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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Hunan Cuisine,(,pinyin: hnnci,or,xingci,),湘,菜,湖南,Hunan,History of,H,unan cuisine,The history of the cooking skills employed in the Hunan cuisine dates back many centuries. During the course of its history, Hunan cuisine assimilated(,吸收,) a variety of local forms, eventually evolving into its own style. It now contains more than 4,000 dishes, such as fried chicken with Sichuan spicy sauce (,麻辣鸡丁,) and smoked pork with dried long green beans,(干豆角蒸腊肉,).,Characteristics of Hunan cuisine,sometimes called Xiang,cuisine.,consists,of local Cuisines of Xiangjiang,River,Dongting Lake and,Western Hunan.,It,characterizes itself by thick and pungent,flavor, fresh,aroma and deep,color.,Chili(,红辣椒,), pepper(,胡椒,),and,shallot(,葱,),are usually necessaries in this division.,menu changes with the,seasons.,Common cooking techniques,: stewing(,炖,),frying,pot-roasting(,烤,), braising(,焖,),and,smoking(,熏,).,Style,Originating regions,(,原产地,),Xiang River,Changsha(,长沙,),Xiangtan(,湘潭,),Hengyang(,衡阳,),Dongting Lake,Yueyang(,岳阳,),Changde(,常德,),Western Hunan,Zhangjiajie(,张家界,),Jishou(,吉首,),Huaihua(,怀化,),Hunan cuisine,Xiangjinag river,Dongting lake,Western Hunan,Menu changes,summer,a meal will usually start with cold dishes or a platter(,拼盘,) holding a selection of cold meats with chilies for opening the pores and keeping cool in the summer.,winter,a popular choice is the hot pot, thought to heat the blood in the cold months. A special hot pot called lovers hot pot(,鸳鸯火锅,),is notable for splitting the pot into a spicy side and a milder side.,Hunan,Sichuan,Hot flavor,dry hot (,干辣,) or purely hot,hot and numbing(,麻辣,),chilies,Fresh or dried,often dried,Ingredients,(,成分,),fresh ingredients.,tends to be oilier.,dried or preserved ingredients(,配料,) and condiments(,调味品,).,frequently employ Sichuan peppercorns(,花椒,).,Usage of smoked and cured goods,much more frequently,Little,comparison,English,Simplified Chinese,Beer duck,啤酒鸭,Changsha-style,rice vermicelli,长沙米粉,Changsha-style,stinky tofu,长沙臭豆腐,Changde-style,stewed,beef,with rice vermicelli,常德(津市)牛肉米粉,Cured Ham with Cowpeas,湘菜,Dongan chicken,东安子鸡,Dry-wok chicken,干锅鸡,Home-style,bean curd,家常豆腐,Lotus seeds,in rock sugar syrup,冰糖湘莲,Maos,braised pork,毛氏红烧肉,Numbing-and-hot chicken,麻辣子鸡,Smoky flavours steamed together,腊味合蒸,Duck with rice cake supplemented duck blood,血粑鸭,Steamed fish heads in chili sauce,剁椒蒸鱼头,Stir-fried,duck blood,炒血鸭,Stir-fried meat with,douchi,and chilli peppers,豆豉辣椒炒肉,Pearly meatballs,珍珠肉丸,Pumpkin cake,南瓜,饼,Shredded Pork with Vegetables,农家小炒肉,some dishes (English name and Simplified Chinese name),Changsha-style,stinky tofu,长沙臭豆腐,Changsha-style rice,vermicelli,长沙米粉,Changde-style stewed beef with rice vermicelli,常德(津市)牛肉米粉,Beer duck,啤酒鸭,Lotus seeds in rock,sugar syrup,冰糖湘莲,Stir-fried duck blood,炒血鸭,duck with rice cake supplemented duck blood,血粑鸭,Dongan chicken,东安子鸡,麻辣子鸡,Numbing-and-hot chicken,Maos braised pork,毛氏红烧肉,Smoky flavours steamed together,腊味合蒸,Steamed fish heads in chili sauce,剁椒蒸鱼头,Shredded pork with vegetables,农家小炒肉,Thank you !,


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