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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Experiencing English 2,Unit 1 Famous Universities,Words and Expressions,There are over 16300 students in Oxford University (1999-2000). Almost a quarter of these students are foreigners, and they represent more than 130 countries.,在1999-2000年度,牛津大学有学生16300名,在这些学生中,约有四分之一是来自海外130多个国家。,1,Words and Expressions,1.,consist of:,(no passive) be made up of , be composed of,( not in the continuous tense一般不用于进行时态),Eg:,The committee consists of ten members.,委员会由十人组成。,2,Words and Expressions,2.,corporate,k:prit,adj.自成一体的;(结成)社团的;公司的,全体的,共同的,Corporate executives usually have high salaries.,公司的管理人员一般享有高薪。,n. corporation公司,法人,企业,corporator社团成员,corporate body团体,法人组织,corporate town自治城市,corporate image公司形象,3,Words and Expressions,3.,distinct,adj.,different不同的,有区别的;清晰的,清楚的;apparent显著的,明确的,The outline of the ship became more distinct.,船的轮廓变得更加清晰了。,n. distinction区别,不同,辨析:,distinctive 具有特色的,domestic 国内的,家里的,distant 远离的,冷淡疏远的,divine 神圣的,非凡的,4,Words and Expressions,4. elect 选举 elector选民 election选举,elective 由选举产生的;选修课,electioneering竞选活动,拉票活动,辨析:choose,select,均指从众多事物中精挑细选,不用于政治选举,5,Words and Expressions,5.,take primary responsibility for,对负主要责任,primary:,chief, main,take/bear/accept full responsibility for the consequences,对后果承担全部责任,6.,well-being:,personal and physical comfort, esp food, health and happiness身心健康,生活各方面,6,Difficult Sentence,.,Each student at Oxford is assigned to a tutor, who supervises the students program of study, primarily through tutorials. (para. 4),Each Oxford student has a private supervisor who advices and instructs the student on a one-to-one basis.,在牛津,每个学生都配有一个导师,主要通过导师制来进行一对一的监督和指导学生的学习。,7,Words and Expressions,7.,supervise v.,keep watch over( a job or activity, or the people doing it) as the person in charge 监督,管理,指导,n. supervisor 监督者,管理者,supervision监督,管理,8.tutorial,tju:t:ril,导师辅导课;导师制,8,Words and Expressions,9.,on,the basis of,:,according to the fact, principles, etc. from which something is formed, started or developed,依据,Example:,Decisions were made on the basis of incorrect information.,错误的信息导致了这些决定。,9,Words and Expressions,10.,minimum,the least, or the smallest possible, quantity, number or degree,最小的,最低量,最低限度的,antonym:maximum,Examples:,This price is his minimum; he refuses to lower it further.,10,Difficult Sentence,Students should check carefully that they are eligible to apply for a particular scholarship before making an application as most of the schemes are restricted to certain nationalities and/or programs. (para. 7),11,Difficult Sentence,Students should make sure that they are qualified for applying for a particular scholarship because most of the plans will only accept applicants from some specified nations and/or majors.,学生们在申请某一项奖学金之前应仔细核查自己是否有资格,因为多数奖学金只针对来自特定国家,和专业,的学生。,12,Words and Expressions,11.eligible,elid3bl,adj:,fit, suitable, to be chosen; having the right qualifications,具备必要条件的,合格的,Examples:,Only native-born citizens are eligible for the US Presidency.,Anyone who can speak French is eligible to join the club.,会说法语的人才能参加这个俱乐部。,13,搭配:,be eligible to do sth有资格干某事,be eligible for promotion/a position as,有资格升级;有资格充任一职,Words and Expressions,14,Words and Expressions,12.restrict : limit;keep within limits限制,restrictto限制在一个范围内,n. restriction限制 adj. restrictive限制性的,He was restricted by the doctor to five cigarettes a day.,辨析:restrain,遏制、阻止某人做某事,搭配:restrain sb from doing sth,We restrained the children from playing by the railroad.,我们阻止孩子们在铁路旁边玩耍。,15,Words and Expressions,13. aim at:direct ones effort towards obtaining sth致力于;瞄准,He aimed at the target,fired and missed.,他瞄准目标开火,却没有打中。,扩展记忆:aim sth at sb,把某物对准某人扔过去,16,Words and Expressions,14. enterprise pany事业,企业;the willingness to take risk and do things that are difficult,new or daring进取精神,The company is one of the largest enterprises of its kind.,这家公司是同类企业中最大的一家。,I admire their enterprise in trying to start up a new business.,我钦佩他们开办新公司的创业精神。,17,Words and Expressions,15.award,w:d,v.,give as the result of an official decision, especially a prize授予;n.奖,奖品,award sb sth授予某人某荣誉或奖项,award sth to sb,Examples:,The best students are awarded special scholarships.,辨析:reward,报酬,奖赏;报应,reward sb for sth/doing sth,Winners will be rewarded a trip to England. 优胜者将获得去英国旅游的奖赏。,18,Words and Expressions,16.assess,ses,v.,judge the quality, importance or worth of 评估 估定,Examples:,Examinations are not the only means of assessing students ability.,考试并不是评定一个学生能力的唯一方法。,19,Words and Expressions,17.,venture n.,risky,subject/business,风险投资,风险,项目;vt.敢于,用冒险,a joint venture合资企业,Nothing ventured,nothing gained.,不入虎穴,焉得虎子。,辨析:adventure 不可数名词:带探索性质的冒险,可数名词:惊险活动,venture可指冒险行动,冒险旅行,但现多指商业冒险,20,Words and Expressions,18.alliance,lains,:,union or agreement to cooperate, esp. of states by treaty or families by marriage,联盟 联姻,21,Words and Expressions,19.enrich:,make rich, improve (in quality, flavor, etc)充实,改造,使丰富,使富裕,Examples:,Music can enrich your life. 音乐能丰富你的生活。,The success of the new business has enriched the owners. 新的生意的成功使店主们富裕起来。,22,Difficult Sentence,In support of this aim the university will provide the facilities and support for its staff to pursue innovative research by responding to developments in the intellectual environment and society at large. (para. 12),To help meet this goal the university will give financial and technical support to its teachers in their advanced scientific research for developing the academic environment and the society as a whole.,为了实现这个目标,学校将针对科学研究的学术环境和整个社会发展的需要,为员工提供进行创新研究所需的经济上的和技术上的支持.,23,Words and Expressions,20.,facilitate,fsiliteit,v.,make easy or less difficult 使(工作、事物)变得容易,不能以人作主语;促长,促进,Examples:,Modern inventions have facilitated housework.,Computers can be used to facilitate the language learning.,扩展记忆:n. facilities设备,设施,facilitation 简便化,促进,24,Words and Expressions,21.exploit,vt. take advantage of ,use,utilize利用;abuse剥削,The social freshmen should exploit every opportunity to enrich their experience.,刚踏入社会的人必须利用每一个机会积累经验。,n. exploitation剥削,利用,exploiter开发者,利用者,25,辨析:,explore,expose,explode,探索,钻研,考察,暴露,揭露,爆炸,爆发,爆破,Words and Expressions,26,Words and Expressions,22.,equip:,make (oneself or another) able (to do sth) or prepared (for something)使具备;用武装,be equipped with sth配备,装备,be well equipped装备精良的,The government equipped soldiers with weapons.,政府给军队配备了武器。,搭配:be equipped for准备好,be equipped to do sth具备做某事的能力,27,


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