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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Strategies of Guessing Words and Expressions in,English,reading,英语阅读策略训练,英 语 阅 读 中 的 猜 词 策 略,Guessing game,Penguin,pngwn,The penguin is a kind of animal,The penguin is a kind of sea bird,The penguin is a kind of sea bird living in the South Pole.,It is fat and walks in a funny way,Most kinds of crabs live in the water.,crab,krb,It is a kind of animal.,It has a hard shell.,It has eight legs.,It is very delicious after being cooked.,a fat cat,when pigs fly,肥猫,当猪在飞,Lucy married a man who owns a big company and has millions of dollars. He is really,a fat cat.,Whats the meaning of the underlined phrase?,大款,大亨,Peter is very lazy and he never does his homework. He can go to a university,when pigs fly,.,According to the passage, “when pigs fly” means _.,不可能,Heavy,rain,Heavy,news,Heavy,food,Heavy,appearance,Heavy,sleeper,Heavy,smoker,令人悲痛的消息,暴雨,油腻的食物,粗陋的长相,睡觉沉的人,烟鬼,If you meet new words when reading,what will you do ?,1.Pay no attention and continue reading.,2.Look them up in the dictionary.,3.Guess,the meaning.,要求考生读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的短文以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能:,、理解主旨要义;,、理解文中具体信息;,、根据上下文推断生词的词义;,、作出判断和推理;,、理解文章的基本结构;,、理解作者的意图、观点和态度,。,高考大纲中关于阅读理解的要求,homework,hometown,homeless,homepage,homeland,homesick,I,1.,合成法,(Compounding),I. Make full use of the word formation,Far away from,home,forget-me-not_,baby-sitter,_,out-of-date computer_,outbreak of Bird Flu_,勿忘我,过时的电脑,禽流感爆发,Can you guess their meaning?,I. Make full use of the word formation,看孩子的人,nonjudgmental,:,没有判断力的,judge,judg,ment,judg,ment,al,判断,v.,判断,n.,adj,.,non,judg,ment,al,:,2.,派生法,(,Derivation,),加前缀或后缀,I. Make full use of the word formation,1. I will not make friends with a,dishonest,person.,2. When the little boy finished, his father was,speechless,.,3. If some athletes use drugs, it is,unfair,to the,others.,首先要熟悉基本的构词法及其规律,其次要掌握一定的词根和词缀。如,:un-,im-, mis-, -less, -ness,等。,小结,dis+honest,speech+less,un+fair,I. Make full use of the word formation,super-,inter-,mini-,micro-,-some,anti-,co-,post-,pre-,-ship,在,之间,超,易于,的,极小的,反对,后,身份,资格,微小,一同,一起,之前,表否定,un-, non-, in-, dis-,表相反,un-,de-, dis-,counter-,错误失当,mis-,mal-, pseudo-,表向背,pro-, anti-,表程度,arch-,super-,ultra-,over-, under-, mini-, semi- ,表时间,pre, fore-, post-,表方位,sub-,inter-,trans-,prefix,decontrol transplant counterattack,解除控制,移植,反击,suffix,-able,(能,的),-less,(无,不),wards,( 向),-ship,(身份;资格;性质),-some,( 易于,的),hood,(状态;性质;时期),-ish,(如,的;有点儿,的),-proof (,防,的;不能穿透的),-scape,(景),-most (,最,的),waterproof,streetscape,innermost,speechless,superman microwave,(,超人),nonnatural mispronounce,(,非自然的),homeless nonsmoker,(,无家可归的),rebuild eastwards,(,重建,),Can you guess the right meanings?,(,微波,),(,非烟民,),(,发错音,),(,向东,),I. Make full use of the word formation,Brunch _,Smog _,Chinglish _,Smilence,_,br,eakfast + l,unch,sm,oke + f,og,Chin,ese+En,glish,smi,le+si,lence,I. Make full use of the word formation,3.,取头取尾,(blending),早中饭,烟雾,中式英语,笑而不语,I. Make full use of the word formation,The Guardian(,卫报,)described the scene of a friends face buried in a screen as a distinctly 21,st,century problem”. A new word has been created to describe this,phubbing,. It is the act of looking at your mobile phone instead of paying attention to others during a social interaction(,互动交流,).(2014,成都二诊,C,篇,),What does the word “,phubbing,” mean?,Phubbing,低头族,Phubbing,=,ph,one+sn,ub,(,冷落,),2.,派生法,(,Derivation,),添加,前缀,prefix,和,后缀,suffix,),I. Using word formation,利用构词法,3.,去头去尾法,(Blending),Using Word,Formation,1.,合成法,(Compounding),1.He would _ the gold from his grandma.,2. Unlike his brother, Hobart is quite _.,How to guess the missing words?,Harvey is a thief,: he would _ the gold,from his grandma and not feel guilty.,steal,Unlike his brother,who is truly a handsome,person,Hobart is quite _.,ordinary-looking,plain/homely,. Using context clues,利用上下文语境,1.,定义描述,3.,因果关系,2.,同义反义,4.,举例归纳,5.,生活常识,6.,上下文推测,. Using context clues,利用上下文语境,Using Context Clues,His uncle is a,zoologist,an expert,who does research on animals.,The,herdsman,who looks after sheep,earns about 650 yuan a year.,动物学家,牧羊人,1,、定义描述,小结:通常由,定语从句,或,同位语,引出词的具体含义,zldst,2.,同义词,Mother was tall, fat and middle-aged. My aunt was an old woman, almost,as,plump,as,mother, and much shorter., In some countries where there is very little rain, the farmers have to,irrigate,or,water, their fields.,All the other members are of the same opinion. They are,unanimous,.,圆胖的,灌溉,一致同意的,junnms,反义词,Though,Toms face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains,grubby,.,Some human actions are learned,but,quite a few other actions are,innate,.,In the past the world seemed to run in an orderly way. Now,however,everything seems to be in a state of,turmoil,.,污秽的,天生的,混乱,由,and,或,or,,,like ,as as, the same as,等连接的两个词构成同义关系;,表转折关系的词常有,如,but, while, however, instead of , rather than , unlike,yet, otherwise, though,,,in contrast, on the contrary,等。,小 结,3,、因果关系,One who is,destitute,has a great need for food and clothing.,The river is,so,turbid,that,it is impossible to see the bottom even when it is shallow.,Tom is considered an,autocratic,administrator,because,he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.,贫穷的,混浊的,独断专行的,常用关联词,(,如,because,,,as,,,since,,,for,,,so,,,thus,,,as a result,,,so, so,that, such,that,therefore,等,),表示前因后果。,小 结,4,、举例归纳法,Cars must have certain safety,devices,such as,seat belt, headlights, and good brakes.,On the farm they mainly raise,poultry,such as,chickens, ducks and geese, for their eggs and meat.,家禽,装置,常用,such as, like,,,for example, for instance,等引出例子,可根据例子隶属的类别归纳出总称词即词义 。,小 结,When you throw a stone into still water of a lake, you will watch a,ripple,spread in rings on the surface of water.,In the strong wind, the beggar,shivered,with the terrible cold., One of,symptoms,caused by the peculiar illness is a high fever.,波纹,涟漪,颤抖,症状,5,、生活经验,生活常识,逻辑推理,小 结,根据自身的直接或间接的经验,或运用自己已有的常识将生词推测出来。 因此平时多了解英美国家的风俗习惯,宗教信仰,社会生活等,可以帮助加深对文章的理解,遇到生词,猜测词义的能力自然就提高了。,6.,根据生词所在的上下文猜测词义,例题:,Tom cant find,his,sneakers.,C. shoes,Tom cant find his,white sneakers,Tom cant play tennis now because he,cant find his white,sneakers,.,A. money,B. bowls,小 结,所谓“词不离句,句不离章“讲的就是,对于词语或句子的正确理解依赖于一定的情景,。所以在猜测生词词义或句意时, 一定要认真读懂与生词密切相关的前后句子, 对词或句子进行合情合理的推测,排除肤浅的表义,选择蕴含在其中的深意。,高考实战演练,Are you ready?,1.Chicken becomes,rotten,very quickly .That is to say ,it can go bad in a refrigerator if it is left there for more than a week. If you have any doubt that the meat is bad, dont eat it. Instead,inspect,it very carefully: Check the smell, how it looks and feels.,1. “rotten” means _.,A. bad B. good C. delicious,2. “inspect” _.,A. examine B. put C. visit,The first sign that the chicken is rotten is smell. If the chicken has a bad,odor, you should throw it out . The second sign that the chicken is rotten is the look .If the meat is very soft , it might be rotten.,Discard,it if it is. The third sign is the feel of the chicken .If only part of the chicken is bad, throw away the rotten,portion,and keep the rest.,5. “portion”_.,A. whole B. part C. half,4. “discard” _.,A. keep B. throw out C. cook it again,3. “odor” _.,A .sound B. taste C .smell,总结,On Reading,词 义 猜 测 型,我们的问题,不认识,单词,.,找不出问题的答案,.,容易被文中句子干扰,.,经常在,2,个答案中徘徊然后选了错误 的那一个,.,心情不好时做不好,.,TiPS:,归根结底是单词的问题,平时多背诵,多重复,才能记于心。另外要意识到阅读技巧能的力量,有其,事倍功半。尝试着控制自己的小情绪,享受阅读,它可以改变你的心境,加油!,Goodbye,


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