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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,名词变复数,七年级英语,1,默写:,香蕉,汉堡包,西红柿,冰激凌,沙拉,草莓,梨,牛奶,鸡肉,面包,食物,蔬菜,水果,苹果,鸡蛋,胡萝卜,大米,banana,hamburger,tomato,ice-cream,salad,strawberry,pear,milk,chicken,bread,food,vegetable,fruit,apple,egg,carrot,rice,找出不可数名词,把可数名词变成复数形式,s,s,s,s,ies,es,s,s,s,2,1. pear,2. class,3. watch,4. strawberry,5. tomato,6. dictionary,7. key,8. vegetable,9. piano,10. runner,写出下列名词的复数形式,pear,s,class,es,watch,es,strawberr,ies,tomato,es,dictionar,ies,key,s,vegetable,s,piano,s,runner,s,总结一下规律吧!,3,1, 1,个鸡蛋,2, 12,个汉堡,3, 13,个西红柿,4,这些草莓,5.,一些沙拉,6.,许多胡萝卜,7.,大量的鸡肉,8.,一些水果和蔬菜,9,,我们非常喜欢水果。,10,,他根本不喜欢牛奶。,两分钟写出下列短语、句子,an egg,twelve hamburgers,thirteen tomatoes,these strawberries,some salad,many,/,lots of,/,a lot of carrots,much,/,lots of,/,a lot of chicken,some fruit and vegetables,We like fruit very much,.,He doesn,t like milk.,4,复习:,下周是约翰的生日晚宴。,让我们思考一下食物吧。,他喜欢沙拉,但是他不喜欢草莓。,我认为,John,喜欢牛奶,.,你是对的。,那么我们就来点蔬菜和水果吧。,John,s birthday dinner is next week.,Let,s think about the food.,He likes salad, but he doesn,t like strawberries.,I think John likes milk.,You,re right.,Let,s have vegetables and fruit then.,5,7.,听起来不错。,8.,但是,John,喜欢沙拉,并且这是他的生日。,9.,水果怎么样?,(That/It) sounds great/good.,That is a good idea.,But john likes salad, and it,s his birthday.,What about fruit?,6,I,(,有,) a volleyball.,Mary,(喜欢),ice cream.,she,(,喜欢,) watch TV?,Tom,(,有,) two brothers.,His father,(,不喜欢,) bananas.,they,(,有,) a computer?,Amy,(,没有,) a pencil case.,have,likes,Does,like,has,doesnt like,Do,have,doesnt have,根据所给中文,完成下列句子。,7,I,like,chicken for dinner.,一般疑问句:,对划线部分提问:,2.,翻译:他早饭常吃鸡蛋。,一般疑问句,:,对划线部分提问:,Do you like chicken for dinner?,What do you like for dinner?,He often,eat,s,eggs for breakfast.,= For breakfast, he often eats eggs.,Does he often eat eggs for breakfast?,What does he often eat for breakfast?,8,3.,翻译:我的同学常吃红萝卜当午餐。,一般疑问句:,对划线部分提问:,What does your classmate often have for lunch?,My classmate often,ha,s,carrots for lunch.,= For lunch, my classmate often has carrots.,Does your classmate often have carrots for lunch?,9,2024/9/11,10,David,问,Cindy,有关她饮食习惯的事。,早餐你喜欢吃什么?,我真得认为水果是健康的。,那么你喜欢什么水果,/,蔬菜?,他喜欢什么颜色,/,运动,/,食物?,我不喜欢香蕉和面包,但是我喜欢沙拉和草莓。,David ask,s,Cindy about her eating habits.,What do you like for breakfast?,I really think fruit,is,healthy.,So what fruit/ vegetable,s,do you like?,What color,s,/ sport,s,/food,does,he like?,I don,t like bananas,or,bread, but I like salad,and strawberries.,11,7 -,午餐呢?你喜欢吃米饭吗?,-,是的,我真的很喜欢。,8. -,你喜欢晚餐吃鸡肉吗?,-,不,它不健康。我想晚餐吃苹果。它们是健康的食品。,9.,最后一个问题,-,午饭后你吃冰激凌吗?,-,我喜欢冰激凌,但是我不吃它。我不想变胖。,10.,我问她有关英语课的事。,-,What about,lunch? Do you like,rice,?,-Yes, I really like,it,.,-Do you like,chicken,for dinner?,-No,it isn,t,healthy. I like,apples,for dinner.,They,re,healthy food.,One last question,do you eat ice-cream,after dinner,?,- I like,ice-cream, but I don,t eat,it,. I don,t,want to be fat,.,I,ask,her,about,the English class.,12,Unit 6 Revision,一,.,u.n.(,不可数名词),&c.n.,(可数名词,),1,、可数名词:是,可以计数,的名词。,*,有复数形式,(,一个以上),。,e.g. hamburgers tomatoes French fries oranges bananas strawberries apples carrots pears eggs vegetables noodles,2,、不可数名词:是,不可以计数,的名词。,*,没有复数形式,。,e.g. broccoli water tea milk bread rice meat,3,、可数,/,不可数名词:有时是可数名词,有时是不可数名词。,e.g. ice cream chicken salad food fruit,13,二、句型:,1,、,一般疑问句:,1,Do you like strawberries,?,Yes,,,I do./No,I don,t.,2,Do they/Tom and Helen,like broccoli?,Yes,they do./No,they don,t.,3,Does she/he/Lucy/Bob/your mother,like potato,es,?(,三单,),Yes, she/he does. No,she/he doesn,t.,4,肯定句变一般疑问句。(,*助动词,do/does,提前,),e.g.They like tomatoes.-,Do,they like tomatoes?,(助动词,do,提前),14,My brother like,s,French fries.-,Does,your brother,like,French fries?,(,助动词,does,提前,),2,They/We/You like bananas,but they/we/you,don,t,like pears.,2,、肯定句、否定句,1,I like hamburgers,but I,don,t,like ice cream.,3,She/He/Lucy/Mr. Lee like,s,meat,but she/he,doesn,t,like chicken.,4,肯定句变否定句,(,助动词,do/does+not,置于动词前,),e.g. Paul and Lucy _ _(not like) rice.,don,t like,Her cousin _ _(not eat) carrots.,doesn,t eat,Bob _ _(not play) soccer every day.,doesn,t play,15,Exercise,根据句意选择正确的词语填空,:,1. The _ ( child , children ) are in the room .2. Do they _ ( likes , like ) hamburgers ?3. Would you like some _ ( milk , milks ) for breakfast ? 4.,“,Do you like salad ?,”,“,Yes , I _ ( do , like ) .,”,5. My mother doesn,t have _ ( a lunch , lunch ) at home .6. Mike doesn,t like _ ( bananas , banana ) .,7.,8.,He _ ( eat ) lots of healthy food every day .,children,like,milk,do,lunch,bananas,There _ ( be ) some chicken on the table .,is,eats,16,1.,_ your parents _bananas,?,A. Do, like B. Does, like,C. Do, likes D. Does, likes,2.,He likes to _ some bread and a cup of milk for breakfast.,A. eat B. drink C. have D. eating,3. -Do you like salad? - Yes, they like _very much.,A. it B. them C. its D. their,4.Let,s _ some oranges.,eat B. drink C. to eat D. to drink,5. Let,s _ about the food for dinner.,A. eat B. have C. think D. like,17,Paul and Lucy _ _(not like) rice.,don,t like,Her cousin _ _(not eat) carrots.,doesn,t eat,Bob _ _(not play) soccer every day.,doesn,t play,翻译: 我喜欢黄色、红色、和紫色。,对划线部分提问:,他喜欢黑色。,对划线部分提问:,他们喜欢篮球。,对划线部分提问 :,I like,yellow,,,red, and purple,.,What colors do you like?,He likes,black,.,What color does he like?,They like,basketball,.,What sports do they like?,18,2024/9/11,19,


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