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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Learn a word,1,keep ones nose clean行为检点,不作违法的事,Keep your nose clean or youll end up in jail.,不要犯事,否则你会进监狱的。,They have to keep their noses clean or they might be expelled from the academy.,学生们必须行为检点否则就可能被开除学籍.,2,今天我们要学的词组是keep ones nose clean。 Nose是鼻子,clean的意思是干净。 Keep ones nose clean是个习惯用语。意思是行为检点,不作违法的事。 有位父亲嘱咐儿子不要吸毒,Keep your nose clean or youll end up in jail. 他说:“不要犯事,否则你会进监狱的。”美国著名的空军军官学院发现学生考试作弊。 校方对此严加追查 。学校以前有学生因为犯错被开除。也就是说, 学生们必须行为检点否则就可能被开除学籍,They have to keep their noses clean or they might be expelled from the academy. 今天我们学习的词组是keep ones nose clean.,3,turn the corner出现好转,渡过难关,Congressional leaders give President Bush a matter of months to prove that the Iraq war effort has turned the corner.,美国国会领袖要求布什总统在几个月内证明伊拉克的情况已经出现了好转。他的健康出现了好转。,His health has turned the corner.,一支球队终于走出了进攻乏力的低谷。,The team has finally turned the corner offensively.,4,今天我们要学的词组是turn the corner。 Turn the corner是出现好转,渡过难关的意思。伊拉克的局势让美国总统布什在国内备受压力。媒体报道说, Congressional leaders give President Bush a matter of months to prove that the Iraq war effort has turned the corner. 意思是美国国会领袖要求布什总统在几个月内证明伊拉克的情况已经出现了好转。他的健康出现了好转,可以说 His health has turned the corner。 一支球队终于走出了进攻乏力的低谷,可以说 The team has finally turned the corner offensively. 今天我们学习的词组是turn the corner.,5,moonlight兼职,从事第二职业,moonlight n. 月光,v.兼职,从事第二职业,美国工人中有百分之五以上的人从事第二职业.,More than five percent of U.S. workers moonlight.,他们兼职大都是为了增加收入。,They moonlight to make more money。,做兼职意味着双倍的压力,,Moonlighting can double the pressure.,6,今天我们要学的词组是moonlight。Moon是月亮, moonlight是月光。许多人都熟悉贝多芬的月光奏鸣曲,Moonlight Sonata. 作为动词,moonlight的意思是从事第二职业, 也就是除了有份全职工作以外, 晚上还要出去打工。据美国劳工统计局公布的数字, 美国工人中有百分之五以上的人从事第二职业, More than five percent of U.S. workers moonlight. 美国人兼职大都是为了增加收入,They moonlight to make more money, 不过这也意味着双倍的压力,Moonlighting can double the pressure. 今天我们学习的词组是moonlight.,7,inherit 继承,Sam从他叔叔那儿继承了一大笔财产,Sam inherited a fortune from his uncle.,Jenny继承了妈妈的红头发,,“Jenny inherits her red hair from her mom.”法国新总统萨尔科齐刚刚宣誓就职,就要面临严峻的考验。媒体报道说,,Sarkozy inherited an 8.7 percent unemployment rate and a growth rate lagging behind Frances neighbors,“,萨尔科齐要面对8.7%的失业率,法国的经济增长速度也低于周边国家。,8,split up,分手,Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson are splitting up after nearly six years of marriage, said her publicist.,Kate Hudson和丈夫结婚将近六年决定分手。,The couple split up after only 6 months.,“My best friend and I have split up.”,The Beatles split up in April 1970.,9,今天要学的一个词组: split up. Split up是分手的意思。最近呢,Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson are splitting up after nearly six years of marriage, said her publicist. Kate Hudson和丈夫结婚将近六年决定分手。哎,又一对好莱坞金童玉女分道扬镳,难怪人们对演艺圈的婚姻都不看好。这两口子才半年就闹着要分手:The couple split up after only 6 months. 友情也有走到尽头的时候,My best friend and I have split up. 真是天下没有不散的宴席, The Beatles split up in April 1970. 1970年4月Beatles. 拆散,让粉丝们伤心到了极点。这个话题太伤感了。也许Beatles的音乐能让你心情好一点?.,10,All the kids came on stage during the grand finale.,所有孩子都上台来参加最后一个节目的表演。,What better finale to his coaching career than to win the Championship?,还有比用冠军来结束他的教练生涯更合适的吗?,黑帮家庭连续剧Sopranos,The finale left the fans hanging.,大结局给粉丝们留下了悬念。,finale大结局,11,今天我们要学的词儿是finale。 Finale是指大结局。所有孩子都上台来参加最后一个节目的表演,可以说, All the kids came on stage during the grand finale. 教练临退休前,球队赢得了全国冠军,可以说, What better finale to his coaching career than to win the Championship? 意思是还有比用冠军来结束他的教练生涯更合适的吗?美国热播的黑帮家庭连续剧Sopranos上星期天播出了最后一集,但是片尾并没有出现大家预期的血腥屠杀。媒体报道说,The finale left the fans hanging. 意思是说大结局给粉丝们留下了悬念。好的,今天我们学习的词儿是finale.,12,buff对某个问题的爱好者,sports buff 体育爱好者,history buff指历史爱好者,opera buff 指歌剧爱好者A known crossword buff, Clinton wrote the clues for an online crossword puzzle published this weekend by the New York Times.,克林顿是众所周知的纵横填字谜的爱好者,纽约时报这个周末网上的填字谜游戏的提示就是他写的。,13,今天我们要学的词儿是buff。 Buff原意是暗黄色的皮革,但是在美国口语中buff一般是说对某个问题的爱好者。比如说sports buff , 就是体育爱好者,history buff是指历史爱好者,opera buff是指歌剧爱好者。美国前总统克林顿退休后,除了积极参与赈灾募捐、为非洲争取便宜的艾滋病药物、为太太希拉里的竞选出谋划策外,也有更轻松的嗜好, A known crossword buff, Clinton wrote the clues for an online crossword puzzle published this weekend by the New York Times. 意思是说克林顿是众所周知的纵横填字谜的爱好者,纽约时报这个周末网上的填字谜游戏的提示就是他写的。今天我们学习的词儿是buff.,14,in a row排成一列, 连续,学生接连有三场考试,They will have three exams,in a row,.,美国的癌症死亡率连续两年下降,,Cancer deaths in the United States dropped for,the second year in a row,.,国际保护记者组织说,伊拉克对记者来说是最危险的地方,这种情况已经持续了四年,Iraq remains the most dangerous place for journalists for,the fourth year in a row.,15,今天我们要学的词组是in a row。 In a row的意思是排成一列, 或是连续。比如学生接连有三场考试,They will have three exams in a row. 还比如,美国的癌症死亡率连续两年下降,Cancer deaths in the United States dropped for the second year in a row.国际保护记者组织说,伊拉克对记者来说是最危险的地方,这种情况已经持续了四年, Iraq remains the most dangerous place for journalists for the fourth year in a row. 今天我们学习的词组是in a row.,16,plead,plead的意思是辩护, 抗辩。plead for就是请求、恳求的意思。,He pleaded for the end of segregation in American schools.,他请求终止美国学校的种族隔离。,在法庭上, 被告plead guilty或是plead not guilty, 意思是被告表示服罪, 或是不服罪。,He pleaded not guilty to the charges,博什科夫斯基申辩无罪.,17,今天我们要学的词组是plead。 Plead的意思是辩护, 抗辩。Plead for就是请求、恳求的意思。美国著名黑人律师Thurgood Marshall 1954年在美国最高法院辩论说, 美国学校的种族隔离政策是非法的。 He pleaded for the end of segregation in American schools, 他请求终止美国学校的种族隔离。,在法庭上, 我们常常会听到被告plead guilty或是plead not guilty, 意思是被告表示服罪, 或是不服罪。 最近的一个例子是联合国战争犯罪法庭以杀人罪开庭审判马奇顿前内政部长博什科夫斯基。 博什科夫斯基申辩无罪,He pleaded not guilty to the charges. 今天我们学的词是plead.,18,take no chances,谨慎行事,争取万无一失,taking no chances after terrorist plot,to take a chance or not take a chance, that is the question,When it comes to decision making, I take no chances.,Take a chance on me.,19,今天我们要学的词组是take no chances,意思是谨慎行事,争取万无一失,比如华盛顿邮报的标题说: taking no chances after terrorist plot, 指得是伦敦破获恐怖袭击阴谋后,华盛顿警方采取了严密措施,不放过任何漏洞。我们在生活常常需要作这样的抉择:to take a chance or not take a chance, that is the question.你想上一个好大学,找个好工作,都需要谨慎考虑。When it comes to decision making, I take no chances. 我呢,是把各方面都考虑周全了,才作决定。不过,人有的时候也需要冒点险,这样生活才有意思,是不是? ABBA有一首歌不是这样唱得吗:Take a chance on me。,20,Pakistan leader seeks to mend fences with Kabul,If they are to cooperate, theyll have to mend fences。,In order to mend fences I baked a cake for him.,Think twice before you speak so that you dont have to mend fences later。,mend fences修补离笆;和谁修补关系,21,今天要学的词组是:mend fences。Mend fences,修补离笆。对,没错。但是我们要讲的意思是:和谁修补关系。巴基斯坦总统访问阿富汗,报纸的标题说:Pakistan leader seeks to mend fences with Kabul, 巴基斯坦领导人设法改善和喀布尔的关系。参选的候选人经常会互相指责,但事后为了合作又得改善关系 - If they are to cooperate, theyll have to mend fences。一个妻子出于误会地把丈夫大骂一顿。第二天她说:In order to mend fences I baked a cake for him, 为了弥补关系我给他烤了个蛋糕。 所以,说话要小心,免得事后得去弥补关系 - Think twice before you speak so that you dont have to mend fences later。,22,fan the flames 煽风点火,煽动情绪,I dont think I am fanning the flames here。,To fan the flames would often make the situation even worse.,with a mother-in-law fanning the flames, the couple finally divorced,Yes, we have problems, but you dont need to fan the flames,23,fan the flames,今天学的词组是fan the flames。煽子和火?生煤炉?现在没有人用煤炉了!对,fan the flames是指煽风点火,煽动情绪。美国前总统克林顿因记者提的问题而非常生气。这记者说:I dont think I am fanning the flames here。我不是想煽动情绪。一般都是已经有些问题,经别人一煽动,事情就更糟,To fan the flames would often make the situation even worse. 夫妻俩感情本来就有些问题,再加上婆婆一煽动, with a mother-in-law fanning the flames, the couple finally divorced, 夫妻终于离婚。另一对夫妇也有矛盾,儿子对妈妈说:Yes, we have problems, but you dont need to fan the flames, 你不必再来煽动了。,24,underdog处于弱势的人,Underdogs had their day at the. 58th Emmy Awards,居后者在第58届艾美奖颁发典礼上也有了出头之日。,Some people tend to sympathize with the underdog.,The American team has always been the underdog in the soccer world.,在世界足球队中,美国队总是处于劣势。希望他们发奋图强,so that they wont stay underdog forever。,25,今天要学的一个词是underdog。 你以为underdog是指狗,是吗?No! Underdog是指处于弱势的人。美国影视界颁发埃美奖,处境不佳的全国广播公司居然荣获五项艾美奖,居第二位。报导说:Underdogs had their day at the. 58th Emmy Awards, 居后者在第58届艾美奖颁发典礼上也有了出头之日。不少人总是同情时运不好,处于劣势的人。 Some people tend to sympathize with the underdog。在世界足球队中,美国队总是处于劣势,the American team has always been the underdog in the soccer world。希望他们发奋图强,so that they wont stay underdog forever。,26,今天要学的一个词组: split up. Split up是分手的意思。最近呢,Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson are splitting up after nearly six years of marriage, said her publicist. Kate Hudson和丈夫结婚将近六年决定分手。哎,又一对好莱坞金童玉女分道扬镳,难怪人们对演艺圈的婚姻都不看好。这两口子才半年就闹着要分手:The couple split up after only 6 months. 友情也有走到尽头的时候,My best friend and I have split up. 真是天下没有不散的宴席, The Beatles split up in April 1970. 1970年4月Beatles. 拆散,让粉丝们伤心到了极点。这个话题太伤感了。也许Beatles的音乐能让你心情好一点?.,27,要是你经历过我经历过的事,你也会这样的。,You would, too, if youd been through what Ive been through.,- 你可不知道我经历了多少麻烦。,You dont know what Ive been through,经历过童年的痛苦,现在真像天堂一样。,After what Ive been through as a child, my life now is like heaven!,through,28,今天要学的词是 through。 谁都知道through就是通过。对,但是我们要指的是经历。去年卡特里娜飓风的一个灾民至今心有余悸,一听到风声就会跳到窗口。他说:You would, too, if youd been through what Ive been through. 要是你经历过我经历过的事,你也会这样的。皮夹被偷是很麻烦的事。你得向所有信用卡公司报失,重新申请社会安全号码和驾驶执照。一个被偷的人说:You dont know what Ive been through - 你可不知道我经历了多少麻烦。一个有钱的老板说:After what Ive been through as a child, my life now is like heaven! 经历过童年的痛苦,现在真像天堂一样。,29,今天要学的词组是turn a blind eye。 A blind eye就是一只瞎了的眼睛。Turn a blind eye就是只当没看见。 英国保守党领袖卡梅伦说,英国不能对盟国的过度行为置若罔闻, Britain must not turn a blind eye to the excesses of our allies.有的人看到坏事也只当没看见。 Some people tend to turn a blind eye to others bad behavior。一个人明明看见小偷在偷东西都不敢啃声。That man saw the thief stealing, but he turned a blind eye。我可以保证,要是谁偷他的东西,他就会大声喊叫,he would not simply turn a blind eye。,30,今天要学的词组是:to beat the heat。Heat是指高温;高温是不能打的,只能设法克服。美国各地热浪滚滚,华盛顿邮报说,一个母亲和她两岁的女儿.try to beat the heat.by opening a window on the shady side. 意思是,母女俩为克服高温把不朝阳的一扇窗子打开。在汗流浃背的情况下人人各显神通。A postman used bottles of frozen water to beat the heat - 一个邮递员用冻成冰的瓶子来抵挡热浪。一个户外工人wipes his face and dreams of .ice cream, 他一面擦汗,一面想象自己在吃冰淇淋。You can of course jump into a swimming pool,跳进游泳池也行!,31,Mel Gibson would think twice before he gets behind the wheel of a car.,Think twice before you go talk to the boss .,Think twice before you propose to that girl,32,今天要学的一个词组是:think twice。 美国大影星Mel Gibson因酗酒驾车而被捕。当地司法长官说,他希望以后Mel Gibson would think twice before he gets behind the wheel of a car., - 希望这位明星在开车前要三思而行。噢,think twice就是三思而行!中国人想三次,美国人只要想两次! 一个人工作懒散,但是想加工资,同事们对他说:Think twice before you go talk to the boss - 意思是:你去跟老板谈话前要三思而行。一个母亲对儿子说:Think twice before you propose to that girl - 向那女孩求婚前要三思而行!今天学的词组是:think twice.,33,今天我们要学的词儿是dilemma。 Dilemma是左右为难的意思。美国副总统切尼的前办公厅主任路易斯.利比最近因为做伪证被判处30个月的刑期。媒体报道说,The sentence imposed on Lewis Scooter Libby put President Bush in a dilemma,意思是路易斯.利比被判刑,让布什总统陷入了两难的境地。大家都在问,布什是否会赦免他?在生活中我们经常会遇到左右为难的时候。Many moms face the dilemma about whether they should go back to work or not, 意思是很多妈妈在决定是否回去工作时,都会左右为难。好的,今天我们学习的词儿是dilemma.,34,今天我们要学的词是memorial。 Memorial是纪念物、纪念碑的意思。今天是美国的阵亡将士纪念日。Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nations service, 意思是说阵亡将士纪念日是一个缅怀那些为国捐躯者的日子。二战期间纳粹大屠杀遇难者的纪念碑可以说,a memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. 几百人前来参加这名消防队员的葬礼,对他表示敬意,Hundreds of people came to the Memorial Service to honor the firefighter. 今天我们学习的词儿是memorial.,35,今天我们要学的词儿是plunge。 Plunge是猛然下降的意思。中国股市今年大起大落。媒体最近报道说,The Chinese shares plunged 15% in a week, 是说中国股市一周内猛跌了15%。公司业绩往往会受到声誉的影响。The companys profit plunged 30% over the scandal, 意思是这一丑闻使公司盈利猛跌了30%。俗话说,好借好还,再借不难。在美国,要贷款买房买车,都要有良好的信用记录。One late mortgage payment could cause your credit score to plunge, 是说按揭迟付一次,就会严重影响你的信用评分。好的,今天我们学习的词儿是plunge.,36,今天我们要学的词儿是anniversary。 Anniversary是周年纪念,周年纪念日的意思。生活中有些日子是绝对不能忘记的。比如说 wedding anniversary, 结婚纪念日,再比如anniversary of his death, 指某人的祭日。美国电影巨片星球大战1977年5月25号首映,多年来一直吸引着无数的忠实影迷。媒体报道说,Star Wars fans everywhere will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the movies release, 意思是各地的星球大战的“粉丝们”都在庆祝影片首映30周年。今天我们学习的词儿是anniversary.,37,今天我们要学的词是inherit。 Inherit是继承的意思。Sam从他叔叔那儿继承了一大笔财产就是 Sam inherited a fortune from his uncle. Jenny继承了妈妈的红头发,可以说 Jenny inherits her red hair from her mom.法国新总统萨尔科齐刚刚宣誓就职,就要面临严峻的考验。媒体报道说,Sarkozy inherited an 8.7 percent unemployment rate and a growth rate lagging behind Frances neighbors, 萨尔科齐要面对8.7%的失业率,法国的经济增长速度也低于周边国家。好,今天我们学习的词儿是inherit.,38,今天我们要学的词儿是impact。 Impact是影响、作用的意思。美国总统布什宣布对苏丹政府实施新的制裁。美国官员说,The sanctions will have a serious impact. 意思是制裁会产生重大影响。发展旅游业的同时需要保护环境,The report assessed the impact of tourism on the environment, 意思是这份报告评估了旅游业对环境的影响。很多地方都有自己的支柱产业,The shutdown of the oil refinery had a devastating impact on local economy, 意思是说炼油厂的关闭使当地经济受到了毁灭性的打击。好,今天我们学习的词儿是 impact.,39,今天我们要学的词是leak。 Leak是泄漏消息的意思。The contents of the report were leaked to the media, 是说报告内容被泄漏给了媒体。公司裁员的消息不知被什么人走漏了风声,the plans for the layoff have somehow leaked out.这名军官因为泄密被判处15年徒刑,The military official was sentenced to 15 years in prison for leaking the intelligence. 最近在日本,一种美国研制的导弹防御系统发生了泄密的情况。媒体报道说,Classified information about a U.S.-developed missile defense system was leaked. 好,今天我们学习的词儿是leak.,40,今天我们要学的词组是in a row。 In a row的意思是排成一列, 或是连续。比如学生接连有三场考试,They will have three exams in a row. 还比如,美国的癌症死亡率连续两年下降,Cancer deaths in the United States dropped for the second year in a row.国际保护记者组织说,伊拉克对记者来说是最危险的地方,这种情况已经持续了四年, Iraq remains the most dangerous place for journalists for the fourth year in a row. 今天我们学习的词组是in a row.,41,今天我们要学的词组是backup。作为形容词,backup的意思是后备,替代。媒体报道说,布什总统实施新的伊拉克计划之后,一些州长在白宫询问布什和参谋长联席会议主席Peter Pace有没有后备计划,A group of governors asked President Bush and chairman of the Joint Chief of Stuff Peter Pace about their backup plan for Iraq.州长们后来说,他们认为白宫并没有后备计划。许多人认为伊拉克计划很可能失败,政府必须要有后备的战略, The United States must have backup strategy for Iraq. 今天我们学习的词组是backup.,42,今天我们要学的词组是out of reach。 Out of reach的意思是接触不到, 达不到。伊拉克境内的外国记者说, 他们在伊拉克这个危险的环境中常常无法报道一些重要的事件,Many important stories remain out of reach.还比如,美国政府几年前推出“不让任何一个孩子落后”的教育法案,要求各校学生在2014年以前都能通过阅读和数学考试。可是有人说,这个目标是实现不了的, They said the target was out of reach. 今天我们学习的词组是out of reach.,43,今天我们要学的词儿是backlog。 Backlog是指积压的意思。a backlog of orders 就是积压的订单。A backlog of mail 是积压的邮件。我休产假回来上班后,有一大堆工作等着我做,可以说 When I returned from maternity leave, there was a backlog of work waiting for me.美国正在就移民改革议案进行辩论,让非法移民有可能变为合法,但是在此之前,There is a backlog of existing cases to eliminate, 是说移民局必须先把现有的积压案件处理掉。好的,今天我们学习的词儿是backlog.,44,今天我们要学的词是standoff。 Standoff意思是僵持不下。由于核项目问题,伊朗一直跟西方国家僵持不下,可以说,Iran is locked in a standoff with the West over its nuclear program. 警察跟绑匪之间的僵局终于和平解决,可以说,the standoff between the police and the kidnappers ended peacefully.大罢工已经进入第八天了,劳资双方还是互不相让,可以说,The strike has entered the eighth day as the standoff between the union and the management continues. 今天我们学习的词儿是standoff.,45,今天我们要学的词是spirited。 Spirited意思是激烈的,热烈的。竞争2008年美国总统共和党提名的侯选人举行公开辩论。媒体报道说,Republican Presidential candidates engaged in a spirited debate over controversial issues. 意思是共和党总统候选人围绕充满争议的问题进行了激烈的辩论。北约部队对武装激进分子发动猛烈攻击,可以说 NATO forces staged a spirited attack on the armed militant. Spirited也可以用来形容人。a spirited kid 意思就是一个活泼的小孩。好,今天我们学习的词儿是spirited.,46,今天我们要学的词组是on record。 On record的意思是有记载的, 记录在案的。 美国政府发表报告说, 2007年冬天, 世界各地的气候是有记录以来最暖和的, The winter was the warmest on record worldwide.不仅是冬天,有专家认为今年很可能是有记录以来最暖和的一年, 2007 is likely to be the warmest year on record. 但愿全球气候变暖不会再创下新的记录。今天我们学习的词组是on record.,47,今天我们要学的词儿是Priority。 Priority是优先的意思。萨尔科齐当选法国新总统后,媒体报道说,He said the issue of climate change would be a priority for France. 意思是说萨尔科齐表示,气候变化的问题是他要优先考虑的事情。美国华盛顿特区的市长芬蒂参加竞选时曾保证说, My first priority will be building excellent public education. 意思是“我的首要任务是建设高水平的公立教育。” 孩子如果不专心学习,把时间都用来玩游戏的话,家长会说,you need to get your priorities straight. 意思是你要搞清楚什么对你才是最重要的。今天我们学习的词是priority.,48,今天我们要学的词儿是shatter。 Shatter是砸碎、破坏的意思。The explosion shattered the windows, 意思是说爆炸震碎了窗玻璃。上周末新上映的电影蜘蛛人的第三部打破了全球票房纪录,媒体报道说,Spiderman 3 shattered global box-office records.很多东西都可能被打碎。打破沉默就是 the silence was shattered. The scandal shattered his reputation, 意思是这起丑闻破坏了他的声誉。Although the disease shattered his health, 虽然疾病损害了他的健康,nothing could shatter his dream of becoming a writer, 没有任何事情能够动摇他成为作家的梦想。今天我们学习的词是shatter.,49,今天我们要学的词组是do time。 Do time的意思是服刑。 有些贩毒分子在青少年的时候就蹲过监狱, Some of the drug dealers did time when they were still teenagers. 多次担任华盛顿市市长的Marion Barry因为连续五年不报税而被法院判处三年监视察看。他在察看期间又没有按时申报2005年所得税。美国联邦检察官因此要求判他入狱服刑,Federal prosecutors want Marion Barry to do time. Barry1990年曾因吸毒被判入狱六个月,Marion Barry did six months in 1990 for smoking crack. 今天我们学习的词组是do time, do time , do time.,50,今天我们要学的词组是appeal。 Appeal有恳求, 呼吁的意思。比如, 呼吁选民支持, appeal to voters for support. 恳求朋友帮忙,appeal to friends for help.布什总统在派兵攻打伊拉克四周年的时候呼吁美国人对伊拉克的局势有耐心,President Bush appealed to the nation for patience in Iraq. 与此同时,美国反战人士呼吁国会采取行动, 阻止伊拉克战争, They appealed to Congress to stop the war in Iraq. 今天我们学习的词组是appeal.,51,天我们要学的词组是credibility。 Credibility指的是可靠,信用。政府不要失去民众的信任,The government should not lose its credibility with the people. 一些美国参议员因为司法部解除了八位检察官的职务而质疑司法部长Alberto Gonzales的信誉,Some senators questioned the credibility of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales because of the firing of eight U.S. attorneys.共和党参议员Chuck Hagel说,Gonzales has a credibility problem. Gonzales有信用问题。今天我们学习的词组是credibility.,52,今天我们要学的词组是pound。 Pound既是英国的货币英镑, 也是一个重量单位。作为动词呢,pound的意思是猛击,猛烈敲打。 比如有人在砰砰地敲门,Somebody is pounding at the door美国东海岸地区四月份连续几天遭遇暴风雨袭击,一些地区洪水泛滥。美国新闻报道就用了pound 这个词,A powerful storm has pounded the eastern coast of the United States, causing severe flooding in some areas 今天我们学习的词组是pound.,53,今天我们要学的词组是submit。 Submit有提出, 提交的意思。比如中国社会学家李银河向中国人大会议提交了有关同性婚姻合法化的提案, A Chinese sociologist submitted a proposal on same-sex marriage to the Peoples Congress.联合国安理会5个常任理事国就对伊朗核计划实施制裁的草案达成共识,可是南非提出了一些削弱制裁的建议, South Africa has submitted proposals that would weaken the U.N. draft. 今天我们学习的词组是submit.,54,


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