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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Hello,33.Had an impact on 对.有影响,34.Media coverage 媒体报导的力度,35. Out of control 失去控制,2,43. Stamp out 根除 踩灭,44. Share with 分享,45.The result of .的结果,3,46. So long 再见,47.Get away with 侥幸成功 逃脱处罚,48.Turn oneself in 自己坦白 自首,4,49.Set up 建立,50.Be willling to 愿意做,51.As well 也 同.一样,52.Take notes 做笔记,5,53.Make up 编造 组成 化妆,54.Pay a attention to 注意,55.Drop out of 消失,6,56.Hand in 提交 呈送,57.In the end 最后,58.Catch up 赶上,59. Show up 露面 出席,7,60. Stick with 坚持 不放弃,61.Make sentence 造句,62.Talk about 谈论 讨论,63. Cut off 超过,8,64.On the turn 在转弯处,65.Gear up 做好准备,66.Run out of steam,泄气,失去势头,9,67.Watch out for 戒备 提防 密切注意,68.Be cue out for 适合担任 适合参加,69.Count on 指望 对.寄予希望,10,70.Send text message 发短信,71.Focus on 关注,72. Contact with 联系,11,73.Set off 出发 引起 分开,74.Lead to 导致,75.Because of 因为,12,76.Turn off 关掉,77.Shut off 切断 关掉,78.Have a influence on,对.有影响,13,79.Dependent on 依赖,80.Get rid of 摆脱 除去,81.Get used to 习惯,14,82.Go back 返回 回来,83.Teliant on 依赖 依靠,84. Can not wait to do 等不及要做.,15,85. Come over 过来 顺便 来访,86. Run ones life 过日子,87.Big deal 至关重大的事,16,88.Just the way it is 事实就是这样的,89.How often 多久一次,90.Make plan to do 计划做.,17,91.Come up 被提出,92.Come up with 想出 提出 赶上,93.Stay in touch 保持联系,18,94.Appeal to 吸引,95.All the time 始终 一直,96.Be able to 能够,19,97. Look forward to 盼望,98.Make conclusion 总结,99.Make restriction 做出限制,20,100. Refer to 涉及,101.Make up of 由.组成,102.Thousands of 上千的,21,103.Continue to do 继续做.,104.Spend time to do 花费时间做.,22,105.A range of 一系列,106.Work with s.b 和某人合作,107.Have dinner with s.b 和某人吃饭,23,108.Add.to 加.到,109.Take position 抢 占位置,110.On daily life 在日常生活中,24,111.Offer advice 提供建议,112.Agree with 同意,113.Object to 反对,25,114.Change ones mind 改变主意,115.In particular 尤其 特别,116.In terms of 在.方面, 按照 依据,26,117.Be good at 擅长.,118.Be ready for 准备,119.On the field 在.领域里,27,120.Prepare for 准备,121.Make a correction,改正 更正,122.The qulity of .的质量,28,123.The style of .的风格,124.Be available to 对.有用,29,125.Be tired of 对.感到疲倦,126.Obey the rule 犯规,127.Express oneself 表达自己,30,130.Take a ban 违规,131.Take drugs 吃药,132.Complain about s.th 抱怨 某事,31,133.Say a lot about 传达很多信息,134.Drill into 通过反复训练教会技能,135.A sense of unity and collective pride 团结感和集体自豪感,32,136.On the filp side 另一方面,137.A sense of self 自我意识,138.A given situation 特定场合,33,139.Having nothing to do with 与.无关,140.Cover up 掩盖 遮盖,141.Comply with 遵守,34,142.Out of place 格格不入,143.Size .up 估计大小或多少,144.Self-conscious 不自然的 难为情的,35,145.Have it ones way 你想怎么看就怎么看,146.Stand out 引人注目的,147.All walks of life 各行各业,36,148.Switch off 不理不睬 忘记烦恼,149.Social situation 社交环境,159.Negative stereotype,深入人心的负面形象,37,160.Physically damanding 消耗体力的,161.Level against 针对 提出控告,38,162.Have nothing to show for it 一无所获,163.Get straight 理解,164.Be up to s.b 取决于某人,39,165.Kick back 迅速恢复活力,166.Sneak around 鬼鬼祟祟的到处游荡,潜行,40,167.Hand-eye coordination 心手协调,168.Cut-off point 划分点,41,169.Internet cafe 网吧,170.Socially isolated 与社会隔绝,171.Hang out with 与.一起玩,42,172.Aspire to 追求,173.High profile 高调的,174.Be held to accunt for 因.被追究责任,43,175.Take into account 考虑在内,176.Resort to 借助 采取,177.Bid farewell 辞行 告别,44,178.Eye contact 视线接触,179.Faux pas 失言,失礼 ,社交方面的过失,45,180.Turn ones nose up to 鄙视 嗤之以鼻,181.Be supposed to 应该,182.There and then 当时 当场,46,183.Keep ones eyes open 注意 留心,184.Follow ones lead 效仿 模仿,185.Come across 给人印象深刻,47,186.Wear skimpy clothing 穿着暴露,187.Make a difference 有影响 很重要,188.Play on 利用,48,189.On a number of fronts 在几个方面,190.A pat on the back 赞赏,191.Cash in on 靠.赚钱,乘机利用,49,192.On the top form 处于最佳形态,193.Push oneself 自我鞭策,194.Knock over 撞倒,撞翻,50,195.Set out 宣布,陈述,196.Drop out 辍学,197.Elite class 精英阶层,51,198.What if 如果,那又会怎么样呢?,199.State of the art 先进 的, 高端的,200.Let in 招收 录取,52,


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