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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,催证审证和改证,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,第 十 章 催 证、 审证 和 改 证,英文版,主目录,催证审证和改证,一、催证,在信用证方式下,买方按约定的时间开证是卖方履行合同的前提条件。,在正常情况下,买方信用证最少应在货物装运期前15天(有时规定30天)开到卖方手中。但在实际业务中,买方往往拖延开证,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,因此,卖方在以下几种情况下,应及时催促买方开证:,1、合同规定装运期限较长(如三个月),同时规定买方应在我方装运期前一定期限(如15天)内开证,那么我们应在通知对方预计装运期时,同时催促对方按约定时间开证。,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,2、如果根据我方备货和船舶情况,有可能提前装运时,也可与对方商量,要求其提前开证。,3、买方未在销售合同规定期限内开立信用证,卖方可催促买方开证。经催促后买方仍不开证的,卖方有权向对方要求损害赔偿。,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,4、开证期限未到,但发现客户资信不佳,或市场情况有变,,也可催促对方开证。,催促开证的信函内容如“Sales Contract No.123 Goods are ready. Please rush to open the relevant L/C”。,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,二、审证,收到信用证后,卖方按跟单信用证统一惯例进行审核。其基本原理是,信用证的内容与合同规定相一致。,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,银行审核的内容:,(1)政治性、政策性审核;,(2)资信情况审核;,(3)信用证真伪的审核;,(4)保付文句和限制性条款审核;,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,外贸公司审核的内容:,(1)审核信用证的种类;,(2)审核开证申请人和受益人;,(3)审核信用证的金额及采用的货币;,(4)审核有关货物的记载;,(5)审核到期日和到期地点;,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,(6)审核装运期和有效期;,(7)审核转船和分批装运条款;,(8)审核付款方式;,(9)审核要求提交的单据;,(10)审核信用证上印就的条款和特殊条款;,(信用证常见不符点见,附本,),英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,三、改证,信用证修改有两个原因:,一是受益人的原因。凡不符合我国对 外贸易方针政策,影响合同履行和安 全收汇的情况,我们必须要求国外客 户进行修改;,二是开证申请人的原因,因为情况的变化迫使开证申请人认为有必要修改信用证条款。,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,1、信用证修改的程序,(1)开证申请人向信用证的开证行申请修改信用证。(见,式样9-1)。,(2)开证行审核同意后,向信用证原通知行发出信用证修改书(见,式样9-2,),修改一经发出就不能撤销。,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,(3)通知行收到后,验核修改书的表面真实性并将其转达给受益人。,(4)修改书的通知程序和信用证的通知程序大致相同,修改通知书(见,式样9-3,)应作如下指示:“请书面回复我行可否接受本次修改 以 便 答复开证行。”信 用证项,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,下修改,受益人如不接受应尽快通知并将修改书正本退回通知行,以便将受益人意见转告开证行。,(5)受益人同意接受后,则信用证项下修改正式生效。如受益人拒绝接受修改,将修改通知书退回通知行,并附表示拒绝接受,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,修改的文件,则此项修改不能成立,视为无效。受益人对修改拒绝或接受的表态,可推迟至交单时。,英文版,上一页,催证审证和改证,Chapter 10 Urging,、,examining and amending an L/C,Chinese,List,催证审证和改证,Urging the customer into establishing an L/C:,When a contract is concluded, the buyer is usually under the obligation to establish an L/C with his bank within the time limit stipulated in the sales contract. Especially for bulk sale or the commodities produced according to buyers request, it is very important for the buyer to open the L/C in time; otherwise, the seller cant arrange the production and commodities.,Normally, the buyers L/C should reach the seller 15 days (or 30 days) before shipment. But in practice, foreign customers always delay opening the L/C when the market condition changes or the shortage of fund arises. So we should always keep an eye on it.,Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,To promote the business, we should urge the other side to open the L/C under the following conditions:,1、the contract stipulates a relatively long shipment(as for 3 months), and the buyer should open the L/C several days before the shipment(as for 15 days). Then we should inform buyer the estimated shipment and urge him into opening the relative L/C on time.,Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,2、if we can advance the shipment, we may negotiate with the buyer and request advancing opening the L/C.,3、if the buyer fails to open the relative L/C on time , the seller owns the right to claim compensation for damages.,Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,4、although it is not the deadline, but if we find that the customers credit is not fine or the market condition is changing, we also may urge the buyer into opening the L/C.,“Sales Contract No.123 Goods are ready. Please rush to open the relevant L/C”。,Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,Examining the L/C:,After receiving the buyers L/C, the seller should examine and verify it in contrast with the contract according to the UCP. The basic principle of L/C examining is that the content of L/C must be consistent with the contract.,But in practice many foreign L/C are not totally in accordance with contracts. Reasons are various. For example, some countries and areas always have special regulations in practice, some foreign customers are not familiar with our policies, some foreign customers or opening banks make mistakes, or some foreign customers deliberately add some unreasonable clauses in the L/C, and so on. So we must seriously examine and verify those foreign L/C.,Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,Main content of banks verification,:,(1)Verify the L/C on politics and policy ;,(2)Verify the L/C on liability;,(3)Verify the L/C on authenticity ;,(4)Verify the L/C on the words that guarantee payment and restricted clause,;,Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,Main content of companys verification,:,(1)Verify the L/C on the variety of L/C;,(2)Verify the L/C on the applicant and beneficiary ;,(3)Verify the L/C on the amount and currency ;,(4)Verify the L/C on the record of commodity ;,(5)verify the L/C on the date and place of expiration,;,Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,(6)Verify the L/C on the time of shipment and validity ;,(7)Verify the L/C on the clause of transshipment and partial shipment ;,(8)Verify the L/C on the terms of payment;,(9) Verify the L/C on the required documents ;,(10)Verify the L/C on the printed clauses and special clauses ;,(The usual difference see,Enclosure,),Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,Amending the L/C:,Two reasons result in the amendment of an L/C.,One is for the beneficiary. Generally for those that are not in accordance with our foreign trade policies, or influence the performance of contract and the security of payment, we must ask customers to amend the L/C through opening bank.,The other reason is for the applicant. The applicant may be forced to change some clauses of L/C because of the changing situation.,Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,1、,Procedures of modification,The modification ought to be applied by the applicant, and takes effect after the agreement of the opening bank and the beneficiary.,(1)the applicant submit the application of amendment to the opening bank, 。(see form9-1),(2)the opening bank sends modification to the original notifying bank after examining the application, and this modification is irrevocable.(see form 9-2),Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,(3)After receiving the modification, the notifying bank examines its surface authenticity and transmit it to the beneficiary.,(4)The notifying procedure of modification is similar to that of the L/C. The notification should indicate: “please write back to our bank whether the modification is accepted ”. If the beneficiary doesnt accept the modification, he ought to return it to the notifying bank as soon as possible, so that the notifying bank can pass on the information to the opening bank. (see form 9-3),Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,(,5)The modification comes into effect after the beneficiary accepts it. If the beneficiary rejects it and returns it to the notifying bank with documents showing his rejection, the modification is invalid.,The beneficiarys acceptance or rejection of the modification will result in postponing submission of documents.,Chinese,Back,催证审证和改证,


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