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On the afternoon I arrived at the station,as,I was sorting out my,accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay.,在我到达捕鲸场的那个下午,正当我准备膳宿时,我听到一声巨响从海湾传来。,1) as,强调主从句中,谓语动词,所表示的动作,同时发生,。 从句表示“,随时间推移,”连词能用,as,不用,when,或,while,。,As,the day went on, the weather got worse.,日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏。,as, when,和,while,2) when,可表示,瞬间、时间段,,主从句动作,同时发生,,也可以,先后发生,。当从句的动作发生于主句动作之前,只能用,when,引导这个从句,不可用,as,或,while,。,When,you have finished your work, you may have a rest.,3) as, when,引导短暂性动作的动词。,Just,as,/ Just,when,/,When,I stopped my car, a man came up to me.,4) while,用于,同时进行的两个延续性动作,相伴发生,常对,同类动作进行对比,。,_ you have finished your work, you may have a rest.,_ I stopped my car, a man came up to me.,_,the day went on, the weather got worse.,_ was walking down the street,I met an old friend.,When,When ( As),As,When (while),4. sort out,分类,整理;整顿,解决(问题/困难),Sort out,things you want to keep and throw everything else away.,Have you,sorted out,how to get there yet?,5. accommodation,1) rooms, esp, for living in,房间,住所,2) lodgings, rooms and food,膳宿(常用复数),accommodate,v.,accommodating,adj.,accommodator,n.,为提供住宿,乐于助人的,调节者,rented/temporary/furnished,accommodation,to look for accommodation,provide food and accommodation for sb,6. We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal,opposite,us,throwing,itself,out of,the water and then crashing down again.,我们及时赶到岸边, 看到对面一个庞大的动物猛力跃出水面, 然后又坠落到水面。,opposite,adj.,1.,相反的,对立的,(+to),They have,opposite,views,on the question.,在这个问题上他们持相反的观点。,2. 对面的(+to),His store is,opposite,to mine.,他的店在我的对面。,There was a garden on the,opposite,side of the street.,n.,对立面,;,对立物,Cthe S(+of),My view is,the,very,opposite,of his.,我的看法正好于他相反。,Black is,the opposite of,white.,黑色的相反是白色。,prep.,在,.,对面,The post office is,opposite,the bank.,邮局在银行对面。,We stayed in a hotel,opposite,a large supermarket.,The taxi driver hurried away in the,opposite,direction.,He is honest and hardworking, but his twin brother is the complete,opposite,.,opposition:n. 反对,敌手,in opposition to sb./sth. 反对/抵制,I thought the medicine would make him sleep, but it had the _effect.,better B. effective,C. opposite D. base,与,throw,相关的短语:,throw cold water on,泼冷水,throw off,摆脱,throw away,浪费,扔掉,throw down,打倒,推翻,throw up,呕吐,throw off , throw out , throw away,throw down,throw up,The little girl _ her hands,to hug her mother .,2) Tom cant _his cold .,3) He drank a lot , and he _ on his way home .,4) As a young man , he _,_,_ much money .,5) He _,_,_ the young man and ran away.,threw out,throw off,threw up,threw away,threw down,与,out of,相关的短语:,out of breath,上气不接下气,out of date,过时的,out of control,失控,out of question,可能的,out of the question,不可能的,out of repair,失修,7. Another whaler,yelled out,.This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.,yell,v.& n.,1),叫喊,She,yelled,with surprise when,she saw the present.,2) 叫声, 喊声,The crowd,let out/gave a yell of delight.,Father,yelled at,his son,for,his poor records.,He,yelled out,orders at everyone.,辨析:,be going to, be to do和be about,to do, will do,be to,do,表示预先安排好的计划或约定。,will do,表不是事先经过考虑的将来动作,be going to,表示打算或计划做某事或根据某种,迹象判断将要发生的事,。,be about to,表示即将发生的动作,意为“正要, 即将”,不与具体的表将来时间的副词或副词性短语连用,Exemple:,I was just about _ road _ a ship came to us.,A. traveling on; while,B. to travel on; while,C. traveling by; when,D. to travel by; when,D, Dont go out now, we _,_,_ have supper., The wind went down toward sunset. It _ be fine tomorrow., The Queen _ visit Beijing next year., His sister is 13 years old, and she _ be 14 years old next year.,are about to,is going to,is to,will,8. “,Come on, Clancy. To the boat”, George said as he ran ahead of me.,come on,(祈使句,表示劝说,激励,不耐烦,催促),来吧,赶快,得了吧,Come on, we will be late for the film.,-Ill take at least two hours to do this.,-Oh,come on,. I could do it in 20 minutes!,Come on, someone must know it.,-Im dead tired. I cant walk any farther, Jenny.,-_, Tommy, you can do it.,A.No problem B. No hurry,C. Come on D. Thats ok.,come on,跟着来,开始,出台,上演,Fly the kite when a thunderstorm appears to be coming on.,在暴风雨即将,来临,的时候去放风筝。,This play is coming on again next month.,这出戏下月又要上演了。,Youd better go now, and Ill come on later.,你最好现在就去,我随后就来。,与,come,相关的短语:,come about,发生,come across,偶然遇见,come out,出版,come through,经历.仍活着,安然渡过,come to,总计,come up,被提出;长出地面,come up with,提出,come about , come through,come out , come,up, come to , come across,The cost of the journey _ 3000 yuan,.,How did the accident _ ?,When will the book _ ?,I _,_,_ my teacher in the street yesterday .,The seeds havent _ yet .,The old man _ the World War,I,.,comes to,come about,come out,came across,come up,came through,ahead,adv.,向前,在前,;,处于,领先地位,The way,ahead,was blocked by fallen trees.,前面的公路被拿下的树挡住了。,【,拓展延伸,】,be ahead of,在,的前面,比,好,get ahead,前进,抢先,go ahead,上前,前进,进步,He ran,ahead,.,他跑在前头。,【,典型例题,】,They are required to finish their,task_.,A. go ahead B. ahead of time,C. get ahead of time D. in front of time,【,答案,】B,考查,ahead,短语,【,点拨,】,按照句意:要求他们提前完成任务。,ahead of time,符合,7. . George didnt like,being kept waiting,so,even though I didnt have the right clothes on, I raced after him.,being kept waiting,是动词,-ing,形式短语的被动式,在句中作,like,的宾语。,At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _ could be heard outside the classroom. (2007,全国卷,II),A. opened and closed,B. to be opened and closed,C. being opened and closed,D. to open and close,8. I looked down into the water and could see Old Tom,swimming by the boat, showing us the way.,我低头朝水中看去,看到老汤姆正在船边游着,为我们引路。,swimming by the boat,在句中作宾语补足语,与宾语,Old Tom,存在逻辑上的主谓关系。,I saw Jack,crossing the street,.,我看见杰克正在穿过街道。,9. A few minutes later, there was no Tom, so George started beating the water with his oar and there was Tom,circling,back to the boat,leading,us to the hunt again,.,此句也是由“,主语,+ so,引导的结果状语从句,”构成的主从复合句,且这个从句是由,and,连接的两个并列分句构成,;,第二个分句中的,circling .,和,leading .,为动词,-ing,形式短语作第二个分句的,伴随状语,。,10. And those others are stopping it,diving or,fleeing,out to sea,flee (fled, fled),vi.,逃走,逃跑,消失, (,时间,等的,),飞逝,flight,n.,逃走;逃跑,【,常用搭配,】,flee from,从,逃走,flee to,逃到,flee away/past (,时间等,),飞逝,消失,辨析, flee, escape,(1) flee,vt,. &,vi,.,指“逃走,逃避 ”,多指动作。,He,fled,(from) the country.,他逃出了那个国家。,(2) escape,指“逃离或避开即将来临或近期的伤害、危险、灾祸等”;有时,+doing,,表示“躲避做某事”。,He,escaped,being drowned by using a life-buoy.,因为有救生圈,他才没有被淹死。,练习,( ) 1. Luckily, the cat _ being caught.,A. escaped B. tried C. overcame D. managed,( ) 2. A ware of being surrounded, the enemy _ in disorder.,A. cried B. fled C. fought D. walked,A,B,11. Being badly,wounded, the whale soon died.,辨析,: wound, injury, hurt, harm,与,damage,wound,是战斗中刀枪的创伤、伤口,His brother was,wounded,in that battle.,injury,是平时的大小创伤和伤害,He got serious,injuries,to the legs at work . He got his finger,injured,.,大家注意了!,hurt,是指精神上的伤害和肉体的伤痛。,The,hurt,to his feelings is more serious than the,hurt,in his body.,harm,指使有生命或者无生命的东西不再完整、美丽,或者失去原来的价值。,Smoking a lot of cigarettes can,harm,and even kill over a long period of time.,damage “,车辆、船只、房屋”等的损坏。,The bus was badly,damaged,when it hit the wall . This storm did great,harm / damage,to the crops.,1,2. bring in “收(庄稼);引进;挣得(钱,)”,He,brings in,a wage of 1000 yuan a month.,我们国家引进许多先进的科学技术.,Our country has,brought in,a lot of,advanced technology .,bring out,bring up,bring about,使,(,意义等,),明白表示出来,生产,吐出,(,vt,);,抚养,养育,带来,造成,bring in , bring out , bring up ,bring about,What _ his illness ?,Please _ the meaning of,the passage .,3) Henry _,_,_ by his uncle .,4) When he was young , he began to,sell goods, which made him _,a lot of money .,brought about,bring out,was brought up,bring in,这是一个,it,作形式主语的句子,真正的主语是不定式,to handle the boat,。在用不定式、动名词从句作主语的句子里,通常用,it,作形式主语,而把真正的主语后置以避免头重脚轻。这样的句式通常有:,13. ,it,was difficult,to handle,the boat.,划船很困难。,It,(形式主语),+,v,.,It is +,adj,.,to +,v.,that,(主语),+,v.,wh-,等词(主语),+,v.,of,sb. to do sth.,for,seems,(,好像,),It + appears,(,看上去,),+ that,(,主语,+,v,.),happens,(,碰巧,),It is no use,v.,ing,做,没有用,It is said (reported) that ,据说,据报道,It is believed that ,人们相信,It is thought that ,人们认为,It has been proved that ,事实证明,It is well-known that ,众所周知,14. abandon,vt.,离开而不返回,遗弃,抛弃,放弃,The match was,abandoned,because of bad weather.,比赛因恶劣的天气而取消。,【,拓展延伸,】,abandon oneself,完全屈从于,abandonment,n.,遗弃,离弃,抛弃,abandoner,n.,放弃者,遗弃者,投保者,abandonee,n.,承保人,被遗弃者,abandoned,adj.,被遗弃的,自暴自弃的,无耻的,辨析,abandon, desert, give up,abandon,强调永远或完全放弃人或事物等;可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的;,desert,着重指违背法律责任和义务或自己的信仰与誓言的行为,多含非难的意味;,give up,普通用语,侧重指没有希望,或因为外界压力而放弃,Its foolish of him to,give up,without trying.,【,典型例题,】,As time goes on, fewer and fewer old men are _ in the countryside.,A. abandon B. to abandon C. abandoning D. being abandoned,【,答案,】,D,考查,abandon,的用法,【,点拨,】,此处老人和遗弃的关系为被动,15.,It took,over half an hour,to get,the,boat back to James, and when we,approached him, I saw James,being,firmly held up,in the water by Old Tom.,翻译,我们花了半个小时才把船调转过,来,回到詹姆斯落水的地方。当我们靠,近他的时候,我看到老汤姆正在水中托,着詹姆斯。,点拨,该句是由,and,连接的两个并列分句,构成。第一个分句包含一个“,It takes /,took (sb.) +,一段时间,+ to do sth.”,句型;,第二个分句包含一个,when,引导的时间状,语从句,主句中的,being held up,为动词,-,ing,形式的被动式,和,James,一起构成,复合宾语。,I.,根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。,1. The past few years have w_ great changes throughout China.,2. Travel and hotel a_ will be very expensive in this city during the Olympic Games.,itnessed,ccommodations,练习坊,3. The children found many beautiful shells on the _ (,岸,) while their parents were swimming.,4. With so much noise going on she had to y_ to be heard.,5. Hearing the gun, the enemies were horror-struck and f_ in all directions.,shore,ell,led,6. The poor workers_ (,拖,) the heavy stones in teams with ropes over their shoulders.,7. Together they dive into the _ (,深处,) of the sea to search for some rare creatures and treasures.,dragged,Depths,8. The businessman a_ his wife and went away with all their money.,9. He has a very good r_ with his elder sister.,10. A p_ of angry shoppers demanded their money back.,bandoned,elationship,ack,1. The police chief spoke of his determination to catch the _ (kill).,2. No one can tell the _ (deep) of the parents love for their children.,3. It is reported that the old scientist will eventually return 35 years after _ (flee) the country.,II.,用所给词的适当形式填空。,killer,fleeing,depth,4. As we all know, _ (distant) is measured in miles, not in kilometers in England.,5. Hotel _ (accommodate) is included in the price of your journey.,distance,accommodation,1.,你用不着对我喊,我听得见。,(yell),2.,警官跑到我们前面去看出了什么事。,(ahead of),III.,根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。,You dont have to yell at me; I can hear you.,The officer ran ahead of us to see what happened.,3.,我们避开了等在门外的一群记者。,(a pack of),We avoided a pack of journalists waiting outside.,4.,同时,我想对每一位老师表达我深深的谢意,感谢你们的辛勤工作,感谢你们为我们学校所作的贡献。,(in the meantime),In the meantime, Id like to express my deep thanks to every teacher for your hard work and for your contributions to our school.,5.,我只是在这里帮忙,一直到新秘书来。,(help out),I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives.,1. Did anyone see the traffic accident that happened near the school yesterday?,Did anyone _ the traffic accident happening near the school yesterday?,IV.,每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同或相近。,witness,2. Luckily the truck in front of us turned to our left, but it was a very near miss.,Fortunately the truck _ _ us turned to our left, but it was a very near miss.,3. The enemy had run away from the village when we arrived.,The enemy had _ _ the village when we arrived.,ahead of,fled from,4. No one knows how deep the lake is. No one knows _ _ of the lake.,5. Father was painting the walls and at the same time little Mike was watching TV.,Father was painting the walls and _ _ _ little Mike was watching TV.,the depth,in the meantime,6. With his help I worked out the difficult physics problem.,He _ me _ with the difficult physics problem.,out,helped,


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