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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,蚂蚁上树,川菜,主料:,粉丝,100g,、猪肉馅,50,克。,辅料:,豆瓣酱,20g,,高汤(或水),100g,,葱姜蒜末适量。,酱油,1,茶匙,糖,1,茶匙,香油,1/2,茶匙,油,1,汤匙。,步骤,1,:把五花肉洗干净,剁成肉糜。,步骤,2,:粉丝用温水洗净发开,晾干水分。炒锅置火上烧热,倒入油,烧至六成热,将粉丝下入锅内炸起,捞出备用。,步骤,3,:锅中底油,烧至六成热,放入姜末、蒜末炒出香味,再倒入肉末炒散炒熟,放点干红辣椒,酱油、料酒略炒。,步骤,4,:倒入粉丝,再放一汤匙水,加点盐,汤汁收干撒点葱花即可。,还等啥子,开动筷子!,川菜,(擅长烤、煸炒)即四,川菜系,。以,成都,、,重庆,菜为代表。是中国最有特色的菜系,也是民间最大菜系,,Sichuan Cuisine kwi zin, we also call it the Sichuan style of cooking, is famous for cooking food in roasting and stir-frying way. Chengdu and Chongqing style dishes are the representative of Sichuan Cuisine. Sichuan Cuisine is the most special style of cooking in China. Its also the biggest folk cuisine in China,川菜是八大菜系之首。川菜风味包括重庆、成都和,乐山,、内江,,自贡,等地方菜的特色。,Sichuan cuisine lists at first of the eight regional cuisines . Sichuan flavor includes the characteristics of local dishes in Chongqing,Chengdu,Leshan,Neijiang,Zigong, etc.,主要特点在于味型多样。,辣椒,、胡椒、,花椒,、豆瓣酱等是主要,调味品,its main feature lies on flavor varity.Chili,pepper, Pricklyash Peel, hick broad-bean sauce,etc.are the chief condiments.,化出了麻辣、酸辣、椒麻、麻酱、蒜泥、,芥末,、红油、糖醋、鱼香、怪味等各种味型,具有“一菜一格”、“百菜百味”的特殊风味 (翻译划线部分),Going together with spicy and hot ,suor and hot ,pepper and chili ,sesame paste, crushed garlic,mustard,spicy oil,sweet and sour,fish flavored,peculiar taste and other kind of taste,with special taste of “one dish one style” “100 dishes 100 flavors” which means each dish has different flavor.,川菜在烹调方法上,有炒、煎、干烧、炸、熏、泡、炖、焖、烩、贴、爆等三十八种之多,Sichuan cuisines has more than 38 kind of cooking methods such as stir-fry,fry in shallow, dry fried ,dry heating,smoked,bubble,stew,braise,stewed,stick and explope.,川菜历来有“七味”(甜、酸、麻、辣、苦、香、咸),八滋(干烧、酸、辣、鱼香、干煸、怪味、椒麻、红油)之说,It is said that Sichuan cuisine always have seven flavors and eight stastes.,“seven kinds of flavors”including sweet,sour, tongue-numbing, spicy, bitter, fragrant, salty.,“eight kinds of tastes” including dry-braised ,sour,spicy, fish-flavored, dry-fried, b,raised,-s,picy, spicy hot ,hot sauce .,川菜系由筵席菜、大众便餐菜、家常菜、三蒸九扣菜、风味小吃等五个大类组成一个完整的风味体系,Sichuan cuisine was formed by feast food,public luncheonette food, home cooking, three evaporate nine buckle dish and delicacies.And such five categories form a complete flavor system,川菜在国际上享有“食在中国,味在四川”的美誉。其中最负盛名的菜肴有:干烧岩鲤、干烧,桂鱼,、鱼香肉丝、,怪味鸡,、宫保鸡丁,Sichuan cuisine has a reputation that “rip in China, in Sichuan flavor” in the international community. Among which the most reputable dishes are: dry heating rock the carp,,,fried mandarin fish with hot brown sauce ,shredded pork with garlic sauce, chicken with special hot sauce ,spicy diced chicken with peanuts.,粉蒸牛肉、,麻婆豆腐,、毛肚,火锅,、干煽牛肉丝、夫妻肺片、灯影牛肉、,担担面,、赖汤圆、,龙抄手,等,Steamed Beef in Rice Flour,。,Bean Curd with Hot PepperSpice Bean Curd,。,Cattle Tripe Chaffy Dish,。,Fried Sliced Beef,。,Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce Beef and OX Tripein Chili Sauce,。,Stewed Thin Beef Slices,。,Sichuan Noodles with Peppery Sauce,。,Lai Glutinous Rice Balls,。,Long Wonton,川菜中五大名菜是:鱼香肉丝、宫保鸡丁夫妻肺片、麻婆豆腐。,回锅肉,、东坡肘子等。,The most famouse 5 dishes of Sichuan cuisine are: fish-flavored Shredded Pork,,,Chichken cudes(diced chicken)in chilli sauce,,,bean curb in chilli sauce,、,Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce Beef and OX Tripein,,,double-cooked pork slices,,,Braised Dongpo Pork Hock with Brown Sauce and so on.,


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