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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,鹤北中学教材分析,*,Welcome to my class.,Carrie Wang,Hebei Middle school,鹤北中学教材分析,低段年级教学应遵循的基本要点,1、加强,词汇教学,夯实语言基础。,2、以任务为引领,开展丰富多彩的课堂教学活动,调动学生主动学习的积极性。,3、教学生活化、情景化,教学过程中要有意建构书本内容与实际生活之间的桥梁,让学生,学以致用,。,、按教材的要求全方位培养学生听、说、读、写的能力,为进一步的学习奠定良好的语言基础。,、新教材在原6A、6B的基础上进行了综合和调整,难度有所降低,容量有所减少,教学时要参看老教材,为学生的学习做好必要铺垫。,、语法教学、语言点教学要点到位、讲到位,为考试打下扎实的基础。,鹤北中学教材分析,词汇教学:精 准 活,准确的读音及汉语意思等(要注音标),科学的记忆方法 (传授记单词的技巧),适当的词汇拓展 (注意词形转换),灵活多样的巩固方式 (不断复现),鹤北中学教材分析,Module 2,Places and activities,Unit,Topic,Contents,1,What would you like to do ?,具体介绍了大约,10,种职业名称以及工作内容和场所。,复习句型,want to be,,学习,would like to be/do,句型。,2,Open day,介绍学校开放日活动以及学校设施、日常活动,学校教学楼平面图。,学习,first, next, then,等顺序词,3,Going to school,介绍了,Simon, Joe, Alice,等人上学的交通线路情况。重现,near, far,。,学习,It takes,sb,. some time to do,sth,.,句型,4,Rules round us,介绍了与学生学习和生活密切相关的规章制度。,学习,must do, mustnt do, dont do,句型。,鹤北中学教材分析,课时分配,(仅供参考),The 1st period,The 2nd period,The 3rd period,The 4th period,The 5th,period,Unit 1,P26,P27,P28,P29,P53,Unit 2,P32,P33,P34,P35,P36,Unit 3,P39,P40,P41,P42,P51,Unit 4,P45,P46,P47,P48,More practice,P52,54,鹤北中学教材分析,各单元教学重点(Unit Focus),Unit 1,1词汇:复习职业词汇,学习policeman, businesswoman, businessman, secretary(30).,2语言功能:,表达愿望(wishes), would like to,want to,陈述原因(give reasons) because, “wh-”问题询问信息和原因(wh- questions),3语法要点:,学习Id 的完整形式:I would;would not的缩写形式 wouldnt,掌握集合名词的复数形式,如:businesswomen, businessmen, secretaries等。,掌握would like to与 want to的转换。,鹤北中学教材分析,Unit 2,1词汇:,choir, noticeboard, entrance, programme, route, invitation, arrive,(P37).,2语言功能:,A.询问信息(Asking for information),-When/What time/Where/What,B.用副词表达事情的进展顺序。,First Next Then After that, Finally.,3语法要点:,A.复习用介词表示时间。如: 2:40-twenty to three,2:10-ten past two,B.掌握用介词表示地点。,如:at school, in our classroom,鹤北中学教材分析,Unit 3,1词汇:near, not too far away, quite far away, how long(P43).,2语言功能:,A.询问时间。,-How long does it take ?,-It takes sb. sometime to do sth.,B.时间状语从句: Sb. see(s) when ,3语法要点:,复现near,far away from表示地点的远近。,鹤北中学教材分析,Unit 4,1关键词汇:must, dont, mean.(P49),2语言功能:,A.命令:(command),Dont (祈使句),B.义务:(obligation),We must (not) ,3语法要点:,掌握各种行为的动词和动词短语。,鹤北中学教材分析,Writing,Unit 1 A report My dream,Unit 2 An invitation A diary,Unit 3 On my way to school,Unit 4 Class rules/street rules/park rules,鹤北中学教材分析,情感教育,1、理想教育 (My dream),2、尊重各职业劳动者的教育,3、礼仪教育,4、遵规守纪的规范教育 (Rules round us),鹤北中学教材分析,建议要讲的重点词和词组(短语):,Unit 1,1. secretary pilot cook 基本的构词法,2. bank clerk shop assistant,3. police station post office,4. would like to do sth.=want to do sth.,Id=I would wouldnt=would not,5. Why提问 because回答,鹤北中学教材分析,6. teach,sb,. Sth.,7. put out fires,8. interview,sb,.,9. make sick people better,make our city a safe place,10. start work finish work,鹤北中学教材分析,Unit 2,1. (an) entrance ent,er,2. arrive at/in +地点,get to +地点,reach +地点,3. meet sb. at +地点,4. listen to sb./sth.,5. in the library in the hall in the room,6. first, next, then, after that, finally,鹤北中学教材分析,7. want sb.,to do,sth.,8.,on,the open day,9.,on,the second floor,10.teachers office,11.(an) invitation invit,e,sb. to do sth.,12.take some photo,s,鹤北中学教材分析,Unit 3,It,takes,sb,. some time,to do,sth,.,live near +,地点,about,Sb,. spend some time,doing,sth,.,the amount of +,不可数名词,how long,an advertisement,鹤北中学教材分析,a few +,可数名词,(,复数,),a lot of +,不可数名词,/,可数名词,light rail,department stores,Sb,.,s,ees,when,he/she is doing,sth,.,on ones way to +,地点,on my way home,鹤北中学教材分析,Unit 4,walk on the grass,wait,for,sb./sth,.,the green man,keep quiet,run across the road,pick the flowers,loudly loud finally final,(friendly lovely),鹤北中学教材分析,8. turn left/right,9. leave bicycles,10.,on,the right/left,11. go upstairs,12. the one in the middle,13. mean meaning,14. break the rules,15. chase each other,16. in class in,the,class,鹤北中学教材分析,The challenge of teaching children,The first few lessons with a new class provide a “honeymoon” period in which you are not only build a positive relationship with children, but also have a golden opportunity to establish a clear understanding of how you expect and want things to be.,鹤北中学教材分析,The 3Rs can provide a useful framework for thinking about the parameters you would like to establish in your class.,3Rs: rules,routines,responsibilities,鹤北中学教材分析,Rules,Rules establish clear boundaries for children. Its wise to have as few rules as possible, make them explicit, state them clearly, and be sure that you always apply them fairly and consistently.,鹤北中学教材分析,Routines,Routines establish patterns of familiar, expected behaviour which help children feel secure.,Routines may include the procedures such as sitting in line, starting lesson with warm-up, stopping activities at a given signal.,鹤北中学教材分析,Responsibilities,Responsibilities may be explicit, with class rotas for things like giving out materials or cleaning the Bb. They may include the things you want to encourage children to do independently such as remembering their books and homework, working in pairs and listening without talking.,鹤北中学教材分析,Effective language learning,The most effective way to help children to learn language is through engaging them in activities which are appropriately supported, meaningful, purposeful, enjoyable, social and full of practice.,When you become a teacher of children, you are no longer just a language teacher, you are also an educator.,鹤北中学教材分析,


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