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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Chinese Traditional Art,(,shadow puppetry,),1,The shadow of history,(1),Shadow play from recorded history, there have been more than 2000 years of history, Mrs. Lee, love imperial concubine of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, contracted a disease and died, Emperor Wu of the Miss eager trance all day, ignoring affairs of state. Secretary Li Shaoweng one day to go out, the children holding a doll playing street, shadows in true to life. The hearts of Li Shaoweng, Li cut silk cotton lady image, painted, and fitted with wooden feet. At night the party around the curtain, a candle, watching the emperor sitting in the account. See Wu Di Longyan, this love. This included the Han love story, is believed to be the earliest source of shadow.,2,The shadow of history,(2),Shadow play is a traditional folk art China, old Beijing people call it donkey skin shadow. According to historical records, shadow play began in the Warring States period, Xing in the Han Dynasty, Sheng in the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty spread to West Asia and Europe, can be described as history has a long history.In 2011, China shadow selected human representative list of intangible cultural heritage.,3,Form of performance,Shadow play, also known as shadow play or shadow play, is a made with animal skins or cardboard silhouette figures to show the story of the folk drama. Performances, art people behind the white curtain, while manipulating filmmakers, while in local popular tunes tells a story, accompanied by percussion and string, there is a strong local flavor. The popular range is very wide, and because each play different tunes and the formation of a variety of shadow play.,4,Shadow production,China has a vast territory, around the shadow have their own characteristics, but the shadow of the production procedures are almost the same, usually after the election leather, leather, drawings, release, carve, applying color, sweating ironing, decorated knot synthesis Badaowan process, hand carved more than 3000 knives, is a complex and wonderful process. The shadow has learned the art of creative China Han Dynasty paintings, stone and brick reliefs and style of Tang and Song Dynasty temple murals and style.,5,The end,6,


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