新人教版选修6 Unit 2 Poems知识点复习课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语,选修(模块),6-,2.1,基础知识自测,unit2 poems,1,tick,2 rhyme,3 convey,4 nursery,5 concrete,6 contradictory,7 diamond,8 flexible,9 pattern,10 cottage,11,sparrow,12 tease,13 salty,14 endless,15 minimum,16 translation,17 branch,18 eventually,19 transform,20 sorrow,31,bride,32 championship,33 darkness,34 warmth,35 scholarship,36 pianist,37 violinist,38 load,21,bare,22 librarian,23 forever,24 section,25 appropriate,26 exchange,27 sponsor,28 diploma,29 blank,30 compass,基础落实,.,高频单词思忆,1.,I like that cotton dress with the flowery,(,式样,). ,2.,The dog may bite you if you keep,(,招惹,),him. ,3.Her writings include,(,诗歌,),and a,novel.,4.How she wearies me with her,(,无休止,的,),complaints!,5.Her,(,译文),sticks closely to,the original.,6.,By collective activity,the orphans found,friendship and,(,温暖,).,7.,Her youngest child is at,n,now.,8.There are many fallen _,(,树枝),on the ground . ,9. A _ (,图书管理员),is a person who is in charge of or works in a library. ,10.He expressed his,(,悲伤),at the news of her death.,11,In ancient times , poets liked to _ (,表达),their emotions by writing poems.,12 She bought a _,(,钻石),ring for herself.,13 The subject was so difficult that I _,(,最后),dropped it.,14 We are trying our best to _,(,转变),our country into a powerful one.,15 The _ (,新郎),is tall and handsome.,16,The boy won a _,(,奖学金),to a university .,17 When I grow up, I want to be a _ (,钢琴家 ),18,She usually _ (,交换),a few words of greeting with her neighbor after breakfast.,19 You need to take a _(,指南针),while traveling through the desert .,20 She wore _,(,合适的),clothes and appeared at the party.,基础落实,.,高频单词思忆,1.,I like that cotton dress with the flowery,(,式样,). ,2.,The dog may bite you if you keep,(,招惹,),him. ,3.Her writings include,(,诗歌,),and a,novel.,4.How she wearies me with her,(,无休止,的,),complaints!,5.Her,(,译文),sticks closely to,the original.,pattern,teasing,poetry,endless,translation,6.,By collective activity,the orphans found,friendship and,(,温暖,).,7.,Her youngest child is at,(,托儿所,),now.,8.There are many fallen _,(,树枝),on the ground . ,9. A _ (,图书管理员),is a person who is in charge of or works in a library. ,10.He expressed his,(,悲伤),at the news of her death.,warmth,nursery,branches,librarian,sorrow,11,In ancient times , poets liked to _ (,表达),their emotions by writing poems.,12 She bought a _,(,钻石),ring for herself.,13 The subject was so difficult that I _,(,最后),dropped it.,14 We are trying our best to _,(,转变),our country into a powerful one.,15 The _ (,新郎),is tall and handsome.,convey,diamond,eventually,transform,bridegroom,16,The boy won a _,(,奖学金),to a university .,17 When I grow up, I want to be a _ (,钢琴家 ),18,She usually _ (,交换),a few words of greeting with her,neighbour,after breakfast.,19 You need to take a _(,指南针),while traveling through the desert .,20 She wore _,(,合适的),clothes and appeared at the party.,scholarship,pianist,exchanges,compass,appropriate,1从-选择,2 童谣,3 有意义,4 玩弄词语,5 转向,求助于,变成,6 跑掉,7 清单诗,8 灵活的句长,9 着火,燃烧,10 向-弯腰,鞠躬,choose form,nursery rhyme,make sense,play with the words,turn to,run away,list poem,a flexible line length,on fire,bow to,.重点短语再现,11尤其,特别,12由-组成,构成,13 进球,14 把-传给-,15 数以千计的粉丝,16 把-翻译成-,17 熬夜,18 别紧张,19 用完,用光,20日复一日,in particular,be made up of/ consist of,score that goal,pass - to,thousands of fans,translate - into,stay up /sit up,take it easy,run out of /run out,day by day / day after day,1.While he was on a travel in Tibet, he _ all his money, so he had to phone his parents and asked them to send him some.,2.Harry Potter is very _ young kids in the world.,3.Dont be nervous, just _, everything will be all right.,4.A football team _ 11 members.,ran out of,popular with,take it easy,is made up of,三、词组运用,be made up of ; run out of ; take it easy ; in particular ; popular with ; let out ; translate into ; stay up,5.There is no need to _ everything _ English when we are learning it.,6 We _ until midnight talking about our work.,7 You should avoid eating fat meat, pork _.,8 She _ a cream and ran home.,translate into,be made up of ; run out of ; take it easy ; in particular ; popular with ; let out ; translate into ; stay up,stayed up,in particular,let out,四、完成句子,1,The team _ (,由-组成),five boys won the game in the end .(make ),2 We _ (,轻松),and we won the contest.,3 After running so long , I _ (,用完),energy.,4 The activity is _ (,很值得参加,)(,worth ),5 It _ (,有意义),to plant more trees on the hill .(sense ),6 Tom is _ (,有可能要迟到了),for the snowstorm is so heavy .(likely ),made up of,took it easy,ran out of,well worth taking part in,makes sense,likely to be late,_(无论你何时需要温暖),,I will give it to you .(whenever ),The girl _ (,偶然泄露了秘密)(,change ),He learned to swim _ (,通过玩水) .(,by),_ (,万一我错过了火车) ,I would go by plane. (should ),Whenever you need warmth,let out the secret by chance,by playing with water,Should I miss the train,五 、句型转换,1,We are running out of our petrol.,We are _ _ our petrol.,Our petrol _ _ _,2 The works loaded a lorry with bricks.,The works _ bricks _ a lorry.,3 its bad manners to tease others.,It is impolite _ _ _ _ _ others.,It is not polite _ _ _ others.,using up,is running out,loaded,on,to make fun of,to laugh at,4,Though they are cold and hungry , they,wouldn,t give up .,_ _ _ _, they,wouldn,t give up.,5 its possible that he has left.,He _ _ _ have left.,Although cold and hungry,is likely to,单句改错,1,you should hold on your oil shares.,2 The reason because we dont trust him is that he has often lied.,3 If there were no examinations, we will have a much happier time at school.,4 Mother demanded that the children obeyed her.,5 I am so exciting that you will come to China.,6 I will take you to some places of interests and you can taste some local snacks .,to,why,would,obey,excited,interest,6,The head office of the bank is in Beijing , but it has branch all over the country.,7 To our great delighted , the day turned out fine finally.,8 The whole meal was good but the wine was excellent particular.,9 Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he would have been our chairman now.,10 It was amazed for me to see the huge body of the animal, weighing more than two tons.,11 I,couldn,t stand sitting at a desk day by day.,branches,delight,in,be,amazing,after,1,Dont _ too late at night. Its bad for your health.,A come up B stay up C take up D make up,2 I _ my money , so I had to go to the bake for some .,A ran out B ran out of C use up D ran short,3 At the conference , Chairman,Hu,referred to a great many topics , education_,A in detail B in change C in particular D in order,4 The little tree in my backyard grows up _ .,A day by day B day after day,C in no time D at no time,5,There were so many people waiting to be served in that restaurant that _ we had to give up .,A eventually B particularly,C gradually D frequently,6 The man has a car _ his own and he wants to travel _ his own without any company.,A on; on B on ; of C of ; of D of ; on,7 I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good _.,A to be breathed B to breathe,C breathing D being breathed,8,It makes _ to improve the living standard of the villagers .,A sense B point C meaning D difference,9 I felt very nervous before the operation .The doctor told me to _ .,A take it easy B take it seriously,C take it for example D take it for granted,10 Tom met his friend _ chance .,A on B by C with D of,11 The way _ she wrote the poem made her famous.,A which B that C in that D by which,12.,everybody enjoys fresh cut flowers,around his house,few people know how to,keep them for as long as possible.,A.BecauseB.Since,C.WhileD.If,C,13.,Mike has put on so much weight this year,that his mother has to,all his trousers,to his measure.,A.let outB.give away,C.bring inD.lay out,A,解析,考查短语动词。,let out,放大,放宽;,give,away,赠送;泄露;,bring in,引进;创收;,lay out,铺开;布置;策划。,14.,We must choose texts that are appropriate,our teaching.,A.toB.for,C.ofD.A or B,D,解析,句意为:我们必须选择合适的教材。,be,appropriate to/for,sth,.,对,合适的。,15.,I,ll give you three sweets,an apple.,A.in exchange for,B.in the name of,C.in return for,D.apart from,A,解析,in exchange for,交换,调换;,in the,name of,以,的名义;,in return for,作为,的回报;,apart from,除了。,16.,The way,he worked out the problem,isn,t the way,I told him.,A./;/B.which;which,C./;whatD.that;what,A,解析,句意为:他解决那个问题的方式不是我告,诉他的那种方式。第一个,the way,在定语从句中作,状语,其后的引导词为,that,in which,或省略引导,词;第二个,the way,在定语从句中作宾语,可用,that,which,和省略引导词三种形式。故选,A,项。,17,.,Zongzi,rice,red beans and salty,meats,is used to celebrate the annual,traditional Chinese festival,Dragon Boat,Festival.,A.made up ofB.made of,C.made fromD.made into,A,解析,此处为,made up of,过去分词短语作定语,,修饰,Zongzi,其前省略了,which is。be made up,of+,组成部分,表示,“,由,组成的,”,。,18.,You have no idea how she finished the,relay race,her foot wounded so much.,A.forB.when,C.withD.while,C,返回,解析,此处是,with+,复合宾语结构。其余三项为连,词,后接句子,如用它们,,wounded,前应加,was。,.,翻译句子,1.,不要因为他年轻而戏弄他。(,tease),2.,他们把旧的火车站改造成了一个科学博物馆。(,transform),3.,我和你调一下座位好吗?(,exchange),4.,这位流行歌手很受青年人的喜爱。(,be popular,with),Dont tease him because he is young.,They have transformed the old train station into a science museum.,May I exchange seats with you ?,The pop singer is popular with the young.,5请向您母亲传达我的祝愿。,Please convey my good wishes to your mother.,课文填空,There are various reasons _ people write poetry . Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way _ will give the reader a strong impression . _ try to convey certain emotions.,Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is _.These rhymes like the one _ the right are still a common type of childrens poetry . The language is _ but _ , and they _ small children because they _ , have strong rhythm and a lot of _ .The poems may not _ _ and even seem _ , but they are easy to learn and _ . By _ _ the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language.,why,that,Others,nursery rhymes,on,concrete,imaginative,delight,rhyme,repetition,make sense,contradictory,recite,playing with,thank you,一、单词拼写,根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。,1._ ,dai,m,nd,n.,钻石,2. _ ,raim,n.,押韵,3. _ ,n:s,ri,n.,托儿所,4. _ ,spekt,n.,方面,5. _ ,b,lu,:n ,n.,气球,6. _ ,k,tid, ,n.,村舍,7. _ ,sru ,n.,悲伤,8. _ ,endi, ,n.,结局,9. _ ,ptn ,n.,模式,;,图案,10. _ ,sn,ain,n.,阳光,sunlight,diamond,rhyme,nursery,aspect,balloon,cottage,sorrow,ending,pattern,11. _ ,br,:,nt, ,n.,枝条,;,部门,12. _ ,kmps n.,指南针,13. _ .,nd,lain ,vt,.,在,下画线,14. _ ,tr,ns,leit,vt,.,翻译,15. _ ,kn,vei,vt,.,传达,;,运送,16. _ ,ti,:z ,vt,.,取笑,17._ ,ri,sait,vt,.,背诵,18. _ ,pr,uprit,adj.,适当的,19. _ ,s:,lti,adj.,咸的,20. _ ,endlis,adj.,无穷的,endless,branch,compass,underline,translate,convey,tease,recite,appropriate,salty,二、单词运用,根据句子的意义及所给的首字母提示写出单词的适当形式,完成句子。,1.,She can r_ the names of all the European capitals in two minutes.,2. Poets usually use poems to c_ their inner feelings.,3. She wore a dress with a p_ of roses on it.,4. She used to be shy, but a year abroad has completely t_ her.,5. If you dont know the sentences you come across when reading the text, please u_ them.,underline,recite,convey,pattern,translated,6. They lived in a small c_ when they stayed in the countryside.,7. The e_ of the story is exciting.,8. The bank has b_ in all parts of the country.,9. Her death was a great s_ to everyone.,10. The d_ necklace is valuable and it is worth about $300,000.,diamond,cottage,ending,branches,sorrow,三、词语派生,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。,1.,Lihua,s _ (end) patience in helping me with my,maths,really made me moved.,2. He said _ (anger) and went away.,3.Last night, electricity was cut off because of the heavy storm, so the whole city was in complete _ (dark).,4. Sometimes, it is illegal to _ (load) information on the internet.,5. wed better find out a way to solve this problem _ (appropriate) or we will suffer a great loss.,appropriately,endless,angrily,darkness,download,6. We should not eat the food which is too _ (salt) because it is bad to our health.,7. We were touched by the _ (warm) of their welcome.,8. His father is a _ (translate) who works in a foreign company.,9. If I _ (be) a teacher, I would be strict with my students.,10.If I had visited his mother yesterday, I,_ (see) him.,would have seen,salty,warmth,translator,were,1.,poem,诗歌,;诗;,韵文,汤姆已经写了很多诗歌,.,Tom_ _ _ _.,poet,诗人,the man who wrote many poems,Shakespeare is a famous poet .,Poetry,诗歌,;,诗意,.,2.,recite,背诵,She recited the poem to her class.,has written many poems,Language points for Reading I,3.,aspect,方面,;,样子,;,外表,你仅仅只考虑了这个问题的一个方面,.,Youve only considered _ _ _the problem.,4.make sense(,有意义,),这个句子没有任何意义,.,This sentence_ _ _ _,make sense of,Can you make sense of this telegram?,In a sense ,in all senses ,in no sense .,one aspect of,doesnt make any sense,5.,convey,传达,;,运送,言语不能表达我的感情,.,Words cannot_ _ _.,This ship _ _ (,运送,油),from the middle east.,6.What surprised me,was not what he said but _he said it.,A. the way , B. in the way that ,C. in the way ,D, the way which .,convey my feelings,conveys oil,A,引导定语从句,.有3,种表达方式,:,the way that /,The way in which/ the way (that),7.,play with,The children were playing in the room and one of them was playing with a toy dog.,8.take it easy,轻松,;,不紧张,;,从容,Theres nothing serious, take it easy.,Take the time,9.,run out of= use up,用完,We are,running out of,fuel.,10.make up of,The machine is _ _ _ (,由很多零件组成,),many parts.,Five players,made up of,a basketball team.,made up of,11.,tease,取笑,;,招惹,;,戏弄,They _her _ her freckles.,Dont be so serious. He,_ _ _,(,他只是在开玩笑,).,12.,branch,分支,;,支流,;,部门,Economics is a,branch,of science.,English is a,branch,of the Germanic family of languages,.,teased,about,was just teasing/joking,13.,Where,there is a will,there is a way.,地点状语从句,This is,where I disagree with you,.,-Is that the small town you often refer to?,-Right, just,the one,_ you know,I used to work for years.,A. that B. which C. where D. what,C,you know,是插入语,;,the one,先行词,where,在定语从句中做地点状语,14.,transform,转化,;,转换,;,变化,;,改造,他把这个汽车房改造成一个娱乐室,.,He _the garage _a recreation room .,The distress transformed his character.,transform=,change the shape ,appearance, quality or nature of,transformed,into,1.,pattern,模式,;,样式,;,图案,服装的纸型,a paper pattern for a dress,婚姻生活的新方式,_,句型,_,2.,the last four lines,最后四行,the first three pages,最后,3,页,the last few days,最后几天,sentence patterns,new patterns of married life,Language points for Reading II,3.,sunlight,阳光,The sunlight was very bright.,You are the first ray of _ in my life, _at the bottom of my heart.,4.at the bottom of,此处相当于,at the end of,He is always,the bottom,in the class.,He started life,at the bottom, and worked his way up to success.,sunshine,shining,5.,have a need for,需要, (,固定搭配,),Everybody has a need for,equality.,There is a great need for,a new dictionary.,There is no need to,没有必要去做,我们急需医生,.,We are _ _ _doctors.,6.After you,have done your homework, you can go out to play.,本句中用现在完成时态代替将来时,强调动作的结果,.,in great need of,7.,underline,在,下面划线,;,强调,;使,突出,Underline,the most important words.,Underline,the importance of study,underline,d,下面划过线的,8.,try on ,试穿,; 用,来骗人,try out,试验,;,测试性格或能力,try on a coat,try a trick on sb.,耍花招,try out the typewriter,Grammar,Subjunctive Mood,虚拟语气,Grammar (5m),虚拟语气,你掌握了吗,?,虚拟语气的用法,:,1.,用于,条件状语从句,中,:,主从,句,构,成,时态,虚拟条件,从句,主 句,例 句,与现在事实相反的,假设,与过去事实相反的,假设,If +,主语,+,动词过去时,(,be,用,were),主语,+,would/ should/could/ might +,动词,原形,If I,had,time, I,would attend,the meeting.,If +,主语,+,had +,过去分词,主语,+,would/ should/could/ might + have,+,过去分词,If you,had taken,my advice, you,d,have passed,the exam.,主从,句,构,成,虚拟条件,从句,主 句,例 句,与将来情况相反的,假设,If +,主语,+,动词的过去时,If +,主语,+,were to +,动词原形,If +,主语,+,should +,动词原形,主语,+,would/ should/,could/,might +,动词原形,If you,came,tomorrow, we,would have,the meeting.,If it,were to rain,tomorrow, we,would put off,the sports meeting.,If he,should not come,tomorrow, we,would put off,the meeting till next week.,时态,1.,表示过去情况的虚拟条件句,If I had worked harder at school, Id have got a better job.,如果我在学校更用功一些,我可以找到更好的工作,.,可以把,从句,该为到装结构而省略,if ,例如,:,从句,:,if + had +,过去分词,主句,:,would/ could/should/might have +,过去分词,If I had worked harder at school,Id have got a better job.,=,Had I worked harder at school, Id have got a better job.,If I had not seen it with my own eyes,I would not have believed it.,=,Had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed,it.,2.,错综时间条件句,主句谓语和从句谓语发生的时间不同,分别选用相应的谓语形式,.,如果你听了我的话,你现在也不会有这样的麻烦了,.,If,youd listened to,me, you,wouldnt be,in,such trouble now.,与过去事实相反,;,与现在事实相反,3.,含蓄条件句,与过去事实相反,;,句子不 一定有条件从句,只是一,介词短语,但,谓语仍然用虚拟语气,.,要不是你帮助,我是不会取得这些成绩的,.,Without your help,I couldnt have achieved all this.,=,Had it not been for your help, I couldnt have achieved all this.,听他讲话,你会以为他是首相,.,To hear him talk,youd think he was Prime Minister.,=,If you could hear him talk,要不是有养老金,他都要饿死了,.,But for his pension, he would starve.,=If he had no pension,与现在事实相反,与现在事实相反,1.If,I knew you were coming, I _you _my love to your parents.,A. would have asked, convey,B. Would ask, convey,C .would have asked, to convey,D .would ask, to convey,表示与过去事实相反的假设,Practice (5m),2.,He has a talent for writing poems. He _the first prize if he _more.,A . could won,practised,B. Will won,practised,C. could won, practise,D .will won ,practise,表示与现在事实相反的假设,3. If I _more about diamond, I_ cheated by that man.,A .had known ,would not be,B .knew, would not have been,C .had known ,would not have been,D .had known, would never be,表示与过去事实相反的假设,表示与现在事实相反的假设,4.Your pet dog _like you more, if you _him better.,A .would, treated,B .could, had treated,C .can, treated,D .would, treat,与过去事实相反的假设,表示后悔,.,自责的意思,5.I _the trouble if only I _my parents.,A .would have avoided, listen to,B .


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