Lesson 19 Blame It on Men-07.5.21

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Reading,Whats the real reason women get fat? Its not chocolate or ice cream. According to a recent report which was published in London, its men! A magazine suggested men have a special warning written on their foreheads: “I can make you fat! ” What do you think of that idea? The report claims that when women fall in love, they tend to eat more. When they get married, they cook more. And when they get pregnant, of course, they gain weight. They blame it on men. So, girls, if you want to lose weight, you dont have to go on a diet; just dump your boyfriends!,1,Vocabulary & Idioms,1.blame vt. 责备,归咎,Blame +事+on+人,=blame +人+for+事,因某事责备某人,The student blamed the teacher for failing the exam.,2. fat a. 肥胖的&n.脂肪(不可数),Fatty a.油腻的,脂肪过多的,If you want to be slim, dont eat too much fat.,Eating fatty foods makes you fat.,3. chocolate n. 巧克力(不可数),The boy got sick from eating too much chocolate.,4. ice cream n. 冰淇淋(不可数),A scoop of ice cream 一勺冰淇淋,A gallon of ice cream 一加仑冰淇淋,Note: 在美国购买冰淇淋时,常用的单位是gallon.,5. according to根据,According to this map, we are far from our destination.,6. publish vt. 出版,It took us six months to publish our first book.,7. magazine n.杂志,2,8. warning n.警语;警告,The policeman give us a warning not to drive too fast.,9. forehead n. 前额,The pebble hit the boy on the forehead.,10. claim vt. 宣称,声言,Claim + that从句 宣称,Kenny claims that he can run as fast as Carl Lewis.,11. fall in love 坠入情网,Tom met a beautiful girl and fell in love for the first time.,12. tend to+原形动词,有的倾向;易于;往往,The woman tends to exaggerate about how bad her husband is.,13. pregnant a. 怀孕的,The pregnant woman threw up in the bus.,14. weight n. 体重,Gain weight 发胖;体重增加,=put on weight,Lose weight体重减轻,Mr. Wang gained a lot of weight since he got married.,You dont have t go on a diet to lose weight.,3,Vocabulary & Idioms,15. go on a diet 节食,Sally decided to go on a diet when her beautiful dresses didnt fit her anymore.,16. dump vt. 倾倒(垃圾等);甩掉,Dump本为把垃圾倒掉之意,而今在俚语中常被用来形容“甩掉/抛弃”异性朋友。,We dump our garbage at the collection site every evening.,John dumped his girlfriend because she was dishonest.,Substitution,1.,Whats the real reason women get fat?,This is the place they first met.,Midnight is the time everyone wishes each other “Happy New Year.”,2. A magazine suggested men have a special warning written on their foreheads.,The doctor advised that I go on a diet.,Winnie proposed that we all pay her a visit this weekend.,Proverb,Justice has long arms.,天网恢恢,疏而不漏。,4,


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