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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,CS345Data Mining,Mining the Web for Structured Data,1,Our view of the web so far,Web pages as atomic units,Great for some applications,e.g., Conventional web search,But not always the right model,Going beyond web pages,Question answering,What is the height of Mt Everest?,Who killed Abraham Lincoln?,Relation Extraction,Find all pairs,Virtual Databases,Answer database-like queries over web data,E.g., Find all software engineering jobs in Fortune 500 companies,Question Answering,E.g., Who killed Abraham Lincoln?,Nave algorithm,Find all web pages containing the terms “killed” and “Abraham Lincoln” in close proximity,Extract k-grams from a small window around the terms,Find the most commonly occuring k-grams,Question Answering,Nave algorithm works fairly well!,Some improvements,Use sentence structure e.g., restrict to noun phrases only,Rewrite questions before matching,“What is the height of Mt Everest” becomes “The height of Mt Everest is ”,The number of pages analyzed is more important than the sophistication of the NLP,For simple questions,Reference: Dumais et al,Relation Extraction,Find pairs (title, author),Where title is the name of a book,E.g., (Foundation, Isaac Asimov),Find pairs (company, hq),E.g., (Microsoft, Redmond),Find pairs (abbreviation, expansion),(ADA, American Dental Association),Can also have tuples with 2 components,Relation Extraction,Assumptions:,No single source contains all the tuples,Each tuple appears on many web pages,Components of tuple appear “close” together,Foundation, by Isaac Asimov,Isaac Asimovs masterpiece, the Foundation trilogy,There are repeated patterns in the way tuples are represented on web pages,Nave approach,Study a few websites and come up with a set of patterns e.g., regular expressions,letter = A-Za-z. ,title = letter5,40,author = letter10,30,(title) by (author),Problems with nave approach,A pattern that works on one web page might produce nonsense when applied to another,So patterns need to be page-specific, or at least site-specific,Impossible for a human to exhaustively enumerate patterns for every relevant website,Will result in low coverage,Better approach (Brin),Exploit duality between patterns and tuples,Find tuples that match a set of patterns,Find patterns that match a lot of tuples,DIPRE (Dual Iterative Pattern Relation Extraction),Patterns,Tuples,Match,Generate,DIPRE Algorithm,R,SampleTuples,e.g., a small set of pairs,O,FindOccurrences(R,),Occurrences of,tuples,on web pages,Keep some surrounding context,P,GenPatterns(O,),Look for patterns in the way,tuples,occur,Make sure patterns are not too general!,R,MatchingTuples(P,),Return or go back to Step 2,Occurrences,e.g., Titles and authors,Restrict to cases where author and title appear in close proximity on web page, Foundation by Isaac Asimov (1951),url,=,order,= title,author (or author,title),denote as 0 or 1,prefix,= “ ” (limit to e.g., 10 characters),middle,= “ by ”,suffix,= “(1951) ”,occurrence,=,(Foundation,Isaac Asimov,url,order,prefix,middle,suffix),Patterns, Foundation by Isaac Asimov (1951), Nightfall by Isaac Asimov (1941),order = title,author (say 0),shared prefix =,shared middle =,by,shared suffix =,(19,pattern = (order,shared prefix, shared middle, shared suffix),URL Prefix,Patterns may be specific to a website,Or even parts of it,Add urlprefix component to pattern,occurence:, Foundation by Isaac Asimov (1951),occurence:, Nightfall by Isaac Asimov (1941),shared urlprefix =,pattern =,(urlprefix,order,prefix,middle,suffix),Generating Patterns,Group,occurences,by order and middle,Let O = set of,occurences,with the same order and middle,pattern.order,=,O.order,pattern.middle,=,O.middle,pattern.urlprefix,= longest common prefix of all,urls,in O,pattern.prefix,= longest common prefix of occurrences in O,pattern.suffix,= longest common suffix of occurrences in O,Example,occurence:, Foundation by Isaac Asimov (1951),occurence:, Nightfall by Isaac Asimov (1941),order = title,author,middle = “ by ”,urlprefix =,prefix = “ ”,suffix = “ (19”,Example,occurence:,Foundation, by Isaac Asimov, has been hailed,occurence:,Nightfall, by Isaac Asimov, tells the tale of,order = title,author,middle = “, by ”,urlprefix =,prefix = “”,suffix = “, ”,Pattern Specificity,We want to avoid generating patterns that are too general,One approach:,For pattern p, define specificity = |urlprefix|middle|prefix|suffix|,Suppose n(p) = number of occurences that match the pattern p,Discard patterns where n(p) n,min,Discard patterns p where specificity(p)n(p) threshold.,Go back to step 2,Some refinements,Give more weight to tuples found earlier,Approximate pattern matches,Entity tagging,Tuple confidence,If tuple t matches a set of patterns P,conf(t) = 1 -,p,2,P,(1-conf(p),Suppose we allow tuples that dont exactly match patterns but only approximately,conf(t) = 1 -,p,2,P,(1-conf(p)match(t,p),


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