Lecture 4 基本构词方法

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lecture 4The Basic Methods of Word-Formation,1,The Three Basic Methods of Word-Formation,Derivation 派生法 (加缀法),Compounding or Composition 复合法,Conversion or Function Shift or Transmutation 转化法,2,Derivation,Root is the basis of Derivation,Add different affixes to the same root to create different words with different parts of speech (see Pp25),e.g. Latin Root,duc-,con,duc,t re,duc,econ,duc,tive con,duc,tible,3,Extensional Summary:Derivation,Derivation: 添加或减少构词词缀构成新词,前缀法 recite,后缀法,前后缀法 in-cur-able,去缀法(反序构词法),sea-bathingsun-bath,中缀法黑,不,溜秋胡里胡涂,gigi(印牙) gerigi(锯齿状的),4,The Prefixes with Strong Productivity,(see Pp27 & Dictionary Appendix),re-,pre-,non-,un-,de-,anti-,5,The Suffixes with Strong Productivity,(see Pp27 & Dictionary Appendix),Noun Suffixes Adjectiv Suffixes Verb Suffixes,-er -able -ise(ize),-ness -ish -ify,-ese -less,-ism -ic,-ist,-ics,6,Features of Affix (Prefix & Suffix),The polysemy of affix,多义性,e.g. Prefix:,de-,(see Pp26),离开,除掉 dehydrate deorbit, 向下,降级 devaluate, 使情况逆转 decentralize, 完全的 defunct,Suffix:,-er(-or),(see Pp26),做的人,worker tailor, 卖的人 hatter glover, 做的工具 heater generator diner, 住在的人 Londoner New Yorker,7,The Same Affix but with Different Chinese Translation (see Pp26),e.g. Suffix:,-ism,relativ,ism,soph,ism,诡辩学,rheumat,ism,风湿病,activ,ism,行动主义,euphem,ism,witt,ism,俏皮话,method,ism,墨守成规,fanatic,ism,狂热,tour,ism,8,The synonymity of affix 同义性,e.g.,un- in- im- ir- il-,dis-,Used with adj. to indicate the negative meaning,un,tidy,in,correct,im,possible,il,logical,ir,regular,dis,honest,9,Some Dormant Affixes Retrieve Its Vigor Now (see Pp27),e.g.,-wise,就而言;在方面;相似于,education-wisetime-wise,weather-wisestatus-wise,money-wisevote-wise,comfort-wisecaloriewise,menu-wisedrinkwise,percentage-wisenewswise,crab-wise,hammer-wisemachine-wise,monkey-wisesack-wise,sailor-wisesleepwalker-wise,10,Relation between Roots & Affixes,Most suffixes change the part of speech of root,Most prefixes dont affect the part of speech and its grammatical category of root, rather they modify or limit the semantic meaning of root as,adj. & adv,. (see Pp28-9),11,The Three Part-of-Speech Decisive Prefixes,en- (em- before b, p, m),en- + adj.= v.en- + n.= v.,enable, enrich, enslave, empower, embody,be-,be- + n. or adj.= v. be- + n.+ed = adj.,befriend, belittle, benumb, becalm, benighted,a-,a- + v. or n. = adj.,astray, afoot, astir, afire, asleep,12,The Feature of Suffix,Suffix assumes great grammatical functions and changes the part-of-speech of the root,Suffix has less strong influence than prefix on semantic meaning of the root,Suffix usually changes the pronunciation of the root and have the position of the stress moved,13,The Structure of Derivation,Type (see,Pp31-2,),Prefix + Free Root + Suffix,Combining Form + Free Root,Type (see,Pp32,),Prefix + Bound Root + Suffix,Combining Form + Combining Form,Prefix + C. F. + C. F. + Suffix,14,Prefix and Suffix to Remember,15,GreekLatin,half hemi- semi-; demi-,onemono-uni-,twodi-bi-,threetri-tri-,fourtetra-quadri-,fivepenta-quint-,sixhexa-sex-,sevenhepta-sept-,The Prefixes Indicating Numbers,16,GreekLatin,eight oct-oct-,nine ennea-nona-,ten deca-deci-,many poly-multi-,hundred hecto-cent-,17,可改变词性的三个前缀:,en-(em-),n. adj. v.,be-,n. v. or adj.,a-,v. adj.,18,抽象名词后缀:,-age percentage,-domofficialdom,-ery (-ry)nursery,-fulspoonful,-hoodadulthood,-ingschooling,-ismimpressionism,-shipfellowship,19,具体名词后缀:,-eepayee,-eerpioneer,-er(-or,-ar)cooker,-esshostess,-alrevival,-ationeducation,-ingearning,-isttypist,-mentmovement,-ityequality,-nessfrankness,20,由名词转化为形容词的后缀:,-edone-eyed,-fuldelightful,-ishcoldish,-lessmerciless,-likewolflike,-lymanly,-ymilky,-al(-ial,-ical)philosophical,-ousdesirous,21,由动词转成形容词的后缀:,-able (-ible,-ble)suitable,-iveaggressive,22,副词后缀:,-lysmoothly,-ward(s)forward,-foldtenfold,-wiseclockwise,23,动词后缀:,-atecalibrate,-endarken,-fy (-ify)simplify,-izecomputerize,24,Homework,Pp33-8,Exercise ,25,Compounding / Composition,Compounding: 由一个以上词干或减缩词干合,成新词,合干法:多个词干合成复合词 night-school,复合缩写法:缩减词干和其他词干合成,BBC, g-man, A-bomb, CIA,合词法:用连字符连接几个词,come-and-go, bread-and-butter, son-in-law,26,The Semantic Analysis of Compound Word,Compounding is most ancient method of word-formation, most distinctive feature of O.E.,The first part modifies the second part,The compound word is usually very,vivid by containing rhetorical devices, as metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche,(see,Pp40-2,),27,Summary of Compounding,The meaning of a compound doesnt come from the superposition of the free words, but a totally new one,e.g. greenhousegreenhorn,mother witIndian paper,dog daysgreenback,28,Compound is treated as an independent word and grammatical part in a sentence,Inflectional change can only occur at the end of the compound,The stress usually falls on the first part of the compound,The compound is usually written continuously or linked with hyphen,29,Categories of Compounding,1. Compound Noun,2. Compound Adjective,3. Compound Verb,30,Classification of 1.Compound Noun,(按组成部分分类),adj. + n.,hard disk deadline,n. + n.,mousemat,lipstick,adv. + n.,after-effect under-clothes,Pr.P,. + n.,working class working party,v. + n.,swearword jump suit,n. + v.,snowfall waterproof,v. + adv.,show-off slip-up,adv. + v.,outlet upset,31,Classification of Compound Noun : Based on The Syntactic Relation,(按组成部分间句法关系分类),限定关系:clubfootblueblood,主谓关系:crybabyheartbeat,动宾关系: pickpocketscarecrow,主宾关系:sugar canegaslight,并列关系: deaf-mute,同位关系:girl friend,32,Extensional Summary: 其它复合词合成方式,主谓式: 两个词干是主语和谓语的结构关系,earthquake eye-catching crybaby,联合式: 两个词干是平等联合关系(并列、同位),time-schedule railway,transmitter-receiver,主从式: 一个词干从属于另一个词干,(限定、动宾式、主宾),greenback science-fiction haircut,33,2. Compound Adjective,按词法分类,(,Pp44-5,),Adjective-Centered Compound Adj.,Verb-Centered Compound Adj.,Noun-Centered Compound Adj.,Prepositional Phrase Compound Adj.,Sentence Structural Compound Adj.,34,Adjective-Centered Compound Adj.,n. + adj.,fat-free care-freedog-tired,adj. + adj,. bitter-sweet light-blue,Pr.P. + adj,. freezing-cold biting-cold,adv. + adj.,all-around ever-victorious,35,Verb-Centered Compound Adj.,n. + Pr.P,.,car-making summer-flowering,n. + Past P,. home-made heart-felt,adj/v. + Pr.P,. ever-lasting hard-working,adj/v. + Past P,. fresh-frozen far-fetched,36,Noun-Centered Compound Adj.,n. + n. + -ed,paper-backed hard-backed,adj. + n. + -ed,short-sighted tender-hearted,adj. + n.,long-distance red-letter,v. + n.,break-neck,37,2. Compound Adjective,按句法分类,(,Pp46-8,),adj. + adverbial,verb. + adverbial,subject + predicate,verb + object,attributive + n.,paratactic,38,3. Compound Verb,Most come from compound nouns,E.g.转化法to machine-gun,to outline,to nickname,逆生法to speed-read,to vacuum-clean,to proof-read,to chain-smoke,39,Homework,Pp 49-54,Exercise I-V,40,Conversion, Transmutation, Function Shift,Change the part-of-speech of a word without changing the word-form, and make it have new meaning and grammatical function (,零位后缀派生法),41,Converted as,v,. (,see Pp55-8,),Converted as,n,. (,see Pp59-62,),部分转化:不具有名词所有语法特征p61,the,poor,完全转化:具有名词所有语法特征p61,short,s, a,white,Converted as,adj,. (,see Pp62-4,),42,Homework,Pp 65-9,Exercise I-IV,43,Other Methods of Word-Formation其它构词法,Abbreviation (Shortening),Back-Formation,Onomatopoeia,44,Abbreviation,缩略法,Shortening (clipping),截短词,: cut off a syllable or syllables of a word,Initialism,首字母缩略词,: made up of the initial letters of each word,Acronym,首字母拼音词,: pronounce the initialism as one word,Blend,拼缀词:,one,word lost one syllable or each word lost one syllable and combined into a new word,45,Shortening (clipping),截词尾,a,pocope,: auto automobile,截词首,a,phaeresis,: burger hamburger,截除首尾,front & back clipping: flu, fridge,截除词腰,syncope: pacifist pacificist,词组截短:留下词组中的一个词,用一个词表达整个词组的意思,daily,daily,paper,截短词和原词所指一样,也会有新词义产生,fanatic fan,46,Initialism (p,74-6,),BBC,VOA,PRC,NBA,CBA, MVP, VIP,cm, m, kg,47,Acronym (p,77-8,),AIDS,NATO,UNESCO,WASP,48,Blending (p,78-9,),brunch,smog,motel,fantabulous,hijack,49,Homework,Pp 80-3,Exercise I ,III,V, VI,50,Back-Formation,逆生法,To get rid of the ending of a noun consciously to create a new verb,e.g. swindler - to swindle,escalator - to escalate,(,表示令人不快的升级或扩大,),(See Pp84-5),51,To get rid of the ending of a adjective consciously to create a new verb,e.g. drowsy - to drowse,cosy - to cose,lazy - to laze,(See Pp86),52,逆生名词: greedy - greed,逆生复合词:baby-sitter - to baby-sit,housekeeper - to housekeep,从地名、人名商标名逆生出新词:,Frederick Banting - banting - to bant,Mafeking - to maffick,Deep Freezer - to deep-freeze,(See Pp86-7),53,Homework,Pp 88,Exercise 1,54,Onomatopoeia,To form a new word through imitating the sound or voice of one thing (imitative word; echo word),A very ancient way of word-formation,55,Structure of Onomatopoeia,Use monosyllable to imitate the sound or action of one time,e.g. Bang,Use reduplicative words to imitate the repetitive sounds or actions (sometimes changes occur in vowels or consonants),e.g. quack-quack, tick-tack, ding-dong,56,e.g. bibble babble 唠叨,dilly dally 磨蹭,gibblegabble 喋喋不休,ta ta (儿语词:再见),wee wee (儿语词:尿尿),(See Pp92),57,5 Features of Onomatopoeia,一物多音:(see Pp89)钟响声,ringing, chiming, tingting, jingling ,一音多物(义):(see Pp89)“peal”,the peal of bells 当当,peals of thunder隆隆,peals of laughter响亮,58,三种模仿对象:人、事物、动物 (see Pp90),e.g. ha-ha, hiss, bubble,两种用途:模拟声音并兼指发音的动作(,v,.),e.g. to howl, to twitter,发音和语义有某种联系:联觉音组(see Pp90),e.g.,gr,-,sn,-,-,ush-unk,fl-,sl-,59,Homework,Pp 92- 4,Exercise I, III,60,Extensional Summary:,其他构词法名称,转类法:通过词类转化构造新词(零位派生),to look, to have a look, to report, a report,,poor, the poor, old, the old,Would you like a,with,or,without,?,语义法:通过多义词语义的分解构成新词,一个多义词的本义和转义之间的语义联系完全丧失,分解为两个独立的同音词,nail-nail, sense-sense, air-air,61,语(拟)音法:通过语音形式构词,ping-pong, cuckoo, bla-,修辞法:通过修辞格利用语言中原有的词或词素,添加比喻、借代等方法构词,antenna(触须) - antenna(天线),cross(十字架) - cross(苦难、原罪),62,构词法,前缀法,后缀法,前后缀法,去缀法,(中缀法) 主从式,合干法- 联合式,复合缩写法 主谓式,合词法,内部曲折法(阿拉伯语),转类法,语义法,语音法,修辞法,63,


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