4 ANPS 一件流生产方式 (简体字)

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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,One-Piece-Flow Production,一 件 流 生 产 方 式,1,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,Function of One-Piece-Flow,一件流的作用,New Production Skill,新生产技术,A concept and skills of completely eliminating MUDA,彻底消除无駄的生产思想及技法,Try to find out more potential problems for kaizen,要设法发挥更多的潜在问题以改善,Try to let potential problems to be visualized,要设法使潜在问题被看出来,One piece flow is a concept and skills of completely exposing potential MUDAS,一件流就是能完全暴露潜在无駄的思想及技法,2,Horizontal (Functional) Layout,水平机能别布置,Single Skill Operator,单能工,Multi-Machine operation,多机台操作,Transportation Necessary,需要搬运,Reduce Frequency of Transportation,减少搬运次数,Increase Transportation Batch Size,增加搬运批量,Increase WIP,增加在制品,Increase Space,增加空间,Increase Throughput Time,交期时间变长,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式 Features of Conventional Batch Production,传统批量生产的特征,3,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,Features of One-Piece-Flow,一件流生产的特征,The final goal of line is one-piece-flow.,流线生产的终极目标是一件流,One-Piece-Flow means,一件流的意义:,Process one piece Inspect one piece,transfer one piece to next process,加工一件 检查一件 传送一件到下工序,Vertical (Product) Layout,垂直式产品别布置,Multi-Process operation,多任务序操作,Multi-Skill operator,多能工,4,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,Advantages of one-piece-flow,一件流之优点,Production Type,生产方式,Batch Size,批量生产,One Piece Flow,一件流生产,WIP 在制品,Lead Time 交期时间,Space 空间需求,Defects 不良品,Manpower 人员需求,Productivity,劳働生产力,Visual Management,目视管理,Market Response,市场反应,High 高,Long 长,More 多,High 高,Fixed 固定,Low 低,Difficult 难,Difficult and slow,难且慢,Almost zero 极低,Short 短,Less 少,Low 低,Flexible 变化,Higher 较高,Easy 易,Easy and fast,易且快,5,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,What is Lead Time (LT),何谓交期时间,LT 交期时间 Process Time,加工时间, Inspection Time,检查时间, Transportation Time 搬运时间, Stagnation Time 停滞时间,6,Reason 原因:Transportation Batch Size is too large,搬运批量太大,Result 结果:Stagnation Time becomes longer 停滞时间变长,Process Sequence 工程顺序,Process Time 加工时间,Transportation Batch Size,搬运批量,LT交期时间 1 min 分 X 5 pcs 件 (Process Time 加工时间), 1 min 分 X 995 pcs 件 (Stagnation Time 停滞时间), 1000 min 分,Transportation Batch Size 搬运批量:1 PC 件,LT交期时间 1 min 分 X 5 pcs 件 5 min 分,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,Why Lead Time is so long,为何交期时间太长,1,2,3,4,5,1 min,分,1 min,分,1 min,分,1 min,分,1 min,分,200pcs,件,200pcs,件,200pcs,件,200pcs,件,200pcs,件,Kaizen,7,(1) Basic concept for production,生产的基本观念,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,Basic Rules for One-Piece-Flow (1/4),一件流基本做法,WIP Stagnation 物有停滞,Have hundred MUDAS, no any benefit,有百害无一利,Toward to achieve one-piece-flow,朝一件流生产迈进,From “ Turbulence flow ” to “ Rectified flow ”,从 “ 乱流 “ 变为 “ 整流 “,8,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,Basic Rules for One-Piece-Flow (2/4),一件流基本做法,(2) Basic step to achieve One-Piece-Flow,实现一件流的基本步骤,Coating 涂装,2,Inspection 检查,4,Assembly 装配,3,Forming 成型,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,9,(3) By process divide 工程分割,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,Basic Rules for One-Piece-Flow (3/4),一件流基本做法,Turbulence Flow 乱流,Rectified Flow 整流,Process divide , One-piece-flow,工程分割 , 一件流,A1,A2,B1,B2,B3,B4,C1,C2,A2,A1,B1,B2,B3,B4,C1,C2,A1,B1,B2,C1,A2,B3,B4,C2,10,(4) Merger separate 合流分离,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,Basic Rules for One-Piece-Flow (4/4),一件流基本做法,Turbulence Flow,乱流,Rectified Flow,整流,Merger Separate ,One-piece-flow,合流分离, 一件流,A1,A2,A3,C1,B2,C2,C3,B1,A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,C1,C2,C3,A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2,A3,C3,B3,11,Principles of Layout,排线方面的原则,Line up machine by sequence of process,机器依照工程顺序排列,As closer as possible in counterclockwise,依照逆时钟方向尽量靠拢,By U turn shape movement,排出,U,型流动,Put the first process and last process on the same end point,首尾工序排在同一端,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,Principles for design of One-Piece-Flow (1/4),一件流設計原則,12,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生產方式,Principles for design of One-Piece-Flow (2/4) 一件流設計原則,(2) Principles of Equipment,设备方面的原则,One process have one machine,一个工序有一台机器,Small capacity is easier for line requirement,小产能设备较佳,Higher rate of availability is important,可动率高很重要,Jidoka,machine is a key influence factor,自働化设备是重要影响因素,13,(3) Principles of materials,材料方面的原则,One piece flow,一件流动,Quick changeover,快速切换,Synchronization,同步生产,No stagnation,不要停滞,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,Principles for design of One-Piece-Flow (3/4) 一件流設計原則,14,One-Piece-Flow Production,一件流生产方式,Principles for design of One-Piece-Flow (4/4) 一件流設計原則,(4) Principles of man,人员方面的原则,Multi-process operation,多任务序操作,Multi-skills operator,多能工技能,Walking operation,走动作业,Operator inside of U turn cell,作业者在,U,型内侧,15,


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