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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,专 项 训 练,专项训练(三)会话交际,英语 四年级 上册 配人教(,PEP,)版,一、,Read and choose.,根据情景选择正确的答案。,(),1.,你想知道朋友的书房里有什么,你问:,_,A. Where is your study?B. Whats in your study?,(),2.,你向别人介绍你的父母的职业,你说:,_,A. My parents are teachers. B. They are my parents.,(),3.,你想请好朋友喝些水,你说:,_,A. Would you like some water?B. Id like some water.,(),4.,你想和同学一起打扫教室,你说:,_,A. Let me clean the classroom.,B. Lets clean the classroom.,(),5.,你想知道晚餐吃什么,你问:,_,A. Whats for dinner?,B. What would you like for dinner?,B,A,A,B,A,二、,Read, tick or cross.,判断下列对话与图片是否相符,相符的打“”,不符的打“,”,。,(),1. A: Where are Tina and Mary?,B: They are in the bathroom.,(),2. A: Is your friend tall and strong?,B: No, hes so thin.,(),3. A: Whats in the classroom?,B: A fridge and a sofa.,(),4. A: How many kites are there?,B: There are four.,(),5. A: What,colour,is the notebook?,B: Its blue and white.,(),6. A: Whats your grandpas job?,B: Hes a farmer.,三、,Read and choose.,读一读,根据问句选择答句。,(),1. Whats her name?,(),2. Where is the phone?,(),3. Is your aunt a nurse?,(),4. Whos this boy?,(),5. Are they on the table?,A. No, shes a doctor.,B. Yes, they are.,C. Her name is Lily.,D. Its near the computer.,E. Hes my cousin.,C,D,A,E,B,四、,Read and choose.,看图,选择合适的句子补全对话。,A. Theyre on the table.,B. Its on the table.,C. Whats in your schoolbag?,D. Whats your fathers job?,E. Her name is Amy.,F. His name is Mike.,F,C,A,D,五、,Find, circle and write.,找一找,圈一圈,并选择所圈出的单词补全对话。,1. A: Whos he?,B: He is my new friend. Hes _. He has black _.,2. A: Whats in the _?,B: There is a _ in it.,strong,shoes,kitchen,knife,3. A: Come and look at my _. Where is my picture?,B: It is on the _.,4. A: What would you like for dinner?,B: Id like some _ and _ for dinner.,5. A: Whats your uncles job?,B: He is a _.,classroom,wall,soup,beef,farmer,六、,Read and order.,读一读,排一排,使之成为一段通顺的对话。,(),Are they in your hand?,(),Open the door, please.,(),Oh, yes! Silly me!,(),OK. Oh, where are my keys?,(),No, they arent.,(),Are they in your bag?,5,1,6,2,4,3,七、,Read and tick.,读一读,用“”勾出正确的选项。,1. A: I have a new friend. Hes tall,and thin. He has green shoes. He,likes basketball very much.,B: Whats his name?,A: His name is Ma Lin.,2. A: I have a new schoolbag.,B: Really? Whats in your schoolbag?,A: Four books. A Chinese book, a,maths,book and two storybooks.,3. A: How many people are there in,your family?,B: Four. My parents, my baby brother and me.,A: Cool!,八、,Read and choose.,根据上下文意思,选择合适的句子补全对话。,Mike: Hi, Sarah.,1.,_ Come in, please.,Sarah: Thanks, Mike. Is this your kitchen?,Mike:,2.,_,Sarah: Oh, its nice.,Mike: Thank you.,3.,_,Sarah: Id like some vegetables and soup.,Mike: Dinners ready. Help yourself.,Sarah:,4.,_,Mmm,. Yummy. Can you pass me some rice, please?,Mike:,5.,_,E,G,C,B,F,


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