黑色郁金香读书欣赏 英语ppt

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,张丹丹 20111107272,贾丽媛 20111107270,王颖 20111107283,刘清,20111107298,The Black Tulip,Author,Main content,Characters,Enlightment,Works comments,Name: Alexandre Dumas, Nationality: French, Age: 1802-1870, Position: Novelist,and playwright of the,romantic , period in,19 th century,Some other masterpieces:,-,Historical novels,The Three Musketeers (1844- 1846),(三个火枪手),The Count of Monte-Cristo (1844- 1846). (基督山伯爵),-,Drama,Henry III and His Court 1829(亨利第三及其宫廷),Christine 1830(克莉丝汀,),Main Content,The black tulip is one of the main works of the French writer Alexandre Dumas. Beyeler is a completely but ask political young doctor. He loves the cultivation of tulip, and trying to cultivate a little mottled black tulip, because the first black tulip, people can obtain a substantial bonus.,Also fall in love.,Beyeler neighbor Boakes Dale in order to get the bonus, also want to cultivate a black tulip. He watched Byerly if he got a reward,.,The,book revolves around a black tulip deduce scenes be struck with fright and copy from rolia scene.,plot 1,T,he hero because,his,hobb,y is,plant,e,tulips,so he,give up,as a doctor, while black tulip is very rare, so,if someone who first plate,black tulip can get a lot of money, but the hero created a black tulip, his neighbor,Boxtel,want,get the,big bonus, so,he spy the hero.,but the hero unknowingly hidden the governor of Holland business letters, which,make him in jail,.,Boxtel,disguised as YAGE followed,him to the jail,to continue monitoring to get seeds,plot 2,When he was in prison, the warden is,multreat,him, beat,ing,and scold,ing, but his daughter,Rosa,is,a,very kind and beautiful,women, the hero and she fall in love at first sight, the hero also taught,she,learned to read, and talks about black tulip,with him,. The hero begged her to help grow their own black tulip, and he only,have,three seeds,and give them to her,and later in Roses help, make him from the death penalty,instead of,life imprisonment,Rosa,help,s him to plate tulips succeed which,was,stole by,Botaier,.,plot 3,Boxtel,brought,the theft to the black tulip to Haarlem, to receive bonuses,R,os,a,followed, want black tulip back, tell people the truth, after go throug,many difficults ,she finally regain their own,bonuses,but also help the hero,to run out of the crime because he is innocence. after that they have a happy endding.,Characters,Baerle (拜尔利) : Hero, Doctor, Tulips.,Boxtel (波泰尔) : Baerles neighbour, hate Baerle.,Cornelius De Witte (康乃利乌斯,德,维特) :His(Baerle) fathers friends.,John De Witte (约翰,德,维特,) : Corneliuss brother.,Rosa (罗丝) : Wardens daughter 狱长的女儿,Gryphus (格利普斯) :Warden.,Prince of Orange (奥兰治王子) :ruler of Holland 荷兰统治者,Van Herysen (凡,赫利森,) : President of the Flower growers at Haarlem.,Works Comment,The content of this book is vivid,and,full of attraction.,Fairly centralized and condensed.,集中紧凑的,The book only uses 1500 common English words for narrative. The language is easy and fluently, with many dialogues.,Enlightment,When his father was near death he said to his son, Be happy. Working all day in an office is not a happy life. Do not be like me, a trader. Do not be like Cornelius De Witte, a politician, for he will certainly end in trouble. Live quietly and, above all, be happy.,Those who have suffered much, have a right to be happy.,A point less trouble, will be more happy; forget the troubles, will be happy all the time.少一分烦恼,就会多一分快乐;忘却了烦恼,就会时时快乐。,Pleasure is nothing else but the intermission of pain, the enjoying of something i am in great trouble for till i have it.快乐不过是痛苦的间歇,享受之前要进行艰苦的努力。,Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remem-ber and be sad. 笑一笑而忘掉,比愁眉苦脸地记住要好得多。,-英国女诗人罗塞蒂,Thank you !,


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