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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Lecture 2Sentence Elements,1,1. Sentence Elements and Types,Subject,I bought a book.,Predicate,My son is sleeping.,Object,He handed me the newspaper.,Predicative,The building is very tall.,Attribute,The tall and strong man is a basketball player.,2,1. Sentence Elements and Types,Adverbial,We have sports classes on the playground.,Complements,The teacher asked the students to hand in their homework this morning.,The old lady was seen crossing the street yesterday.,Vocatives,Mary, please follow me.,Interjections,You mean you are more clever, huh?,3,1. Sentence Elements and Types,Statement (,陈述事实,表明观点,),She was moved by his bravery.,Imperative(,愿望、请求、命令、建议、警告、号召,),Please be quiet.,Be both red and expert.,Question(,提问题,),When/At what time do you get up every morning?,Exclamation(,表达强烈感情如赞美、愤怒、惊讶、愉快等,),How well she speaks English!,What a big grove (it is)!,4,(1)Subject,I. (a) Its two hundred miles from Boston to New York.,(,b) From Boston to New York is two hundred miles.,(b),句是否正确的英语?介词短语能充当主语吗?,eg. To Beijing is not very far.,From racing to politics was a short step.,II.,用,it,作形式主语,To remember this rule is important.,It is important to remember this rule.,英语词序的安排受到两个原则的支配。,1、“尾重”,end-weight,,是指把长而复杂的成分放在句子尾部。,2、“句尾信息焦点”,end-focus,是指把新信息即语意重点搁在句尾。,在个别情况下,这两个原则发生矛盾时,常常是句尾信息核心原则,占上风。,The prize has been won by John.,5,(2) Predicate,The conveniences that Americans desire,reflecting,not so much a,leisurely,lifestyle as a,A B,busy lifestyle in which even minutes of time,are,C,too valuable,to be wasted,.,D,全句意思是:美国人所希望的那些便利条件与其说是反映休闲的生活方式,不如说是反映忙碌的生活方式。在这种忙碌的生活方式中每分每秒都宝贵得不容浪费。,6,(3) Double Predicate,When I came in, I found she fell,unconsciously,on the floor.,unconsciously,是错误的?副词修饰动词不是很正常吗?,英语中有一个句型:,主语+不及物动词(非连系动词)+形容词/名词,其中形容词/名词并不是修饰动词而是说明主语的情况。,eg. They married young. They came in drunk.,He died happy. No man is born wise.,eg. He died a poor man. He died a millionaire.,Lincoln was born a poor farmers boy and died President of the United States.,7,Exercises,1.“,How about him?” “He came home _ .”,safe B. safely C. with safety D. with safeness,2.After the long journey, the three of them went back home,_.,hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tired,C. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired,3.It was the middle of winter. Snow lay,thick,on the ground.,请问句中,thick,作什么成分?,8,(4) Direct Object,Question: Alice was given John as a partner.,是把谁给谁作为伙伴?,Answer:,从,give,的用法谈起,,They gave,Sam,a book,. (,主动语态),变被动语态时,可以用直接宾语作被动句主语,也可以用间接宾语作被动句主语,,A book was given Sam.,b. Sam was given a book.,因此被动句中主语,Alice,看作是主动句中的直接宾语,而把,John,看作是间接宾语,同样,Alice,也可是主动句中的间接宾语,John,是直接宾语。这样上局有两种解释:1人们把,Alice,给了,John,作伙伴。2人们把,John,给了,Alice,作伙伴。,9,Exercises,下面的托福题,主动句的直接、间接宾语在被动句中都可以作主语。有助于深入了解,give,的用法以及给我们带来的理解上的困难。,“Where did you get that handsome picture?”,“It was given to us by my father.”,2. As automation increases, the problems of unemployment will become progressively more serious unless more men and more women are given the training necessary for white-collar positions.,如果不使更多的男女接受白领职位所必须的教育,则失业问题会随着自动化程度的提高而变得日益严重。,10,(5) Indirect Object,Q: Smokers cost,the government,a lot of money for two reasons.,句中的划线部分是什么成分?,A:,首先牢记,cost,三种形式 原形,cost,-,过去式,cost,-,过去分词,cost,其次掌握,cost,的用法,,sth costs money, sth costs sb money.,在后一种结构中,,sb,是间接宾语.,eg. This plant cost 5 pounds.,这盆植物的价格是五英镑。,The meal cost us 30 pounds.,这顿饭花去了我们30英镑。,eg. That suit _ over 60 dollars.,A. has costed B. costed C. is costed D. cost,11,Indirect Object,Q: 1. Give it me. 2. Where shall I give it you?,据所学语法,要求直接宾语和间接宾语的动词,如,give, send, buy, sell,等,是把间接宾语放在直接宾语之前,即,give sb sth,上面的句子颠倒此语序,为何?,A:,当直接宾语由名词(名词短语)充当时,要采用,give+I.O.+D.O.(give+D.O.+to+I.O.),语序。但当直接宾语由代词充当时,则应采用,give+D.O.+I.O./give+D.O.+to+I.O.,这是语法上的强制性要求。,I gave it her and she thanked me formally.,我把它给了她,她很有礼貌地向我道了谢。,12,(6) Cognate Object,Q: He died,a happy death,.,请分析句中划线部分。,A:,英语辞书上大都认为,die,只有不及物动词用法,但,A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language,则认为这种句型中,die,是及物动词,,a happy death,为,同源宾语,。如:,He lived a happy life.,一样。,eg.,He died a dogs death.,The boy died a violent death.,She lived a good life.,The children slept a peaceful sleep.,Q:,如何分析句中的划线部分?,He lived,a happy life,.,He breathes,a deep breath,.,13,(7) Prepositional Object,Q: He looked at the picture.,这类句子,如何进行句法分析。,A:,语法家们对这类句子有两种分析方法:1把,look at,看作是介词动词(,prepositional verb,),而把,the picture,看作是介词,at,的宾语,叫做介词宾语,而不是,look at,的宾语,,即,He,looked,at the picture,. SVA,2,把,look at,看作是及物动词,因而把,picture,分析为,look at,的宾语。,He,looked at,the picture,. SVO,这种分析有一个很有说服力的论点:这类句子的宾语常常可以转换为被动句的主语。,The picture was looked at by him.,14,Exercises,1.,The background music in an assembly line is designed _.,not being listened to B. being not listened to,C. not to be listened to D. to be not listened to,2._ in this way, the situation,doesn,t seem so disappointing.,To look at B. Looking at,C. Looked at D. To be looked,15,(8),用,it,作形式宾语,Q: Havent I made,this,clear,that you,mustnt,spit,A B C,everywhere,?,哪里错了?,D,A:it,除了用作形式主语外还常常用作形式宾语:占据宾语原有的位置,而让真实的宾语(动词不定式、动名词、从句)退居到后面去。上句中,应将选项,A,的,this,改为,it,。,这样,,it,作形式宾语,而后面的,that,从句作真实宾语。,She found it difficult to get along with him.,We thought it no use doing that.,We heard it said that he had gone to Canada.,16,Exercises,Do you think,to be,possible,for,him,to finish,writing,the letter in five minutes?,2. They have made_ a rule_ in the room.,A. this; not to smoke B. it; smoking,C. it; to not smoke D. it; not to smoke,3. I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.,A. this B. that C. its D. it,17,(9) 真实宾语,用作形式宾语的,it,能指代,when/whether/if/why,从句吗?,Q: I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full.,A. it B. that C. these D. them,Q:,本题用“不定,it”,这一称呼,“不定”即没有确定含义,语意含糊或指一种笼统的情况,,it,不是形式宾语。?,A:,由于当,it,充当形式宾语时,其从句形式的真实宾语大都是,that,从句,所以,it,是形式宾语,when,从句是真实宾语。,18,(9),真实宾语,eg.,Does it matter if he cant finish the job on time?,It doesnt matter when you arrive.,It didnt matter what the investigations were about; it only mattered that there were investigation.,上述证明除,that,从句外,,wh-,从句也可以充当真实主语,同样,wh-,从句也可以充当真实宾语。,eg. He made it clear why he didnt come on time.,I liked it when she kissed me.,I love it when you sing.,it,可以用在,enjoy, hate, like, love,等动词之后充当形式宾语。,19,


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