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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,形容词、副词的,比较级和最高级,Good,better,best,Never let it rest.,Till good is better,And better, best.,30,today,25,yesterday,快速读读下面的词,发现它们有什么规律?,写出下列单词的比较级和最高级:,1. long 2. tall,3. large 4. late,5.early 6. easy,7.big 8. hot,9.important,10. many 11. well,longer longest,larger largest,earlier earliest,bigger biggest,more important most important,more most,taller tallest,later latest,easier earliest,hotter hottest,better best,比较级、最高级的构成方法:,1.,直接,+er,或,+est,2.,以,e,结尾的,+r,或,st,3.,以辅音字母,+y,结尾的,把,y,改成,i,再,+,er,或,est,4.,双写,+,er,或,+,est,5.,多音节的单词在前,+more,或,+most,6.,特殊变化,big hot,red,thin slim fat,many-more-most,很多,的,好,与,坏,,只差,一点点,!,much-more-most,good-better-best,well-better-best,bad-worse-worst,little-less-lest,Who is taller , the deer or the giraffe ?,Does your father get up earlier than your,mother ?,3.Whats the biggest animal on land ?,4.What animals run fastest in the world ?,5,、,What season do you like best ?,The giraffe,is taller than,the deer.,Cheetahs,run fastest,in the world .,The elephant is,the biggest,animal on land .,按实际情况回答:,I,like,summer,best,.,Yes, he does . / No, he doesnt .,( )1.Its very_ today . Its than yesterday.,A. cold, coldest B. cold, colder C. colder, cold,( ),2.,Mikes English is the,in our class.,A. good B. best C. better,( )3.Who studies _, Joan or Janet?,A. hard B.harder C. hardest,B,B,B,( )4.Mike always to bed earliest in his family.,A.go,B. is going C. goes,( )5. Jim can jump,of all the boys.,A. high B. higher C. highest,( )6. His house is,brighter than hers.,A. much B. many C. more,C,C,A,在比较级前面用,much, a little ,one year,等,表示,比较的程度,。如:,much,brighter,明亮得,多,a little,bigger,大,一点点,one year,older,(年龄)大,一岁,选择正确的答案填空:,The blue whale is,bigger,than the dinosaur.,The dinosaur is,smaller,than the blue whale.,The ruler is longer than the pencil.,The pencil is shorter than the ruler.,Li Ming go,es,to school earlier than Chen Hong.,Li Ming,at 7:15,Chen Hong,at 7:30,Chen Hong go,es,to school later than Li Ming.,Sue Lucy Mary,Age,8,11,10,gets up,at 7:00,at 6:45,at 6:30,older,/ oldest,younger/ youngest,early/late,High,1.42m,1.50m,1.52m,tall/short,选择你喜欢的图,用比较级和最高级来描述:,Ben,11,岁,9,岁,10,岁,95 km/h,80 km/h,45 km/h,old/young,tall/short,fast/slowly,Find the differences !,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,Tom comes to school late than Jim.,Which do you like better, cats, dogs, or chickens?,Who is oldest in our class?,He thinks,maths,is,importanter,than Chinese.,A cow is more bigger than a mouse.,一、下列句子都有一个错误,请你画出来,并改正,Homework,1.,背诵,“,比较级、最高级,”,笔记。,完成,双基,.,2.,复习,“,三大时态,”,用法。,


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