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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Slide,*,doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/175r1,Submission,IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks,TM,Coexistence Task Group Closing Report,Hilton Head Island, SC,Summary of Monterey (January) Meeting,Heard the remaining Coexistence Mechanism Submissions (Some were presented in November 2000),Several presentations on the Coexistence Model,Held a joint meeting with 802.11 5GHz Study Group to discuss formation of an 802 Coexistence Study Group.,Coexistence Mechanism Summary,Two Collocated Collaborative submissions,Originally three, however two combined,One Non-Collocated Collaborative submission,Seven Non-Collaborative submissions,Originally eight but one dropped,Coexistence Mechanism Summary,After Monterey meeting the TG2 Chair send a letter to all submitters requesting additional information,IEEE 802.15-01/093r0,A summary document on the Coexistence Mechanisms was produced and will be updated this week,IEEE 802.15-01/078r0,Plans for This Week,Liaison with Bluetooth SIG Coexistence Working Group,Updates on Coexistence Mechanism Submissions,Evaluation of Coexistence Mechanisms,Vote on Coexistence Mechanisms,Meeting with FCC Representative,Meeting with IEEE EMC Society,Coexistence Modeling Presentations,SCORT - A proposal for a more robust voice link in Bluetooth,Preparation for FCC Meeting,In preparation for FCC meeting on Wednesday some of us will be meeting tonight (Monday) to prepare a presentation to give the FCC background on TG2 and to prepare questions.,Room 804,Time 6:30,Presentation Summary,T. Sizer,Bluetooth SIG Coexistence Working Group Liaison Report,01/158r0.,J. Lansford and S. Shellhammer, Collaborative,Coexistence Mechanism Submission: Mobilians META and Symbols TDMA,01/164r0.,J. Liang,Proposal for a Collaborative BT and 802.11b MAC Mechanism for Enhanced Coexistence,01/080r1,Presentation Summary,R. Van Dyck and A. Soltanian, 802.11b Deterministic,Frequency Nulling to Mitigate Bluetooth Interference,01/079r1.,H. Gan,Adaptive Frequency Hopping,00/367r1.,J. Liang,Proposal for a Non-Collaborative BT and 802.11b MAC Mechanism for Enhanced Coexistence,01/026r1.,Presentation Summary,K. C. Chen and H. K. Chen and C. C. Chao,“Selective Hopping for Hit Avoidance,01/057r2,N. Golmie,Interference Aware Bluetooth Scheduling Techniques,01/143r0,O. Eliezer and D. Michael,Adaptive Frequency Hopping for FHSS Systems,01/169r0,Presentation Summary,A. Batra, An,Intelligent Frequency Hopping Scheme for Improved Bluetooth Throughput in an Interference-Limited Environment,01/082r1.,The Task Group updated the,Coexistence Mechanism Summary Matrix,01/078r2,Vote - Collaborative,Task Group 2 selected the Mobilian/Symbol/NIST Collaborative Coexistence Proposal,First Vote,Yes: 10,No: 5,Abstain: 2,Approval Rate 67%,Vote - Collaborative,Second Vote,Yes: 21,No: 6,Abstain: 4,Approval Rate 78%,Passed,Discussion with FCC,TG2 met with Julius Knapp of the FCC,There were two presentations,N. Golmie,Discussion with FCC,01/144r0,O. Eliezer,Band Usage Evaluation and a Derived Proposed Regulatory Approach for Unlicensed Bands ,01/170r0,TG2 will be submitting a question to the FCC regarding interpretation of the current rules.,Meeting with IEEE EMC Society,TG2 held an introductory meeting with members of the IEEE EMC Standards Committee. There was a presentation giving an overview of the EMC Standards Committee,S. Berger,IEEE EMC Society Standards Development Committee,01/168r0,Vote - Non-Collaborative,The seven Non-Collaborative Coexistence Mechanisms have been merged into three submissions,Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH),Transmit Power Control (TPC) and Rate Scaling,Scheduling,We voted on each submission giving a score of 1 to 10 on each.,The average scores were,AFH:7.43,TPC/RS:7.5,Scheduling:7.875,Vote - Non-Collaborative,Confirmation vote on three Non-Collaborative Coexistence Mechanism,Scheduling:10/0/3Passed,TPC/RS:4/0/10Passed,AFH:See Motion,Vote - Non-Collaborative,Motion to Delay AFH Vote till May,Vote,Yes9,No1,Abstain8,Passed,Ad-Hoc Committee,Formed an Ad-Hoc Committee on Adaptive Frequency Hopping,Hold regular conference calls. To be announced on TG2 email reflector.,Work to combine the four AFH proposals,Present at the next meeting in Orlando.,Nada Golmie to act as Facilitator.,Submissions,S. Shellhammer,SCORT - An Alternative to the Bluetooth SCO Link for operation in an Interference Environment,01/145r1.,V. Mitter,Empirical Study for IEEE 802.11b WLAN and Bluetooth Coexistence in UL Band,01/148r0,V. Oleynik,An approach to the problem of optimizing channel parameters,IEEE 802.11-01/152r0,Request for Model from TG3,S. Shellhammer, Request for TG3 PHY and MAC Models for Incorporation into TG2 Coexistence Model, 01/173r0.,TG3 to supply PHY and MAC model of TG3 proposed standard to TG2.,TG2 will incorporate the TG3 models into the Coexistence Model and run simulations to investigate interference effects.,Objectives for Orlando (May),Hear submission on combined Adaptive Frequency Hopping submission.,Vote on AFH submission.,Updates of Coexistence Modeling.,Review Outline of Draft Standard.,Review and Edit Clauses of the Draft Standard.,Update TG2 Project Plan,


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