ,a smile proves to be the most effective way to break the ice between two strangers .,In addition,being friendly could promote the mutual understanding and friendship since those who always,wear a warm smile,avoid the impresion of coldness and,indifference. For instance,American celebrated,hotol king,Hiltons motto is keep you smile. Smille helped Hilton come,through the difficulties; moreover, it brought great profits.,From what has been discussed above,we can safely,come to the conclusion that,nothing could be more,effective than a warm smile in bringing people closer.hence,it is advisable for people to open their mind and treat,others with sincerity and warmth.,2,、解释型议论文,(一)题型特点:,Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay,explaining,.,You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least l50 words but no more than 200 words,(二)写作摸板,第一段: 复述名言哲理; 反向体现; 我的观点,It is a truth universally acknowledged that ,.,Nevertheless,. From my perspective/As far as I am concerned. ,.,第二、三两段写作模式同,“,评论型,”,相似,此处不再赘述。,Thank you,for,listenling,!,


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