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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,-,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,-,*,Narration,Definition:,To narrate is to give an account of an event or series of events.In its broadest sense, narrative includes stories, real or imaginary, biographies, histories, news items, and narrative poems.Narrative often goes hand in hand with description. When one tells a story,one describes its setting and characters.On the other hand, accounts of actions may be necessary to the description of a person or a scene.When we plan a narrative,we should consider five aspects:purposes, selection of details, context, organization,and point of view.,1,-,Structure Analysis,Title,: Fresh Start,Main Idea,: The text told the authors experience that she made lots of mistakes, such as going into the wrong classroom, falling down in the cafeteria, and dining alone on junk food when she was as a fresh man in college,and,she understood what was true meaning about college life.,I. (para1): How I felt the f,ir,st day on campus after my parents had left.,II.(para2-7): I made,a lot of,mistakes and what was my reaction,s,.,A.,sitting in the wrong class,B.,falling down in the cafeteria, so,I just ate junk food instead of eating in cafeteria.,III. (para8) A football player made the same mistake as,I did, but he showed a different reaction.,IV.(para9-12) Through making mistakes, I understood the true meaning of college life.,A. A malicious attempt to embarrass a native freshman,was just,moment of college fun.,B. I should act my way and become myself.,2,-,Ways of Developing,This text is a narration,of what the writer experienced during her first few days at college. Following,the development of time, the writer makes the series of events: her parents leaving her all by herself in the parking lot, noticing the football player on her way to the dorm, going into the wrong classroom, falling down in the cafeteria, dining alone on junk food, and witnessing the football player falling down in the cafeteria. After she experienced these events, she eventually understood what was true meaning of college life and how to arrange her life.,3,-,There are many words in chronological order:,the next morning in third paragraph,after class in sixth paragraph,for three days in eighth paragraph,three years after graduation in fourteenth,4,-,Transitional Sentences and Conjunctions,The last sentence in first paragraph:,My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice I was a freshman.,The first sentence in second paragraph:,With,that,thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing ( and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand.,“That” refers to “my plan”. It makes a comparison between first paragraph and second paragraph.,5,-,sentence,Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me.,It meant what made me more upset was the fact that I knew everyone else on campus was watching me.,I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major, blending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious note taking, and cursing under my breath.,It meant that I sat back in my chair and tried to take on the scientific look of a student majoring in biology. I bent my body forward, prepared my arms to work hard at taking notes, and at the same time cursed my bad luck secretly.,6,-,Exposition,Definition:,Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that explains , clarifies, defines, or instructs. When doing expository writing ,the writer cannot assume that the reader or listener has prior knowledge or understanding of the topic that is being discussed.Instead ,he is expected to teach, inform,reveal and/or amplify ideas and knowledge.,7,-,Structure Analysis,Title,: Focus on Global Warming,Main Idea:,The article tells about the elements,of,global warming, the result,of,global warming ,and the,actions to slow down global warming.,.(1-2),An introduction in which the author tells the reason why people are now increasingly concerned about the,global,warming problem,s,.,A:The climate has begun to show some signs of warming.,B:Global warming may be the single largest threat to our plan,et.,.(3-7) Our warming planet changes gradually.,A:Human raise the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere artificially.,1.People release endless carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxide.,2.Greenhouse gases trap excess heat in the Earths atmosphere.,B:Surface temperature of the Earth has risen.,1.Sea level is rising.,2.The worlds continent glaciers are in a steady recession.,3.Human health is concerned.,. (8-11)People can take actions to slow down global warming.,A:People can curb consumption of fossil fuels.,B:Reducing our vulnerability to global warming through careful planning and other strategies.,C:Advocating policies that will combat global warming over the long term.,D:Everyone should work together to make a real difference.,8,-,Ways of Developing,In this article, the first paragraph is developed by time.,At the beginning of the paragraph, the author says “Twenty-five years ago.”and then he says “As an internet search on global warming now attests.”At the same time, “Twenty-five years ago.now.” also,shows,this paragraph is developed by contrast.,In paragraph four,the sentence “In essence, these gases are trapping excess heat in the Earths atmosphere in much the same way that a windshield traps solar energy that enters a car.” is developed by comparison.,9,-,In paragraph six,the sentence “Not surprisingly, many scientists speculate that such changes in the climate will probably result in hotter days and fewer cool days.” is developed by cause and effect.,10,-,Transitional Sentences and Conjunctions,The transitional sentence of the first and second paragraph,is “Perhaps all this attention is deserved”.,The transitional sentence of the fourth and fifth paragraph,is “Much of the available climate data appear to back these fears”.,The conjunction of paragraph seven and eight,is “Fortunately”.,The transitional sentence of the paragraph nine and ten,is “But we cant stop there.”,11,-,Words,In the first paragraph,I dont understand the meaning of the word “spewed”, but I can guess it meaning by the whole sentence: “For decades human factories and cars have spewed billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and the climate has begun to show some signs of warming.” According to “human factories”, “cars”, “greenhouse gases”, I guess the meaning of the word “spewed” is similar with the meaning of the word “gush” or “spit out”.,In the paragraph eight,I guess the meaning of “curb” according to the context. This paragraph tells people to take actions to slow down global warming. From sentence: “To reduce the emission of heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxide, we can curb our consumption of fossil fuels, use technologies that reduce the amount of emissions wherever possible.”I can conjecture the meaning of “curb” is control or reduce.,12,-,Argumentation,Definition:,An argumentation is a written or spoken text that expresses a point of view with the purpose of influencing the opinions of readers.Sometimes argumentations can be aggressive,composed deliberately to change what readers believe, think, or do. At other times your goals may be more subtle,and your writing may be designed to convince others that specific facts are reliable or that certain views should be considered or at least tolerated. Although many argumentations are aimed at warning,there are types of argumentations,such as argumentations to inform,to convince ,to explore, and to make decisions.An argumentative essay tries to make the reader agree with its point of view and support it, to persuade him to change his mind and behavior, and to approve a policy or course of action that it proposes. Speeches on policies ,editorials of newspapers ,articles on political or theoretical questions, and various proposals are often argumentative.,13,-,Structure Analysis,Title: Knowledge and Wisdom,Main Idea: The article talks about the relationship between knowledge and wisdom and several factors that contribute to wisdom.,. People have different ideas when they define “wisdom,”.,. There have several factors that contribute to wisdom.,A. The first factor is the sense of proportion.,B. The second fact,or,is a certain awareness of the ends of human life.,C. The essence of wisdom is emancipation from personal prejudice.,D. The forth factor is making a continual approach towards impartiality.,14,-,Ways of Developing,In the first paragraph, the sentence “I want to ask first what wisdom is, and then what can be done to teach it.” is developed by process.,In the second paragraph, the sentence “Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your intellectual energy”and “To take an even more spectacular example”are all developed by example.,In the last paragraph, “But it is possible to make a continual approach towards impartiality, on the one hand, by knowing things somewhat remote in time or space, and on the other hand, by giving to such things their due weight in our feelings.” is developed by contrast.,15,-,Transitional Sentences and Conjunctions,The transitional sentence of second and third paragraph is “Comprehensiveness alone, however, is not enough to constitute wisdom.”,The transitional sentence of the third and fourth paragraph is “It is not only in public ways, but in private life equally.”,16,-,Words,In the second paragraph, I dont real understand the meaning of the word “spectacular”, but I can guess the meaning of the word according to the comparison of two examples in the context. The second example is more specific and more vivid than the first example, so the meaning of this word may be similar to the meaning of “obvious”.,17,-,


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