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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Tense,时,态,复,习,时态复习,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,一般现在时,表示的概念: (1)永远正确的事实、真理、格言。,(2)主语现在的状态。,(3)习惯动作。,标志性时间:,now /these days/seldom/sometimes/,often/usually/always/never,等等。,结构: (1),be,动词。,(2)行为动词。,一般现在时,be,动词结构:,am,is,are,I,He/She/It,You/We/They,+,+,+,陈述句:,I am 14 years old. (I am = Im),否定句:,一般疑:,回答:,特殊疑问句:,I am,14 years old,.(,对划线部分提问),Are you,14 years old,?,How old are you?,Im not 14 years old.,Are you 14 years old?,Yes, I am. (I am,不可缩写),No, Im not. (am not,不可缩写),一般现在时,be,动词结构:,am,is,are,I,He/She/It,You/We/They,+,+,+,陈述句:,He is 14 years old. (he is= hes),否定句:,一般疑:,回答:,特殊疑问句:,He is,14 years old,.(,对划线部分提问),Is he,14 years old,?,How old is he?,(/其复),(/其单),He,isn,t 14 years old.,Is he 14 years old?,Yes, he is. (,此处不可缩写),No, he,isn,t.,一般现在时,be,动词结构:,am,is,are,I,He/She/It,You/We/They,+,+,+,陈述句:,We are 14 years old. (we are=,were),否定句:,一般疑:,回答:,特殊疑问句:,We are,14 years old,.(,对划线部分提问),How old are you?,(/其复),(/其单),We,aren,t 14 years old.,Are you 14 years old?,Yes, we are. (,此处不可缩写),No, we,aren,t .,一般现在时,行为动词 (以,like,为例),like,like,s,+,+,I/You/We/They,He/She/It,陈述句:,I like fish.,否定句:,一般疑:,回答:,特殊疑问句:,I like,fish,.(,对划线部分提问,),What do you like?,Do you like fish?,I dont like fish.,Do you like fish?,Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,一般现在时,行为动词 (以,like,为例),like,like,s,+,+,I/You/We/They,He/She/It,陈述句:,He likes fish.,否定句:,一般疑:,回答:,特殊疑问句:,He likes,fish,.(,对划线部分提问),What does he like?,Does he like fish?,He doesnt like fish.,Does he like fish?,Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.,一般现在时,行为动词 (以,like,为例),like,like,s,+,+,I/You/We/They,He/She/It,其它名词复数形式,/,其它名词单数形式,/,第三人称单数,第三人称单数形式,一般现在时,行为动词的第三人称单数形式,1.绝大多数行为动词,2.以一个辅音加,y,结尾的行为动词,3.以,ss,、,ch,、,sh,、x,结尾的行为动词,+,s,-,y+,ies,+,es,e.g.,walk,s,、make,s,、get,s,、play,s,、take,s,、make,s,e.g. fly - flies carry - carries,try - tries study - studies,e.g. miss - misses,watch - watches catch - catches,finish - finishes wash - washes,fix - fixes mix - mixes,一般现在时,(1)永,远,正确的事实、真理、格言。,(2)主语现在的状态。,(3)习惯动作。,Earth _ (go) around the sun.,地球绕着太阳转。,There _ (be) no water on the moon.,月球上没有水。,-Whats wrong? You _ (look) pale.,怎么了?你看起来很苍白。,-,Thank you. I _ (be) fine.,谢谢你。我很好。,2.,_ she _(live) in Beijing now?,她现在住在北京吗?,He _ always _ (not sleep) with the windows open.,他不总是开,着窗睡觉。,2. When _ Ann _(get) up every day?,安每天何时起床?,时态复习,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,一般过去时,表示的概念:过去发生的事情或存在过的状态。,标志性时间:,yesterday/last week/last 6 months/,3 years ago,等等。,结构: (1),be,动词。,(2)行为动词。,一般过去时,be,动词结构:,was,were,I/ He/She/It,You/We/They,+,+,陈述句:,I was at home yesterday.,否定句:,一般疑:,回答:,特殊疑问句:,I was,at home,yesterday.(,对划线部分提问),Where were you yesterday?,其它名词,单数,形式,/I/ He/She/It,+,was,其它名词,复数,形式,/You/We/They,+,were,I,wasn,t at home yesterday.,Were you at home yesterday?,Yes, I was. No, I,wasn,t.,一般过去时,be,动词结构:,was,were,I/ He/She/It,You/We/They,+,+,陈述句:,There were at home yesterday.,否定句:,一般疑:,回答:,特殊疑问句:,They were,at home,yesterday.(,对划线部,分提问),Where were you yesterday?,其它名词,单数,形式,/I/ He/She/It,+,was,其它名词,复数,形式,/You/We/They,+,were,They,weren,t at home yesterday.,Were they at home yesterday?,Yes, they were.,No, they,weren,t.,一般过去时,行为动词 (以,talk,为例),+,I/You/We/They/,He/She/It/,其单/其复,陈述句:,I talked to Ann last night.,否定句:,I,didn,t talk to Ann last night.,一般疑:,Did you talked to Ann last night?,回答:,Yes, I did./ No, I,didn,t.,特殊疑问句:,I talked to Ann,last night,.,(,对划线部分提问,),talked,talk,talked,过去式,When did you talk to Ann?,一般过去时,1.绝大多数行为动词,ed,2.以“,e”,结尾的行为动词 ,d,3.以一个辅音加,y,结尾的行为动词,y,ied,4.以一个元音一个辅音结尾的短单词,双写辅音,y,动词原形变成其过去式,e.g. walk - walked need - needed,e.g. live - lived love - loved,e.g. cry - cried,try - tried,e.g.,stop,-,stopped,规则变化,不规则变化,参见不规则动词变化表,一般现在时,(1)过,去,发生的事情,(2)过去存在的状态。,1.My mother _ (ask) me to buy some cat food yesterday.,昨天我妈妈叫我买些猫食。,2.-_ you _ (enjoy) the film last night? -,你们昨晚电影看得尽兴吗?,-No, we _. -,不,我们没,1.,You _ (be) too excited at that time.,你当时太高兴了.,2.,Ann _ (be) so happy when she met Jim.,当安遇到吉,姆时,非常高兴.,时态复习,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,一般将来时,表示的概念:将要发生的事。,标志性时间:,tomorrow/the day after tomorrow/,next year/in a few days/,in 3 days,等等。,结构: (1),be going to +,动词原形,(2),will +,动词原形,一般将来时,be going to +,动原的结构:,(动原以,have,为例),I,He/She/It,You/We/They,+,+,+,陈述句:,I am going to have a,barbecue on Sunday.,否定句:,Im not going to have a,barbecue on Sunday.,一般疑:,Are you going to have a,barbecue on Sunday?,回答:,Yes, I am.,No, Im not.,特殊疑问句:,I am going to,have a barbecue,on Sunday.(,对划线部分提问,),(/其复),(/其单),am going to,is going to,are going to,What are you going to do,on Sunday?,一般将来时,be going to +,动原的结构:,(动原以,have,为例),I,He/She/It,You/We/They,+,+,+,陈述句:,She is going to have a,barbecue on Sunday.,否定句:,She,isn,t going to have a,barbecue on Sunday.,一般疑:,Is she going to have a,barbecue on Sunday?,回答:,Yes, she is.,No, she,isn,t.,特殊疑问句:,She is going to,have a barbecue,on Sunday.(,对划线部分提问,),(/其复),(/其单),am going to,is going to,are going to,What is she going to do,on Sunday?,一般将来时,be going to +,动原的结构:,(动原以,have,为例),I,He/She/It,You/We/They,+,+,+,陈述句:,We are going to have a,barbecue on Sunday.,否定句:,We,aren,t going to have a,barbecue on Sunday.,一般疑:,Are you going to have a,barbecue on Sunday?,回答:,Yes, we are.,No, we,aren,t.,特殊疑问句:,We are going to,have a barbecue,on Sunday.(,对划线部分提问,),(/其复),(/其单),am going to,is going to,are going to,What are you going to do,on Sunday?,一般将来时,will +,动原的结构:,(动原以,have,为例),+,I/You/We/They/,He/She/It/,其单/其复,陈述句:,I will have a barbecue on Sunday.,否定句:,I wont have a barbecue on Sunday.,一般疑:,Will you have a barbecue on Sunday?,回答:,Yes, I will./ No, I wont.,特殊疑问句:,I will have a barbecue,on Sunday,.,(,对划线部分,提问,),will,When will you have a barbecue?,主语为第一人称,I/We,时,Will = shall,一般将来时,will +,动原的结构:,(动原以,have,为例),陈述句:,I shall have a barbecue on Sunday.,否定句:,I shant have a barbecue on Sunday.,一般疑:,Will you have a barbecue on Sunday?,回答:,Yes, I shall/will. No, I shant/wont.,特殊疑问句:,I shall have a barbecue,on Sunday,.,(,对划线部分,提问,),When shall I have a barbecue?,主语为第一人称,I/We,时,Will = shall,I/You/We/They/,He/She/It/,其单/其复,+,shall,_,we _,_,_ (see) you again next year?,我们明年还会再见面吗?,I _ (be) a good weather tomorrow.,明天将是个好天气。,What _ we _ (do) next?,我们下来做什么?,Some day people _ (go) to the moon.,人们总有天会到月球上去。,She _ (not be) a nurse when she grows up.,她长大后不打算当护士。,_,your father _ (give) us a talk next week?,你父亲下周将给我们作讲座吗?,They _ (not return) these books in 10 days.,他们不会在10天内还书的,。,一般将来时,时态复习,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,现在进行时,表示的概念:现在正在进行的动作或正在发生的事。,标志性时间:,now/at present/at the moment/these days,等等。,结构:,be +,doing(,现在分词),现在进行时结构,:,be + doing,am,is,are,I,He/She/It,You/We/They,+,+,+,陈述句:,I am playing football now.,否定句:,Im not playing football now.,一般疑:,Are you playing football now?,回答:,Yes, I am. / No, Im not.,特殊疑问句:,I am,playing football,now.,(,对划线部,分提问),(/其复),(/其单),(以,play,为例),play-playing,What are you doing now?,现在进行时结构,:,be + doing,am,is,are,I,He/She/It,You/We/They,+,+,+,陈述句:,He is playing football now.,否定句:,He,isn,t playing football now.,一般疑:,Is he playing football now?,回答:,Yes, he is. / No, he,isn,t.,特殊疑问句:,He is,playing football,now.,(,对划线部,分提问),(/其复),(/其单),(以,play,为例),play-playing,What is he doing now?,现在进行时结构,:,be + doing,am,is,are,I,He/She/It,You/We/They,+,+,+,陈述句:,They are playing football now.,否定句:,They,aren,t playing football now.,一般疑:,Are they playing football now?,回答:,Yes, they are. / No, they,aren,t.,特殊疑问句:,They are,playing football,now.,(,对划线,部分提问),(/其复),(/其单),(以,play,为例),play-playing,What are they doing now?,动词原形变成,-,ing,形式,现在进行时,1.绝大多数行为动词,ing,e.g.,talk,-,talking cook - cooking,2.以“,e”,结尾的行为动词 ,e,ing,e.g.,come - coming,take - taking,3.以“,ie”,结尾的行为动词 ,ie,y,ing,e.g.,lie - lying die - dying tie - tying,4.以一个元音一个辅音结尾的短单词,双写辅音,ing,e.g.,run - running plan - planning stop-stopping,get -getting put-putting,现在进行时,The students _(wait) for their teacher now.,学生们正在等老师。,Where _ she _ (do) her homework at the moment?,她正在哪做回家作业?,Listen! Someone _(knock) at the door.,听!有人在敲门。,This is Ann. I _ (call) from Shanghai.,我是安。我正从上海打来电话。,Look out! The dog _ (bark) at you.,小心!那只狗在朝你叫呢。,Look! The kites _ (fly) in the sky.,看!空中有风筝在飞。,Hurry up! The bus _(come).,快!车子来了!,Be quick! The little boy _(die)! We must take him to the hospital right now.,快!这个小男孩快不行了!我们必须马上送他去医院,。,


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