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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Lecture 5,授课题目 :,morphology.,1,教学目标及基本要求:Teaching target and object,(1),Let students know what morphology is, and how the morphemes are combined into larger units for human communication.,(2)Let students know how new words are formed.,2,教学重点 Teaching focus,(,1) word and word classes,(2)word, morphemes, and allomorph,(3) types of morphemes,(4) morphological rules,(5) the formation of new words,3,Revision exercises,What is phonology?,What is the similarities and differences between phonetics and phonology ?,How can we distinguish a phone, a phoneme and an allophone?,What is a minimal pair? Give us some examples.,4,What is Morphology,Morphology studies,morphemes,and their different forms and the way they combine in word formation. So it refers to the study of the,internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.,Morphology is the study of the internal structure, forms and classes of words.,5,For example:,“,Purify,”-consists of two parts: “pur(e)” and “ ify”, from which one can work out a rule: a new form of verb can be formed by adding “-ify” to an adjective. This is called a morphological rule.,“doing,”-consisted of two parts “do” and “-ing”,from which we can work out a rule:we can put “ ing” to a verb to form a “-ing participle.,形态学研究词素、词素的不同形态(即词素变体)极其构词法.英语形态学是研究英语词素及其构词法的.,6,What is a word?,What are the main features of a word?,7,What do you think of the following definitions of a word?,A word is a meaningful group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper,.,A word is “a minimum free form”, that is , the smallest form that can occur by itself.,8,The four characteristics of a word,A word is a sound or combination of sounds which we produce voluntarily with our vocal equipment.e.g. “we” wi:,A word is symbolic. It stands for something else such as object, happening or ideas. “table”,Words are part of the larger communication system we call language. “I teach linguistics”,Words help human beings interact culturally with,one another,.,(p.75,),9,The definition of a word and the classification of words,A word is a,meaningful,and,grammatical,language unit which can be,used by its own.,Every word belongs to a certain word class and in English ,words can be divided into the following ten classes: n.v.adj.adv.prep.pron.article,determiner, conjunction, interjection. These ten word classes can be divided into,Open Class,and,Closed Class,10,Open Class,refers to,noun, verb, adjective, and adverb, because we can regularly add another morpheme or a new word to these word classes. E.g. “boyfriend”,”dislike”,”impossible”.,Open class words are also termed,lexical words,or,content words,or,variable words,for they all carry certain semantic contents.,Eg. Book books books,Work works worked working,Fast faster fastest,11,Closed Class,refers to prep.,Article, conjunction, interjection; pron, prep,and determiner, because it is impossible to add new words to these classes of words.,Closed words are also called,grammatical words or function words,or invariable words,since their roles are largely or wholly grammatical.,12,Is a word the smallest meaningful linguistic unit?,What is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit?,13,What is a morpheme?(词素),A,morpheme is the smallest linguistic unit that carries,grammatical and / or semantic,meaning.This means that it can not be further divided into smaller grammatical units.,A morpheme may be a complete word or an affix.,14,For example:,“,book”, “help”, clap” ,”from,”,“,television”, gentleness,”,“,unavoidable,15,Rely one morpheme,Rely+able two morphemes,Rely+able+ity three morphemes,Un+rely+able+ity four morphemes,16,Unbearable uneducated,Watchful inspiring,Soft-hearted horsemanship,17,See the exercises 1 and 2 on,page 82,18,1) un- + bear + -able,2) watch + -ful,3) person+ -ify (i) + -cation,4) un- + exception + -al + -ly,5) un- +educate +-(e)d,6) inspir(e) + -ing,7) soft + heart + -ed,8) horse + man + -ship,19,1) geography,2) inter- +nation + -al + -ly,3) forget + -(t)en,4) Washington,5) inform + -ation,6) industry (i) + -al +-iz(e) + -ation,7) pre- + dominat(e) + -ant,8) pre- + conscious,20,Allomorph(词素变体),:,An allomorph is the different variants of the same morpheme. It can be phonologically or morphologically conditioned.,See more on p. 82,21,The morpheme representing the plural form of nouns can be expressed by-s,-z,-iz ,-vz etc.So the,phonetic segments,-s,-z, -iz ,-vz are the,morphs,of the same morpheme-s, the,phonological or orthographic variants,of the morpheme s: s .-es, -ves are the,allomorphs,of the same morpheme representing the plural form of the English words.,22,How many allomorphs does the plural morpheme”-s have?,The plural “,s,“has many morphologically-conditioned allomorphs. For example.,(1) (e)s, as in “cat,s,”, “match,es,”,(2) (r)en: as in “ox,en,”, “child,ren,”,(3) e-: as in “m,e,n”, “wom,e,n”,(4) ee-, as in “f,ee,t”, “t,ee,th”,(5) zero, as in “sheep”, “deer”,23,How many allomorphs does the past form morpheme “ed”have?,-ed as in “worked”,-d as in “lived”,Zero as in “put”,24,How many allomorphs does the present participle morpheme form “ing”have?,25,1.2.Types of morphemes:,Morphemes are the minimal units of meaning.Morphemes can be divided into,Free morphemes自由词素,and,Bound morphemes.粘着词素,Free morphemes,:A free morpheme is one that may constitute a word ( free form by itself, such as “bed”,”tree”,sing”.”dance”. So free morphemes are something like root.,26,Bound morphemes:,a bound morpheme is one that may appear with at least one other morpheme, such as “-s” in “dogs”,”-al” in “national”, “-dis” in “disclose”.,They can not stand by themselves.,Thus the word distempered has three morphemes: “dis+temper+ed”, of which temper is a free morpheme.,Look at the following words: unavoidable- “un+avoid+able”, “boyishness”-”boy+ish+ness”; “gentlemanliness”-”gentle+man+li+ness”,27,Look at the following words:,unavoidable-un+avoid+able,“boyishness”-boy+ish+ness;,“gentlemanliness”-gentle+man+li+ness,28,Bound morphemes can be further divided into,derivational morphemes(派生词素),inflectional morphemes(曲折词素),;,29,The derivational morphemes,mainly refer to the,affixes: prefixes and suffixes,. They are attached to the other free morphemes and usually,change the category,and the grammatical function. When they are conjoined to other morphemes ,a new word is derived or formed.e.g. “-ify”, “-ate”, “-ic” etc.,30,Inflectional morphemes,(,曲折词素)refer to the morphemes which never change their syntactic category but represent the concept of,tense and aspect,. In English ,there are eight inflectional morphemes:,“-s,(动词第三人称单数)”, “-,ed(,动词过去式)”, -,ing,(现在分词)”, “the past participle (-en)” “-s”(名词复数) “,-s,(名词所有格)” ,”-,er,(形容词比较级)”, “,-est,(形容词最高级)”.,31,Morpheme,Free morpheme,自由词素,Bound,morpheme,粘着词素,Derivational morpheme,派生词素,Inflectional morpheme,曲折词素,Prefixes,前缀,Suffixes,后缀,Lexical morphemes,Functional morphemes,32,2.Morphological Rules of word formation,Look at the following list of words:,A. B.,kroup slowly,rearm clearly,slarm quickly,The words in column A are only permissible sound sequence without any meanings ,but the words in column b are perfect English words made up of two morphemes.The ways words are formed are called morphological rules. These rules determine how morphemes combine to form words.,33,The common morphological rules,1,)un+adjective =not + adjective,un +even =not+even,2)re+verb =verb+again,re+boil =boil+again,3) dis+adjective =not+ adjective,dis+continuous = not+continuous,4)dis+noun =lack of the noun,dis+comfort =lack of comfort,34,5) dis+verb =refuse to/not to verb,dis+like =not to like,6)in/im/il/ir+adjective =not +adjective/not,able to+verb,in+formal =not+formal,im+perfect =not perfect,il+legal =not+legal,ir+ regular =not regular,35,7) non+ adjective =not+adjective,non+alphabetical = not alphabetical,8)non+noun =the lack of noun,non+English =the lack of English,9)anti+noun =being against+noun,anti+body =being against+body,10)pre+verb =verb+in advance,pre+arrange =arrange+in advance,36,11)mis+noun =bad+noun,mis+behaviour =bad+behaviour,12)verb+able =able to be verb-ed,adopt+able =able to be adopted,13)verb+er =a person+who=verb-s,sing+er =a person who sing-s,14)noun+less =lacking noun,child+less =lacking child,37,15)verb+less =that never+verb-s,cease+less =that never cease-s,16)adjective+ness =the quality of+ being,+adjective,loud+ness =the quality of+being,+loud,17) noun+ish =belonging to noun,Swed+ish =belonging to +Sweden,38,18) noun+ish =having the character of,+noun,self+ish =having the character of,+self,19)noun+ ify =become +noun,person+ify =become=person,39,3.The formation of New Words,3.1Compounding,Compounding or composition is a word-formation process.,The way of building new words by putting two words together is called compounding.,40,Three patterns of compounds,Noun compounds,n.+n. Armchair rainbow,v.+n. Pickpocket washcloth,adj.+n. Bluebird blackroom,41,Verb compounds,Noun+ verb :to vacuum- clean; to manhandle,Verb+verb: to sleep-walk,Adj.+verb: to highlight,42,Adjective compounds,Noun+adj.: color-blind, snow-white,Verb+adj. Stir-crazy,Adj.+adj. Dark-blue, pale-yellow,43,3.2. Derivation,Derivation or affixation is generally defined as a word-formation process by which new words are created by adding a prefix, or suffix or both. In other words ,meaningful language elements are put together in new combinations such as “television”, transistor”, “defog”, “minibike”.,44,3.3.Conversion,Conversion is a word-formation process whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another word-class without the addition of an affix. So conversion is also called functional shift. For example:,“The enemy,attacked,us at night.”,“The enemy launched an,attack,on us at night.”,See more on p. 88,45,3.4.Blending(拼缀法),Blending is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by combining the meanings and sounds of two words, one of which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms:e.g. “smog” comes from,smoke,and,fog. “medicare”,comes from,“medical care, “,Brunch” is a blend of “ breakfast and lunch”,Other,examples: videophone/chunnel/motel/gasohol/Eurasia/telecast/hi-tech,46,3.5. Back- formation(逆生法),Backing formation is a term used to refer to a type of word-formation by which a shorter word is joined by the deletion of a supposed affix from a longer form already present in the language: “beg” from “ Beggar, “housekeep” from “housekeeper” ,”lase” from “laser”, “babysit” from “babysitter” (see more on p. 90),47,3.6. Shortening or abbreviation,Shortening can be divided into Initialism(首字母缩略词) and acronym(首字母拼音词).,Initialism: to use the initial letter of each of the phrase to form a shortening word and when you read , the letters are simply pronounced as letters.(利用一个短语中的各个词的首字母构成的缩略词叫首字母缩略词,朗读时按字母名称读) e.g. WTO/BBC/VOA/(see more on P.89),48,ATM: automatic teller machine,CPU: central process unit,DVD: digital video disc,GDP: gross domestic product,GNP: gross national product,GRE: Graduate Record Examination,ID: identification card,49,IQ: intelligent quotient,MBA: Master of Business Administration,MPA: Master of Public Administration,SOS: Save Our Soul,SSCI:Social science citation index,SCI:,Science Citation Index, 是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库,BRT: Bus Rapid Transit,BEC: Business English Certificate,BFT: Business Foreign Language Test (全国出国培训备选人员外语考试),50,Acronym: when the initials are not pronounced as letters but rather serve as letters in a new word pronounced as a whole. E.g. TEFL/TESL/OPEC/APEC/NATO/CALL(把一短语中的首字母连在一起,按拼音规则拼读成一个词,这样的词就是首字母拼音词) (see more on p. 89,),51,AIDS: acquired deficiency syndrome,APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation,CALL: computer assisted language learning,CALT: computer assisted language teaching,OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries,SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,52,TEFL: Teaching English as a foreign language,TESL: Teaching English as a second language,TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language,GMAT : Graduate Management Admission Test (经企管理研究生入学考试),IELTS: International English Language Testing System,53,Questions for Discussion and Review,1. What is morphology?,2.Tell the difference among the word, morpheme and allomorph.,3.Describe the different types of morphemes.,4.Define compounding, derivation, conversion, blending, back-formation, shortening,54,5.分析下列单词,说出每个词有多少个词素:,Ascendant , specialize , heated, highstyle, imperfection, dinning-room, irregular, unacceptable,6.说出下列前缀的意思,并分别举两个例子:,Re-, un-, dis-, anti-, pre-, mis-,post-,55,7.说出下列后缀的意思, 并分别举出两个例子:,-er, -less, -ness, -ish, -ist, -ify ,8.说出下列缩略词的全称,EU, OPEC, POW, NATO,prof,memo, flu, fridge,56,


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