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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,作文调查报告,*,如何写调查报告,调查报告是针对生活中的某一情况、某一事件或某一问题进行深入细致地调查研究,然后把调查研究得来的情况真实地表述出来,以反映问题,揭露矛盾,揭示事物发展的规律,向人们提供经验教训和改进办法的书面报告。一般来说,调查报告应该包含以下一些内容:,调查的目的、调查的方法、调查的时间、样本的情况、调查的内容、调查表的分析、分析结果和建议。,在写调查报告之前须做好以下准备工作:,作文调查报告,1,构建框架结构,。这包括确定并计划好本次报告的话题及所涉及的题。,2,收集并记录信息,。主要指我们通过查找文字资料、问卷调 查等方式 收集并记录有关的信息资料。,3,分析数据资料,。我们要分析所收集的数据信息,并据此写出报告。,报告中的数据与图表可帮助理解,并增强报告的可信度。,在写调查报告时要注意两点:,1 要用事实说话,在语言表达上力求准确、精练。,2 格式正确。报告一般包括,标题、署名和正文,三部分,。,作文调查报告,踢足球 听音乐 心理咨询,45 ,40 ,35 ,30 ,25,20,15,10 ,5 ,针对目前高三学生学习压力,较大的现状,有人以“Effective,Ways to Release the Stress”,为题于上周调查采访了五个学,校的500名高三学生。请你根,据以上调查结构的图标写一份报告,并再谈谈自己或身边同学释放压力的有效办法。,注意:1 词数:120词左右;,2 调查报告的题目和开,头已经为你写好,(不计入总词数)。,3 参考词汇:心理咨询室 the psychological consulting office,作文调查报告,1,目的:,2,方法, 情况,时间,内容,3,结果: results,4,谈谈自己或身边同学释放压力的有效办法,in order to,a survey was made to find out,ways to release the stress,make a survey,last week,in five schools,500 students,interview,forty-five percent ofthem,by listening to different kinds of music,thirty-five percent of the students,by doing sports,twenty percent of them,get help from the school psychological,consulting office,.,作文调查报告,Nowadays more and more senior three students are getting,stressed in their studies,Effective Ways to Release the Stress,作文调查报告,Effective Ways to Release the Stress,Nowadays more and more senior three students are getting,stressed in their studies,.,In order to,find out effective ways to release the stress, a survey was made last week in five schools. Altogether 500 students were interviewed, and some interesting results were,as follows,: About thirty-five percent of the students let out their stress,by,doing sports. They play football, for instance.,作文调查报告,Meanwhile, another forty-five percent of them release their stress,by,listening to different kinds of music.,Interestingly,the rest twenty percent of them usually get help from the school psychological consulting office.,When Im stressed, I usually do lots of weightlifting to get myself tired. Then Ill have a good sleep.,In this way, Ill feel relaxed and forget all about my worried,.,作文调查报告,一、书面表达:,上星期,你们对全班45名学生吃早饭情况做了,调查,结果如下:,15人不吃早饭;20人在上学路上买早饭,因为,早上起床太迟或不想吃家里的饭;,只有10人在家吃早饭。,请根据以上信息,写一篇报告;叙,述上述情况并且,提出自己的看法。,作文调查报告,Dont skip breakfast !,Last week, we,made a survey,in our class,about having breakfast.,Much to our surprise,only,ten students,in 45,have breakfast at home. 20 buy and eat,on their way to,school and 15 eat nothing at all, either,because,they get up too late or because they dislike the food at home.,It is unhealthy to,skip meals because you will feel tired,if,you do not give your body the energy it needs.,作文调查报告,I suggest,every student,have,breakfast at home. We may,make full use of,our study time and do not stay up at night .If we get up on time , we may have breakfast at home. We may eat some bread, eggs and fruit for our breakfast and remember to drink a glass of milk .,Only in this way can we,have enough calories in the morning ,work well and keep fit .,作文调查报告,


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