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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,shopping,Definition,Reasons,Some tips,Personal reasons,Other reasons,How to shop better,Shopping and environment,The song,Shopping in America (a listening material),reading,t,shopping,the examining of goods or services from retailers with the intent to purchase at that time.,an activity of selection or purchase. In some contexts it is considered a leisure activity,.,What do you want to buy?,History of shopping,Shopping in ancient times,Shopping can be traced back to many civilisations in history. In ancient Rome, there was Trajan,s,(图拉真),Market with that served as retailing,(,零售业,),units. Shopping lists,were,used,then,by Romans as one was discovered,on,Hadrian,s,(哈德里安,),wall,which was,dated back to 75-125 AD and written for a soldier,.,Shopping in modern times,weekly market,Customers would be served by the shopkeeper,supermarket,Customers have to select goods all by themselves,home shopping,Customers select goods via the internet or TV,New types,Online shopping,Phrases about shopping,Shopping mall,Shopping center,Shopping bag,Shopping list,Shopping spree,疯狂购物,Shopping arcade,商场,Shopping guide,导购,Shopping basket,Shopping district,Shopping street,Personal reasons,to look beautiful,To release the pressure,To avoid loneliness,To keep pace with society,Why do we shop?,Why do we shop?,Shopping and economy,shopping can enlarge domestic demand,and promote the economic growth,shopping is mainstay industry(,支柱产业,) in some cities,such as West,Thurrock,(,西瑟罗克,),Some famous shopping centers,tips,To avoid crowds, do not Plan your spending. Avoid impulsive buying,shop after work, but on paydays, or just before holidays.,Check the entire store for specials and alternatives.,Remember the Rule of Three:If an item has three different ways it can be used, you will not be wasting your money,Never pay full price,.,tips,Shopping and environment,Reusable bags instead of plastic bags,Buy products that economize on energy,Reuse what you bought to protect environment,Shopping in America,The original text,Reading,From :BBC,NEWS,Author :Katie Prescott,Date :8 April 2010 00:08 UK,Window shopping,The song,Thank,you,!,


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